Perfidious Pole
Please respawn me.
Nope. I wanted to play dorf because they blow shit up.Everyone wants to play d0rfs cuz they have the lowest casualty rate and highest kill rates
Klaatu barada... necktie?
The Deceiver
Saturday January 10, Angurvadal Glacier, the Cloudspine
Goddamn journeymen... I wish they just turned into something else.
We have to find Deceiver before Soulblighta gets to him. We know that deciever is guarded by his loyal fire-ball shooting warlocks so, in true Myth manner, game gave us only fucking berserkers. At least Zbój Łamignat is with us.
And speaking of fireball shooting warlocks...
This douchebag seems to be locked on us so we have to sacrifice one berserker to get through him.
Well, stuff my anus with bacteria and call me a Wight, he survived!
Git some!
Now we have to keep moving unless we want to get caught by soulblighter's army.
Warlocks are following us but we can outrun them.
Two more in front of us. We have to go through them so someone will die.
SPLAT! (that was Zbój Łamignat)
But three of our berserkers survived and now they have to keep running because those two dicks are still following us.
... This will suck.
No time for witty shit, just run!
But two berserkers managed to get through!
Ok, one.
Those warlocks guard Deceiver and they won't move... unless something gets their attention.
Rudnir fall back a little and after a while Soulblighter's army arrived and warlocks have bigger problems than one half-dead berserker. This is our chance!
And that's it. Very short mission, you can do it without any casualties by mneuvering carefully or by waiting for warlocks to fight Soulblighter army but I decied to do it like I always do - JUST RUN!
27 by Soulblighter's army, though.31 dead Warlocks, oh wow.
Me too.For some reason, I'm laughing my arse off each time I see that TROLOLO... with the ghols
Walls of Muirthemne
Thursday February 26, Outer walls of Muirthemne
This is one hell of a sweet-ass mission. Trows are on our side here and we have something even more awesome...
Dwarven mortar heroes. Those guys are Balin on drugs, they can shoot further than normal dwarfs and they shoot in straight line. And, of course, mortar fire never fails.
Our task is to breach outer walls of Muirthemne, we are under fire from long-range cannons but fortunately we have somechest-high wallscover.
Enemy spotted! Trows will fall back and let mortars do their thing.
Trows got hit by Muirthemne cannon but no fucks were given.
More Myrkridia coming but I think we got this.
One dorf got wounded but Myrkridia are dead and we can continue
More monkeys coming!
Ok, now let's take cover because Trows got hit by cannon again.
More monkeys, and I don't feel comfortable fighting here.
But commence splatting anyway!
DICKS! dorf got killed by Muirthemne cannon. They supposed to target Trows goddamit!
But such is life, sometimes you SPLAT! and sometimes you get SPLATTED!
After waiting a while we heard BOOM! so it means cannon already fired and we can continue our amazing journey.
Oh crap, I didn't know they can shoot that fast. Fortunately Muirthemne cannon hit Myrkridia.
We need to quickly commence some splatting and then take cover ASAP.
Fuck, that was close.
More monkeys coming from different direction but fortunately our dorfs can lob cannon-balls above their cover.
That's a whole goddamn army.
Myrkridia won't have much problems killing Trow if they gang-up on him so we have to reduce their numbers with mortars.
That's best we could do. Now general kick-fest begins.
And we almost lost a Trow.
We are near our target, unfortunately there is no cover here. Muirthemne cannon tend to target Trows (because of their size) so we will spread them around and let dorf aggro Myrkridia.
Well, fuck you too game.
Some Fetch are coming and we don't have much time, we need to get to the walls.
Now we will just charge remaning Fetch. Trows have tons of hitpoints.
Protect the dorfs!
We are too close for cannons to shoot at us so we can take our time finding weak spot in outer walls.
Well, we have to clean-up a bit first.
This looks like weak-spot if I ever saw one...
Let's assplode it.
Fetch, army of Myrkridia and we know that there is Shade in Muirthemne.
And there is Herod.
For some reason he decided to fall back after we deal with first wave of defenders.
Hi, we are looking for a shade, ancient guy...
We plonked Myrkridia with one cannon-ball to start some infighting.
And then shoot Herod once, for shits and giggles because cannon-balls don't do much to Shades.
Don't seem they will retreat this time. We have one petrified Trow so he's fucked.
Now it's time to deal with Herod. We will put one Trow in front to catch Dispersal Dream for the team.
It won't kill him, he's too cool for that.
Awww yisss, now kick Fetch!
Oh shit, dispersal dream gems just went off!
Awesome!... what? you agreed to fight Soulblighter for one year so get fucking used to dying!
Now paratroopers can land here and capture this place... for some mysterious reason.
Storyfag dear lad, please stop fucking blocking all the scripts. It fucks up with your ability to view threads at work.Dorf mortars + Trow =Walls of Muirthemne
Thursday February 26, Outer walls of Muirthemne
DraQ dear lad, please stop fucking quoting entire updates. It fucks up with my ability to view threads at work.