Monday December 22, Thyrmir's Gorge, The Stair of Grief
We need to keep Thyrmir's Gorge long enough for Twelve Motioned Jewel to dig out Deceiver's scepter because he is the only guy in Legion who have a shovel... or something, I don't know. What I do know is that mission is sweet, I used to love it but I never played it on Legendary, so I can screw it like I screwed Through the Ermine.
DraQ reported that he finished setting his satchel charges...
To very important berserker authority that won't steal all your kills.
Our casualties are over the fucking roof so we had to draw recruits from most inane village of Gower. Dog that Hovers, SmarterCheetah, Darth that Roxors and Fag of Stories joined us in our glorious defense of Stair of Grief.
Myth games don't like to give you too much informations so without playing this mission already you will have no fucking idea what to do. Red arrow show direction from which enemy will come. 1st green arrow show where we have to retreat and where Twelve Motioned Jewel is. 2nd green arrow show where dead end (and, for some reason, most of our satchel charges) is.
Thralls are coming. We have to send our dwarfs forward.
They will set small mine field on their way. Those satchel charges are NOT for Thralls so we have make sure we won't set them off.
Perfect, now berserkers will mop up first wave while our dorfs deals with second one.
Now we have to send our berserkers earlier than I would have liked but we need those damn satchel charges.
We need them for this shit.
Mauls are race of nomadic pigs living in Blind Steppes in far north. Soulblighta promised them land if they will help him fight us, and apparently they agreed. Those bastards have tons of hit-points and pack a serious punch, they are slower than Myrkridia but faster than Thralls and dwarfs so they can be serious pain in the ass.
They are also quite resistant to explosion but nowhere near as much as Trows.
Boom plox?
Now berserkers have to charge. Mauls are severly weakened so our 'zerks should win this.
SmarterCheetah was first to fall.
And Dog that Hovers soon followed. Now we must retreat because we used all our satchel charges.
But we will make use of our satchel charges near dead end by sending one dwarf and one bowmen there on a suicide mission.
While rest is falling back.
Enemies will ignore our dead-end ambush unless we get their attention with bowman. Our main force can deal with thralls so we won't, for now.
We have soulless behind us so berserkers have to prepare to dance with them.
Now Mauls are coming and we have to lure them into our trap.
Our 'zerks keep droping but we can't do anything about it.
GLORIOUS! but those two guys are fucked.
We are down to one dwarf and two archers. Also, from our codexerks only Ivar and Roxor survived.
Fortunately we recieved some new troops.
We stopped two waves of Thralls and now we have to fall back.
Some soulless followed us and we have to deal with them before more Mauls arrive.
We've lost two archers while we were playing around with soulles and Mauls are here.
And there is more coming. Fortunately we have two minefields here.
Actually, let's not use it on those guys, they are almost dead anyway.
Berserkers will deal with them.
We recieved more troops, which is good beacuse we are getting a little bit overwhelmed here.
Those guys will guard side-passage.
More Mauls coming and our newafags are busy killing thralls.
We have to use our minefield.
And it didn't killed as many as I hoped.
Our berserkers will have to mop up.
Ivar and Roxor died while we were dealing with Maul left-overs. Now we have to retreat even further.
Those Mauls tried to sneak through different way but we got their attention with archer.
Run or you will go boom!
Unfortunately our master-baiter got killed by Mauls.
We quickly relocated near another minefield.
Ah crap, that was a waste.
Now we have to hope our berserkers will be able to deal with remaining Mauls.
Soulles, that's bad because we have only two archers left.
Fucking finally!