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Completed Let's play the Yellow Peril in Call of War !


Aug 24, 2011
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Aug 24, 2011

Day 1 - Preparation

This was - oh - not so long ago, an era rarely taught about in history book. Back then, the world was not divided in small countries and large countries - oh no. It was divided in 100 countries each of perfectly similar size, each of them with exactly 4 cities, plus a bunch of countries that were smaller. For instance, India was divided in 3 medium-sized countries : South India, North India and British Odesha - and a bunch of smaller countries

Those 100 countries had leaders with funny names, for instance "Shah Nightmare King of Iran" or "Governor -- Donomite -- of Belgian Congo", though the smaller countries had leaders with normal names.

Each of those 100 countries had fairly similar armies : 15 divisions of infantry, 2 divisions of armored cars, 2 divisions of AA and 1 fighter wing. Given the lack of capacity of the fighter wings, the existence of 2 divisions of AA by country did not make much sense, but such was the time.

It was in this World that Daila Lama Chimere of Tibet decided he would unite the world so resources would stop to be invested in weapons.

The Daila Lama had an immediate disappointment : one of his division of armored cars ["AC"] had been misplaced so unlike everyone else he would have only one [it looks like a minor bug, it is the fist time I have only 1 AC in the 100 players map]. Not that armored cars would do any good in the mountaineous tibet.

The Daila Lama immediately launched research : infantry and militia first, then artillery and armored cars. Si vis pacem, para bellum.

The Daila Lama had a belated second disappointment : the natural resources of Tibet were not optimal : there was only
- one province (Chetang) producing a bit of oil (some countries have 2),
- two provinces producing food, one with double production - some countries produced more, and none less,
- two provinces (Lashung, Shigatze) producing rare materials (a bit better than average since some countries have only one)
- three provinces producing supplies, one with double production like almost all other counties,
- four provinces producing steels, better than average but they would be extremely expensive to develop,

The Daila Lama decided to sell a lot of the reserves of his country to buy rare resources, necessary to build industrial capacity in Chetang and Lashung

As for the sizeable force, the Daila Lama decided to concentrate them on the border of North India, as scouts had seen that North India had started marching toward Kashmir - a tiny neighbour whose leader did not have a funny name.

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Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Blake & Mortimer?
From the first or second volume. (not in the picture: the usual walls of text; I had re read a few of them lately and I had forgotten how much text there was on each page)

Though the choice of that particular story arc from the comic totally fit with playing as Tibet
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Dec 31, 2010
Tons of text is not usual for 50s French/Belgian comics. I've been rereading some Buck Danny and Alix lately and it's kinda the same.


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
I'm gonna guess it's from the first volume where Olrik and Co are waiting in ambush under the emergency plane that Blake and Mortimer are supposed to use to escape.


Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Tons of text is not usual for 50s French/Belgian comics. I've been rereading some Buck Danny and Alix lately and it's kinda the same.

True. It's just that I was surprised how I had erased from my memories of the amount of text. Perhaps also reading in the interval comics with less text changed my expectations a little.


Aug 24, 2011
Day 1 - On the move

After several hours of movement, the Tibetan troops were on the North Indian border.

And this was good, because North India had already engaged Kashmir.

At 20H47, the order of assault was given :

The enemy infantry on the way is moving North, and even if it receives a new order it is not enough to stop the Tibetans. The Daila Lama did not really expect my opponent to do anything else than coming back to rescue his cities, and as such left little in defense.

2 hours and half later, without any opposition, the Tibetans troops had isolated the North Indians in Kashmir and were charging toward Delhi, while the enemy seems to be focusing toward finishing off Kashmir.

Happy with his day, the Daila Lama went to sleep...


and received disquieting new at 1:20 in the morning.

Dehli had been taken, true, but Pakistanese forces were in sight in the middle of enemy lines !

Unnoticed in Lhassa, where the news travel slowly, the Pakistanese had attacked their friend North India by surprise one hour after the Tibetans :

The Pakistanese had used right of ways to put units in the middle of the Noth India territories, a particularly traitorous move.

Before returning to sleep, the Daila Lama ordered his armored cars to take a position on Hissar the West of Dehlli, to avoid being surprised by a move cutting his spearhead from Tibet...
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Aug 24, 2011

Day 2 - First bloody exchanges !

The morning briefing was tough for the Daily Lama : a Pakistanese unit of mixed AA Guns - Infantry had engaged and would soon destroy the only unit of Armored Cars the Tibetans had available. It was war.

The first instruction from the Daila Lama was that the Pakistanese would be put in red on the map from now on !

The second instruction was to move all available infantry (12 in total) against the enemy force. In the night, the Tibetan had received new training manuals for combat and they were probably a good 50% fiercer [when a new tech is researched, all units immediately upgrade for free]. The force would move along two columns, the smaller force from the South-East, the stronger from the North-East.

It is there that military specialist determined that the Daila Lama did his first tactical mistake. The Pakistanese army saw an opportunity to defeat the Tibetans in detail, and attacked the Southern force. Instead of holding their position (and get the "defensive bonus"), the Southern force pulled out, but in unfamiliar terrain was caught back.


While the Tibetan force was still roughly as strong as the Pakistanese force, the Daila Lama had missed the opportunity to crush it at 2:1.

In addition to this, the Daila Lama received news that Pakistanese forces had entered Kashmir, giving an access to the West of Tibet where defenses were nominal at best. The Daila Lama had no other choice, he had to find an ally. It would be Persia :

A few hours later, another diplomatic channel opened with Pakistan - full of acrimony and lies.


The Daila Lama castigated the diplomat who accepted to answer to such insults, and without the dignity befit to a representative of the Daila Lama. The last message from Pakistan was left unanswered :

The Southern Pakistanese group was eventually defeated (but 3 Tibetan infantry division perished - 25% of the spearhead) and 8 of the remaining infantry divisions in the South garrisoned Dehli, while the last one went scouting in the West.

In the North, the threat of an attack through Kashmir materialised even before the Tibetan could take defensive position - at around 2PM :

Four Pakistanese infantry divisions - now trained on par with the Tibetan infantry - had appeared in the North and was moving through valleys toward the Tibetan city of Gartok, facing one AA division and one artillery division (which both fight 25% worse in mountains). The three Tibetan infantry divisions in the area were not positionned in a way to intercept the Tibetan, and it would take them hours to reach Gartok through a long detour.

In that gloomy hour though, one silver lining arrived through diplomatic channels :

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Aug 24, 2011

Day 2 - The miracle on the Leh mountain

As the Daila Lama nervously checked the progress of the Pakistanese division through the mountains toward Leh, something happened.

… they stopped.

They stopped almost at range of the Tibetan artillery, which soon was able to fire at them.

And then something even more miraculous happened...

… they retreated. Just on time, as a small force of two further Pakistanese divisions was coming from the West.

The Daila Lama specialists stated there was only possible reason : infantry can see armies at 80 km, but army composition at only 48 - so Pakistan saw an unknown army heading toward them without being able to say if the army was small (as it was) or large. Engaged at distance, Pakistan prefered to pull back and fight another day.

[apologies for writing "infantries"]

As you can see, in the South, the Daila Lama ordered to attack the isolated Pakistanese Armored Car division. That AC was in favorable ground [plains=> +50% in attack & defense] but at 8 vs 1 it would not change much, and then Jaipur could be reached.

Several hours passed. The larger Pakistanese infantry division in the North had disappeared from side, and the Daila Lama ordered to move against the second incoming Pakistanese force, which turned out to be two forces of 4 divisions in total (including one AA division).

In the South, the easy attack against the AC turned out for the worse. A battle that should have been won in two hours [1 round of combat = 1 hour] became a grind, as the Pakistanese reinforced their Armored Cars with one infantry division, then more, then more. Losses on both sides were high, but for the Tibetans especially they were not acceptable [infantry have 4.5 in defense against other infantry... but only 3 in attack, which means every 2 Pakistanese infantry is worth 3 of mine]

Situation at 18H45 :

[and apologies for the horrible froglish of the comment on the image - I wrote these late and did not reread]

In spite of the losses in the South, the tide clearly turned when the Persian entered Pakistan from the West :

The tide had turned !


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Gotta love the 'peaceful' alliance with Persia :lol:

What are the odds of someone doing to you what Persia is doing to Pakistan? IE: peacefully intervene in your conflict?

Also, are there any 'national traits' differentiating the various countries? Or are the differences solely based on starting resources and geography?


Aug 24, 2011
Gotta love the 'peaceful' alliance with Persia :lol:

What are the odds of someone doing to you what Persia is doing to Pakistan? IE: peacefully intervene in your conflict?

Odds are in general fairly high, so in general I do two things :

- I wait a couple hours before attacking anyone, so people start to engage their target of choice (in general neutral countries - like Kashmir - which IMO is a mistake,
- I check the stats of the PLAYERS around me, to see who has good stats and bad stats. Bad stats players I consider they won't attack. I am actually surrounded by people with bad stats (Kill to loss ratio below 0.8) though Persia and Pakistan are slighly above 1 (and I am at 2.3 myself, but here I did several tactical mistakes and I got unlucky with the armored car).

In addition, Tibet is not a very juicy target as it has a LOT of mountains, making any offensive very slow. Sure, I can't defend everything, but you can be sure that you will only be able to conquer half of Tibet before I regroup, and then it will be a stalemate. All my neighbours have better targets at the moment.

In the "100 countries map", there is no difference between countries except geography and resources. There are "historical" maps with very different starting resources, armies and tech level. In theory, there are no "national traits" - in practice medium-sized historical maps are usually over fast enough that whatever starting resources and tech level you have become your "national traits"

Ah, and each country units have the "look" of one of the main WW2 players : US, UK Germany, Japan or Soviet Union.
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Aug 24, 2011

Day 3 - Exploitation

The reports received by the Daila Lama in the morning were mildly positive :

- One of the two armies in the North had been destroyed, and the Tibetan artillery was now pummelling the second one.
- Though the Tibetans had received atrocious losses (5 INF divisions), the Pakistanese had fed a losing battle in the South, and they had themselves lost the same number, and their armored cars.

The total lost were estimated to 11 110 combat casualties for Tibet and 11 712 combat casualties for Pakistan.

Yet, Tibet considered anything below a 2:1 ratio a failure - the 8 infantry divisions lost represented half the forces available at the start of the war and only 4 had been replaced so far - but at least the South of "North India" was mostly depleted of Pakistanese troops and it was time for exploitation.

On the diplomatic front, the Daila Lama was bitter : yes, the Persians had come to the rescue, but (though the Persians were blameless in this) by the time they attacked Pakistan the war had been decided by the Tibetan blood in the East., thus the Persians were moving fast in a territory that was empty of opposition (the Persians lost only 400 men so far in Pakistan, and the Pakistanese lost 600 to Persia.

It felt unfair but Tibet was not in a position to argue : its army was depleted and after all it had indeed called for help. Lest the Persians took everything, the Daila Lama had to propose a generous share agreement : 50/50. A rule of "you get what you take" risked disadvantaging the Tibetans even more, especially since the Persians had claimed having engaged Armored Cars.

While the diplomatic channels activated, the exploitation carried on :

Situation at 17:15

Situation at end day (21:15) :

Meanwhile, the immediate emergency in North India being settled, the Daila Lama took a look at the more general strategic situation :

Of special interest :
- South India was attacking and clearly conquering British Odesha. There would be one rival in the unification of India. The war, according to news report, was costly for both side.
- Kazakshtan had pushed through Turkestan, and was now a new neighbour of Persia. A satisfying situation.
- The Western neighbour of Tibet - Sichuan - was conquering the Norther neighbour - the Ma-Clique. A less satisfying situation.
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Aug 24, 2011

Day 4 [22/03] - Respite

On the morning of the 22nd of March, at 10:30 roughly, the situation was pretty solid, with four points of attention :

In the North West, the North-Indian held city of Srinagar was now under the fire of the Tibetan artillery. Worryingly, the Persian had advanced until Jammu, which was Kashmiri and thus supposed to be taken by Tibet. Now that Pakistan was destroyed, what would the Shah do ?

In the South, the Persians had pushed until the border of the neutral Indian state of Kathiawar. There was little Tibet could do if the Persians decided to carry on pushing this direction. It was thus flagged as high importance to take that one coastal province to cut the way of Persian expansion. "Trust, but make sure" as the Tibetan diplomats stated.

[and by "Iran" I mean "Persia" :) ]

In the South-East, the Tibetans were seizing the last Pakistanese-held city, while the North-Indians garrison, receiving no order, still waited :

Finally, on the Southern border of Tibet, British Odesha had fallen, and South Indian forces were moping up their remaining enemy. There was no a route to attack them here - if needed. Interestingly, the enemy force seems weak, with mostly untrained infantry and some AA :

On the economic front, the Daila Lama was satisfied of the ramp-up, but more production than expected had been allocated to replacing losses, and for that reason the Celestial Empire lacked resources to improve all its interesting provinces. The focus had been on steel, but now the level of production was satisfying - the big shortage was on supply and, to a lower extent, food.

Around 14H15, the Dalai Lama received excellent news :

The Shah was satisfied with the situation on his Eastern borders, and was moving his troops away.

This meant that Kathiawar could wait, the focus would now be South India. Troops regrouped ! The enemy was building an airforce, so there was no time to lose !

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Aug 24, 2011
And now we caught back to, well, now, so I have no more view than you on what will happen.


Aug 24, 2011
What are your current plans for the future (assuming none of your potential enemies can read this)?

1. Unite India,
2. Clean-up the Indochina Peninsula…
3... then the rest of China,
4.... then Eastern Asia,

If I am strong enough and Persia is not doing well (I kind of like his larping) try to go for the solo win,
If I am not strong (and I did NOT have a good start) or Persia is still around AND willing try to go for a coalition win, ideally with Persia.


Aug 24, 2011
Sorry for all the questions, but what are the victory conditions?
- Control 2824 VP alone

(best player is Mexico 104, I am 92 - a normal player starts with 40 so I got the 40 from North India + 12 from Kashmir ^^)


- Control 3877 VP as a coalition of up to 5 players

(strongest coalition is the one with Persia at 313 - it includes Turkey, Algeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Persia - it is one reason I am worried about his stance as I am on his natural path of expansion)

Coalitions are dynamic and can easily change mid-game.


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
strongest coalition is the one with Persia at 313 - it includes Turkey, Algeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Persia - it is one reason I am worried about his stance as I am on his natural path of expansion)
Hum...so Persia is already in a coalition protecting his western flank while you're just the peaceful co-conqueror who did the heavy lifting in his latest war of conquest....yeah, you're probably in trouble.


Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
strongest coalition is the one with Persia at 313 - it includes Turkey, Algeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Persia - it is one reason I am worried about his stance as I am on his natural path of expansion)
Hum...so Persia is already in a coalition protecting his western flank while you're just the peaceful co-conqueror who did the heavy lifting in his latest war of conquest....yeah, you're probably in trouble.

Good luck.

All the large countries are controlled by players? What happens if one goes afk?


Aug 24, 2011
strongest coalition is the one with Persia at 313 - it includes Turkey, Algeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Persia - it is one reason I am worried about his stance as I am on his natural path of expansion)
Hum...so Persia is already in a coalition protecting his western flank while you're just the peaceful co-conqueror who did the heavy lifting in his latest war of conquest....yeah, you're probably in trouble.
Yes, you got that exactly right. That's why I was so relieved when he moved away from my border. My only hope is that for now he focuses on Kazakhstan, and that the war between the two would be bloody. This is unlikely though, as Kazakhstan lost 24K men against AI Turkestan player, so my hope is that Persia does NOT check the news report and realize that Kazakhstan is basically naked, and both build up enough so that the war can be long and bloody.

An unlikely prospect.

strongest coalition is the one with Persia at 313 - it includes Turkey, Algeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Persia - it is one reason I am worried about his stance as I am on his natural path of expansion)
Hum...so Persia is already in a coalition protecting his western flank while you're just the peaceful co-conqueror who did the heavy lifting in his latest war of conquest....yeah, you're probably in trouble.

Good luck.

All the large countries are controlled by players? What happens if one goes afk?

Yes, all large countries are player controlled. If one goes AFK, AI takes over after 2 or 3 days of AFKness. AI is not really great, obviously.

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