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No arcane, alright. What about clerics and druids? Why is the world not revolving around them instead?
Hold on, no mages but druids, clerics and paladins are fine? How so?So no wizards, sorcerers, warlocks, arcane tricksters, etc. I just don't think a setting in which arcane magic exists and isn't heavily regulated won't turn into a mageocracy at the first opportunity. Therefore, I decided to remove the cause instead of fighting the symptom. There are clerics and druids.
It kind of is, at least from the civilization the PCs most often come from. It is a theocracy, but not because they have powerful magic, they don't, but because it's a very strict and traditional society which more or less depends on the churches to survive. The churches don't become too powerful, however, because there are different churches which keep the others in check.No arcane, alright. What about clerics and druids? Why is the world not revolving around them instead?
First of all because I don't allow higher spell circles than 6 and that's ridiculously hard to achieve (character level 19), basically no-one has reached that. Second of all, the very strict dogmas don't allow the divine casters to use their powers for personal gain. They obviously do regardless, just not on as massive a scale as it's required to turn into a tyranny.Hold on, no mages but druids, clerics and paladins are fine? How so?
I bet Durance likes being fistedDurance
They control the source of healing basically. I haven't decided if they control anything else. Other people can try and rebel against this and control that themselves, but the churches have the most well-trained armies, Paladins among them. It is just how this society has constructed itself over time, nothing supernatural is stopping rebellion or coups. We are playing 5E.Why does the world depend on the churches and their traditions? What is it about them that lay authority can't offer?
Also, what edition are you playing?
I find it deliciously ironic the most charismatic of people are off-limits. That is not the only thing which puts the brakes on romantic or sexual relationships, though.Does castrated paladin automatically convert to a tranny? Jk.
Actually I’d gladly see this approach for one of the NPCs. Imagine romancefags butthurt.
Just have a guy with a bodybuilder physique and a vagina and watch the world suddenly catch fire.I would love to see a game where a bunch of faggy romance-bait companions are not romancaeable and the only fuckable character is someone who looks like Durance. The meltdown alone will be worth it.
They control the source of healing basically. I haven't decided if they control anything else. Other people can try and rebel against this and control that themselves, but the churches have the most well-trained armies, Paladins among them. It is just how this society has constructed itself over time, nothing supernatural is stopping rebellion or coups. We are playing 5E
Like I said, it's not because they can cast powerful spells, they can't because I have limited their power. It is a theocracy because it's a traditional society and that's how they've constructed their ideologies over time. Also because of this the churches have trained the best bodyguards/armies to protect their interests. There are other powerful factions, they just aren't the ruling class. And this is just one civilization, there is another one which I haven't fleshed out so well yet. There are also bandit groups etc. And yeah, I changed when the spell circles are gained, I staggered it.So in order to prevent a spellcasting magocracy, you ended up with a spellcasting theocracy? What's the effectual difference between the two?
Also, how come 19 level character only know 5th circle spells? Did you change the way gaining spells works?
I only said it's fascy if they are born with superior genes which allow them to learn this craft. Clerics and Druids also learn their powers.I just can't understand how people achieving magical power through decades of hard work and study is faschist, but some deity giving random assholes similar power so they rule everyone isn't... Like I can understand disliking sorcerers and clerics and such classes where they powers essentially boil down to a gift ..... but Wizards are the literal opposit of anything faschist, unless you consider any learned a man a faschist...
But you've just said the opposite. They control the only source of healing, which placed them on a central role of society. Over time, this lead to them gaining what sounds like a monopoly on violence. How is it different from, say, bloodlines of sorcerers ruling a kingdom - openly or from shadows - thanks to magic only they can do?Like I said, it's not because they can cast powerful spells,
No, there are other armies, militaries, and militias. The difference is the power of a sorcerer is singular and can not be taken away. No one Cleric/Druid in my setting has the power to rule based on magical ability alone. The churches keep each other in check and everyone can take that away from them. Their Paladins can also rebel.But you've just said the opposite. They control the only source of healing, which placed them on a central role of society. Over time, this lead to them gaining what sounds like a monopoly on violence. How is it different from, say, bloodlines of sorcerers ruling a kingdom - openly or from shadows - thanks to magic only they can do?Like I said, it's not because they can cast powerful spells,
Because everyone can control that power, it's just that this society has organized itself like this. Like I said, nothing metaphysical/innate/supernatural is stopping usurpers from taking control. Perhaps a campaign in my setting can revolve around such a rebellion attempt. This would stop the setting from feeling and being too static like in Forgotten Realms/Golarion/most fantasy settings.And how is it different from the power that allowed your clerics to get in power?
There is no arcane magic at all.What's stopping the society organizing itself the same way around arcane magic?