callehe said:
M'Aiq, I'm not saying that TES moderators are doing anything that's wrong; they may do whatever they please, It's their place and I respect that.
Well I don’t mean to totally disagree with you on the reasons why ESF moderator policy is different. I just wanted to
add some other reasons as of why ESF is moderated differently and why it should be moderated differently. :wink:
The problem is only that moronic behaviour is not eradicated through forced dicipline from moderators, a well thought out bash from your peers is much more demotivating to most ppl, morons or not. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm not refering to newbies only when i say morons, this term is applicable to anyone with a uninformed opinion that spews it around; I don't mind people asking questions; but if you state your opinion, of course ppl should be allowed to voice their opposition or concurrence without being told off by some overly sensitive moderator.
Well you can't have these "morons" eradicated on the ESF forums.
(Morons is, imho, too strong a word for them. I would personally say less eloquent/thoughtfull posters. I say this just in case I get quoted on ESF.)For one, Less thoughtfull posters need a place to go in the first place. This way they can be shaped into better forum participants. Ok it might take a little while longer if you're overly friendly, but if you just scare them away they are never going to learn. Second, the less thoughtfull posters have a right to visit these forums. They paid for this game, so they have a right to post AND
enjoy posting on ESF.
Ok the risk of this is that the influx of less thougtfull posters might be to great to handle.We could end up with too great a majority of less Thougtfull posters So yeah I'm not completely sure it will work. ESF might end up with a forum where the blind are leading the blind. But you can't be ambitious without taking risks.
Yes I know there might be truly moronic posters who can't be saved, but it shouldn't go at the expense of less thoughtfull posters who could be saved.
I want to put a nice quote from Red Alert 1 over here.
It's what the head-professor said after they eradicated Hitler from history:
"Sooner or later time will tell... Sooner or later time will tell..."
It's about the concept that you can't really tell whether or not something is a good idea.
You can never see the future.
ah well, many ppl would agree that a foundation for democracy is freedom of speech/freedom of writing or whatever it's called. Here at the codex you are allowed to write just about everything within very wide boundaries, heck you can even link to tubgirl, ffs. And as for survival of the fittest, well you don't actually die when you are flamed on the internet are you? you are allowed to defend yourself to any extent you wish. It's the moronic opinions that really dies here at the codex - they are killed off by superior arguments (contra being cencored by gestapo-moderators).
And if you can't take it, well then you're weak; and when has politics (in the context of democracy) been a matter for weaklings?
I don’t want to say that a democracy isn’t a good description of the RPG-codex, I just think saying that anarchy would be a better description. Well maybe anarchy isn’t a good description either. Enlightened despotism might be more suitable on second thought.
Anyhow it might be true RPG-codex has many of the traits of a democracy: free speech, etc. However free speech doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a democracy. It’s the fundamentals that determine whether it’s a democracy or not. Democracy is power of the majority. Representatives are elected into power. Or referenda are distributed to decide on important issues. I haven’t been that long on the codex, but from what I see nothing like that is going on around here. There are “moderators†on the codex with more power then other forum participants (they can send threads off to retardo land), so it’s not an anarchy. The mods aren’t elected either nor is the “sending off to retardo land†decided in a poll/referenda, so it’s not a (representative) democracy.