Really exciting news about Experience Inc's "Saviors of Sapphire Wings" coming west for the Switch. I believe this is a remake of Students of the Round, one of their more well received crawlers which has never before been localized. Coming bundled with SoSC:R no less, which finally brings the Revisited variant off the Vita.
Fantastic news in its own right. Glad to see this company continuing to find success. Gives me great hope for Yomiwosakuhana to make it over in due time as well!!!
The switch release is less interesting on this board than the Steam release, that's the real great news
Lol fair enough, I mean I did link the Steam version and will probably be picking it up there too (I've got almost 2,000 games on Steam). Love Steam for its forums, guides, reviews, achievements, play tracking, etc. Love the community aspect of it.
That said, sadly the PC market is completely dead for physical releases. I can't be the only collector on this thread, right? Go a few pages back and you can see pictures of my complete collection of Experience Inc games. Honestly with games like this I really care about, a lot of times I'll double-dip.... pick up the digital version to play, avoiding wear & tear on my nice physical Collector's Edition.
Which tells that from 2006 the sales of Starfish SD now belongs to Joyful Table. Now, about Joyful Table, according to the same page, is owned by a board member.同年後期からはスターフィッシュ・エスディのソフト販売がジョイフルテーブルとなっている。
It says that the address the site was giving to Starfish SD's Headquarters is now owned by an animation studio called Alpaca Pictures. And since there is only one room in that address, it's possible there is no Starfish SD there anymore. (The address he is commenting above is the same one you can find on japanese wikipedia page).「スターフィッシュ・エスデイ」の本社住所としているグランビル荻窪3階には現在、「アルパカピクチャーズ」という別会社が入っているようです。また、こちらには不動産情報をみたところ一室しかないため、ほぼ確実にこの住所には「スターフィッシュ・エスデイ」は存在しないかと思われます。
Here he says that the dev changed their address in 2015, which agrees with Alpaca Pictures having that address since 2016. However, since 2019 the new address's room is now vacant.これは杉並区高円寺南4丁目22番2号フジビル4階に移転したためのようです。2015年の法人番号登録時点ではこちらの住所でした。「アルパカピクチャーズ」グランビル荻窪3階に入ったのも2016年のため時期的にも合致します。ただ、こちらも2019年時点ですでに引き払っているようで、現在は空室となっております。
The release of games stopped in 2017, the same for the website, and their Facebook page has stopped updates since 2018.ゲームの発売自体も2017年を最後に止まっており、HPの更新も同時期に停止、Facebookも2018年の更新を最後に停止しております。
He couldn't get any information about whether or not the company is still operating, the new address is different(he couldn't find it), company's representative is different(he commented who used to be, one of them is the owner of the Joyful Table mentioned above), and thinks that it's correct to affirm that the development of games(and smartphone games) are currently not being done(it's dead, jim!)現在会社そのものが存続しているかどうかに関しては私も情報を得られませんでしたが、住所が違う点(現在住所は発見できませんでした)や、代表者が違う点、家庭用ゲーム、スマートフォンゲームの開発は現在行っていないことに関しては明記した方が情報として正しいかと思われます。
And to end it, he said he couldn't find anything that says if the company is even operating.そもそも現在も会社として活動しているのか、存続しているかも個人的には見つけられず仕舞いでした。
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord.Whats the best first wizardry / wizardry like game? I did like the save only at inns aspect of mm1 so one like that would probably be preferred.
Either Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord or Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom.
Wizardry I is short but very tightly designed with a great dungeon to explore and excellent pacing.
Wizardry V is much longer and adds a lot of worthy stuff to the formula, such as adventure game style puzzles, NPC interaction, the concept of range in combat, and stuff for your thief to do other than disarm traps.
I would recommend the PC version, as that's what I played (set DOSBOX video to CGA to get the correct color palette). Where Are We works fine with it if you want an automap. If you do play this version, you may want to backup your save files unless you want to play it "as intended" with permadeath.
You could also emulate the PSX version, which is a good port of the original game with nothing removed. It's a Japanese game but can be set to English, has an automap, and you can even switch between classic and modern graphics.
It looks better for sure but is not a straight port of the original PC versions. I personally prefer the PSX version for being a very accurate port of the PC versions. If you are just playing Wizardry 1 maybe it won't matter so much, but the SNES games are also out of order for some reason.
I personally think the PSX versions are the best, but I don't think it actually matters that much.Gamezor
I would recommend the PC version, as that's what I played (set DOSBOX video to CGA to get the correct color palette). Where Are We works fine with it if you want an automap. If you do play this version, you may want to backup your save files unless you want to play it "as intended" with permadeath.
You could also emulate the PSX version, which is a good port of the original game with nothing removed. It's a Japanese game but can be set to English, has an automap, and you can even switch between classic and modern graphics.
It would be kind of nice to play on a handheld and I have already resigned myself to auto map. I just know I won’t finish without it. Is psx preferred over snes version?