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usually items with -1 are cursed.Does anyone know what's the deal with "-1" (de?) enhanced items in Wizardry Empire? They seem weaker than their normal counterparts but somehow they're expensive
Five OrdealsIs there anything new that's good, with great combat and/or puzzles?
Just found out about Wizardry Baseball
Any of you play Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land for Playstation 2? I thought it was pretty good for what it was. I remember getting my cheeks spread after getting ambushed by 20 spiders which proceeded to run train on my whole group at once with a rush attack. It was fair, ambushes weren't random, you had to let an enemy make contact with your back, or fall on top of you, so you goofed bigly if you let it happen. Some of the strategic elements they added to the combat with team actions were pretty interesting.
Any of you play Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land for Playstation 2? I thought it was pretty good for what it was. I remember getting my cheeks spread after getting ambushed by 20 spiders which proceeded to run train on my whole group at once with a rush attack. It was fair, ambushes weren't random, you had to let an enemy make contact with your back, or fall on top of you, so you goofed bigly if you let it happen. Some of the strategic elements they added to the combat with team actions were pretty interesting.
Lots of good things about that game, but the combat with animation is slow; I also don't really see the point of the randomised dungeons. Apparently Busin0 is a better game with the same engine, but it was never translated.
Any of you play Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land for Playstation 2? I thought it was pretty good for what it was. I remember getting my cheeks spread after getting ambushed by 20 spiders which proceeded to run train on my whole group at once with a rush attack. It was fair, ambushes weren't random, you had to let an enemy make contact with your back, or fall on top of you, so you goofed bigly if you let it happen. Some of the strategic elements they added to the combat with team actions were pretty interesting.
Lots of good things about that game, but the combat with animation is slow; I also don't really see the point of the randomised dungeons. Apparently Busin0 is a better game with the same engine, but it was never translated.
Only specific floors were randomized. What set it apart for me was the allied actions system that gave it more depth to the combat, and the game actually made you use this stuff. Does Busin0 have the same type of combat mechanics?
It's one of the reasons why I couldn't bring myself to even bother trying a game like Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls, because it doesn't have the allied actions system, or anything like it. Just standard rudimentary dungeon crawler with nothing that sets it apart. Even Stranger of Sword City had some unique mechanics to set it apart.
Yes it still has allied actions, and also an even more advanced class progression with a third tier of classes that can be promoted to.
Yes it still has allied actions, and also an even more advanced class progression with a third tier of classes that can be promoted to.
I'll play it if a translation patch ever releases, I'm not holding my breath on it though.
I took a look at the tier 3 classes, and there's no tier 3 mage class? Nothing that can cast level 7 in Wizard and Priest? Bishop could cast all spell levels in Forsaken Land.
I beat it today.Any of you play Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land for Playstation 2? I thought it was pretty good for what it was. I remember getting my cheeks spread after getting ambushed by 20 spiders which proceeded to run train on my whole group at once with a rush attack. It was fair, ambushes weren't random, you had to let an enemy make contact with your back, or fall on top of you, so you goofed bigly if you let it happen. Some of the strategic elements they added to the combat with team actions were pretty interesting.
They saved level 7 Mage and Priest spells for Mages and Priests respectively, so that there is an incentive to retain characters of those classes. I suppose that is similar to Elminage having damage / healing scaling that is the best with the basic classes.
They saved level 7 Mage and Priest spells for Mages and Priests respectively, so that there is an incentive to retain characters of those classes. I suppose that is similar to Elminage having damage / healing scaling that is the best with the basic classes.
In Forsaken Land, Bishop could cast all spell levels, but Wizard and Priest had more spell levels in their type, and more higher level spells at lower levels, so that was the balance.
Is the dual cast allied action still in busin0, where 2 mages power up 1 spell cast? Because I rarely ever used top level spells like megadeath, because dual cast jateal often did the job. If it's the same in Busin0, then not having top level spells on your bishop probably isn't that big of a deal, anyway. I had shurikens on my mages, so they'd participate in defensive allied actions that needed projectiles, and anything too strong for a dual cast jateal to rip was likely also too strong for a dual cast megadeath to rip, or your ninjas/samurai could have taken them out without you using a spell, so mages were put in a defensive AA. If something was small enough to show up in groups of 6 or 8, dual cast jateal had them covered, big baddies that showed up in groups of 1 or 2 likely had enough HP to even survive megadeath, or something else like ninja attack AA would have worked better, the rare situation where megadeath was justified was far fewer than I had top level spell amounts.
My game: https://magicscreen-games.itch.io/masters-of-the-unknown-worlds-demoIs there anything new that's good, with great combat and/or puzzles?