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Dec 22, 2017
Hey friends, I got my start on MMOs back in the day via MPOGD.com browsing the A-Z lists of every interesting genre on the daily. Stuff I've played over the years:
Dransik/Ashen Empires
Legends/Dark Ages
Ragnarok Online
R.O.S.E Online
Sword of the New World
Grand Fantasia
Dragon's Nest
El Kardian
Redmoon Online

Hopefully some of those jog people's memories of some good times. I'm kind of tired of the modern MMOs like FF14, WoW, Guild wars 2 etc. They don't really do anything for me or give any real sense of exploration. Part of the fun of MMOs for me has always been exploring an interesting world that differs from the rest, or some cool mechanics within each game. I'll give some examples

In Helbreath the magic system relied on training up skills through continual use rather than skill trainers, Dransik was similar I believe in that using a given weapon would raise your skill with that weapon, while magic was kind of like runescape where you'd combine catalyst items in order to make a given spell. El Kardian, which is incredibly old now, had a stance switching system to favor faster or stronger attacks etc. While Mabinogi had that familiar raising minigame that could create equipment if I remember right, reminded me of raising MAGs in PSO. Dark Ages was particularly interesting in that there was a heavy focus on roleplay in the game world, and player characters were differentiated from NPCs in the game lore as 'Aislings' or 'Mundanes' who had to follow routines while you were free to make choices. At the time everyone had to speak in character, while town guards who were players would sort of enforce the rules. I've since revisited that one and the world is very much empty, very sad going back to a dead world.

Anyway, I'd like to check out some games old or new that kind of capture some of the spirit of their predecessors, if you have any good suggestions, or just want to talk about some old games, I'm all ears.
Mar 3, 2018
I'd say take a look at Project Gorgon or Dungeons and Dragons Online sometime. Both are fairly niche at this point but still have a helpful community. I'm not the biggest MMO fan so I'm not sure how similar they are to the games you've listed but, they differ enough from modern themepark MMOs to be worth mentioning I think.


Dec 22, 2017
I'd say take a look at Project Gorgon or Dungeons and Dragons Online sometime. Both are fairly niche at this point but still have a helpful community. I'm not the biggest MMO fan so I'm not sure how similar they are to the games you've listed but, they differ enough from modern themepark MMOs to be worth mentioning I think.

Hmmm, I remember trying Dungeons and dragons online some years ago, I remember it being fairly empty and generic, but perhaps it gets better later on? given how old it is I doubt there is much of a playerbase. I had never heard of Project Gorgon, it looks kinda neat from some of the gameplay videos I checked out, seems to have some of the proficiency leveling I mentioned, though it's not super aesthetically pleasing. I may look into it more


Feb 26, 2016
If you enjoyed Ragnarok Online, you have Tree of Savior, from the same guy.

If you don’t mind paying, might want to go Final Fantasy 14 a go…

It’s on sale at steam right now I believe.


Dec 22, 2017
If you enjoyed Ragnarok Online, you have Tree of Savior, from the same guy.

If you don’t mind paying, might want to go Final Fantasy 14 a go…

It’s on sale at steam right now I believe.
I've been meaning to try Tree of Savior, I heard it had a messy launch but I'd like to give it a proper go. FF14 I have played up until around level 55, the base story is dreadfully dull and everyone says it gets better with the expansions, but I haven't managed to push through to that point yet. The final story dungeon I did for ARR everyone just legit ran and dragged the whole instance around all the way to the end and AoEd it down. I haven't really seen a lot of gameplay I've liked in my time playing. It sucks because I've always heard FF11 was great and especially difficult from a friend when we were younger, but I didn't have the hardware to play it then, and it seems largely dead now.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016

I guess fantasy motorcycles now. I mean, sure Dark Crystal had them so.... uh .....

yeah..... :/

Jack Of Owls

May 23, 2014
Someone in shoutbox today suggested Wurm Online. Looks intriguing with base building and shaping the environments and you can do weird shit if the mood so takes you like walk around like a queen with both your fists up two fish.


"She wants me to fist a fish?! I can barely say it, much less do it!" Xena Warrior Princess

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