Lambchop19, while we may have little to go on, I am pretty confident that Madame Nie and the Douchebag Crew have no idea that Shun is here: why go through this whole charade in the first place then? They certainly have ulterior motives, and given that we got a bad vibe from the Xuanyuan Sword, I am fairly sure that these two things are somewhat connected. You have an anti-government organization like Luoying Manor that has somehow managed to acquire the Xuanyuan Sword, and now Nie Wuxing is rallying support on the basis that he wants to acquire it
for the Emperor? There is something strange about this and I can't help but feel that there is an element of collusion with Lady Ji's "sister" here as well. And we haven't even seen Lady Ji herself thus far.
Oh, and how the hell did Nie Wuxing know so much about us?
“You were raised as the prince’s right-hand man, were you not? It is a pity you did not come to Huashan when you were sent away; we could have raised you to greater heights,” smiles Nie. “Your recent actions in Youxia were also… interesting, to say the least. So, what do you say? Will you join me in serving the Emperor’s cause tomorrow? I know you have influence over a few others… your assistance will serve to make tomorrow’s conference merely a formality.”
I guess she could have learned such a thing from the Zhang Clan, but another source could have been Luoying Manor. Side note: Fuck this guy for suggesting he could have raised us to greater heights than Lord Zhang has.
oh, and from treave's disclaimer, A sounds like quite a few of the other sword holders might have to go somewhere else after the conference and leave us to be ganged up on by Nie and his cronies.
This is a fair point:
A. You argue that this is a gesture from the wielders of the Great Swords, and so it is only fair and right that all of them make the trip to Chang’an to present the sword together. You are aware that not everyone might be able to make the trip, but those who can, should. With such a large group of people – plus everyone waiting for you back on the mainland – it would be near impossible for Nie’s people to pull off anything.
Out of our allies, Song Lingshu will definitely go because she's stuck with us. Murong Yandi is a question mark because he goes wherever his eccentric, wandering Master goes. Guo Fu might stick it out with us out of a sense of loyalty because we returned the Qixing Longyuan Sword to Wudang, but he might have further business at Wudang after the Conference. Of those two, I think Guo Fu is most likely to remain, but nothing here is really certain.
Speaking of Guo Fu, C is an intriguing way of cockblocking Nie Wuxing, but he is just too stupid to see all the political plots that are surely going to be unraveling around him if he is escorting the Sword. It's a dangerous mission for someone like him, and it seems like it will at best postpone whatever counter-measure Nie Wuxing has planned, at worst, lead to our buddy getting killed because we put him in the crosshairs.
On that note, I guess I'll go with
B. There is still some time before Wuxing reaches Chang'an, and since we are in need of information, we should let him have his victory for now.