Ehm, assembling Vajra before consulting Sehk how to best go about it is going to end in tears - remember that Master's transcript saying Instructions have been given for the priority of its retrieval.? Ean can hide himself, but the assembled artefact is going to be like a homing beacon... Also, Naram and Shulgi are probably somewhere close and about to throw a few roadblocks at random moments... Just crossed my mind.
Naram and Shulgi have been "somewhere close" for the past few dozen updates.
Great catch on the fact that Vajra could be a tracker of some sort. Our own Anbar-Shi was based off of it, so Sek would be the right person to ask. If this all works out in the end, I'm hoping that we can find a way to either disable its tracking properties or at least to destroy it so that we can deny our enemies its power/deny the Masters a gateway back into Earth. It really does seem like a white elephant.
Baltika9, can we at least not try to fuck things up horribly or go full-retard DEVOUR SOUL!!! on this one? I believe that the recent events of root's LP have shown us the dangers of full-retard. Khorne is the most boring of the Chaos Gods, I'd hate to play as him. It sounds a lot cooler than it actually is, choices would mostly amount to:
Tzeentch would be awesome, but sadly, Shulgi's got that covered.
Here's what I think are the most reasonable choices:
CA1: I'm basing this on the fact that we're going to be unleashing our hunger on Shamash anyways, so we won't have to feed along the way. This means we'll have plenty of time to get in there and kill Marduk's most trusted lieutenant and stir shit up before he's able to pull out his trump card. It will postpone things enough so that Ares gets here to fight Marduk.
However, this has its share of problems. It'll tilt the odds in favour of the Olympians. Zeus with a fully assembled Vajra is every bit as dangerous to us/Humanity that a powered-up Marduk would be. That's why we'd be sending Iltani back to Babylon with her piece.
The goal of this choice wouldn't be a win against both Zeus and Marduk, it would be a draw. If we can make it back home with a dead Marduk, a living Edem, and perhaps a second piece of Vajra, that would be perfect. If the Olympians come after us again in Babylon, we're going to be ready for them now that Marduk has cut them down to size for us. They're going to be in no position to conduct another war after this one.
AB2: Nothing you say is going to convince her, so forget it. If she was willing to follow us to Egypt and then Greece, she's going to follow us here. If there weren't so much at stake, her loyalty to Ean would be cute. Iltani knows how to keep her man.
We can't afford to waste a single second on this - we have to show up right as Marduk is about to devour Zeus, while neither of them are aware of us, to take both of their pieces of Vajra. If we show up a minute too late, we're fucked. If our little lover's quarrel is interrupted by Ares while Marduk is up there, we're fucked. I don't want to see her hurt if it can be avoided, but we can't spare the time to chit-chat right now.