A 13
B 5
Big choices coming up. The votes for each category will be counted separately.
Chapter 2.1: King
The king crumples to the ground as you draw your sword from his body.
I guess you're top dog now, buddy.
We should be having a looooot of fun on the seat of power...
The Akkadian Empire is in a state of shambles. The city of Akkad itself has been devastated by the flood. Your new ministers tell you that you'll be needing to bring in crops from the other city-states for years to come. Your once great army is scattered; your murder of King Sargon in full view of the soldiers was not greeted with joy by all. Clearly their adulation of you did not extend to the point of regicide. Many of them still remain, but more than half of the surviving soldiers have run back to their homes, deserting your service. Shulgi's cultists are still roaming around the empire, preaching of their god's return. You had searched for his body immediately after the flood waters have receded, but luck did not smile on you then. In far off Egypt, news have come of the Pharaoh regaining his throne. He does not have a good disposition towards the Empire at this moment, and may prove to be a threat. You do not know if the black, tendriled monsters that the voices warned you about are still around in Egypt and Sumer; they form yet another danger to your reign.
There are many decisions to be made to set the direction of your kingdom, and you are to be responsible for all of them.
The year is 2300 B.C.
1. Military
A. You institute a mandatory draft of all able-bodied men of age in Akkad. The farms have been ruined and they have little to do anyway. This should increase your forces by about 500 men.
B. You demand each of your subordinate city-states send you a tribute of 100 men. This should double your forces, increasing them by 1000 men.
C. You institute a draft and demand a tribute of manpower, increasing your forces by 1500 men.
D. You do nothing and retain your standing force of a thousand professional soldiers.
2. Rebuilding the City of Akkad
A. You prioritize repairs of your walls. The battle and the flood have wrecked the walls protecting Akkad, and should you delay repairs any longer, they will crumble, causing you to spend more time to rebuild them.
B. You prioritize the reconstruction of the farms and the irrigation channels that sustain them. The flood has severely damaged the surrounding farmland, and if you want to reach self-sufficiency in terms of food, this is crucial.
C. You prioritize the restoration of the city's buildings. Trade and entertainment have been ground to a halt with the siege and the subsequent flood. This will help boost the happiness of the citizens.
3. Society & Religion
A. You suppress Shulgi's cult mercilessly wherever you can find it, sending your soldiers to root out the cultists and kill them.
B. You outlaw Shulgi's cult, but do nothing drastic to cull the cultists. They have too much popular support to be dealt with violently.
C. You do nothing about the cult. With Shulgi gone they should die out on their own.
(E) You introduce the cult of Ean above all other gods, establishing your own divine status.
(G) You promote worship of the old Sumerian pantheon
(N) You declare that there are no gods, and introduce, way before its time, secularist philosophy.
(Example of vote format: A(E) for suppressing Shulgi's cult, and introducing your own.)
4. Internal Diplomacy
A. The city-states of Sumer shall bow before your every whim, the way they did before Sargon. You rule them with an iron fist, demanding a quarter of their food and coin in tribute.
B. You rule moderately, introducing a representative system where each city-state elects a councillor to voice their concerns to you. You increase the requirements for their tribute; 30% of their food and coin will be extracted to fund the smooth flow of this system.
C. You allow the city states to be more or less autonomous, as long as they contribute 20% of their food and coin every season, less than they would have paid to Sargon.
5. External Diplomacy
A. You invest in establishing friendly relationships with the various states around you who are still nominally client-states of the Empire (expanses of Syria, Lebanon and the Middle-East).
B. You demand tribute from the states around you to rebuild the Empire; dissenters will find an army of screaming charioteers outside their walls.
C. You leave the other states alone. There's a lot more to deal with at home anyway.
6. The Matter of Egypt
A. You send peace missives to the Pharaoh of Egypt, in hopes of establishing a friendly relationship.
B. You send the head of an ass to the Pharaoh. You're coming for the crocodile-lover sooner or later.
C. Fuck Egypt. They can rot in their sandy shithole.
7. Technological Advancements
A. You focus research on military advancements. Your troops will be better drilled and more disciplined. Advances in logistics allow you to project your power further than any other kingdom. Composite bows and spoked wheels will be introduced. You will be militarily dominant for the centuries to come.
B. You focus research on economic concerns. Introduction of a more sophisticated trade system with legal protection those who engage in it and a single currency for all cities in your empire are but some of the advances you will discover.
C. You focus research on the arts. You cultivate a culture of love and beauty, finding more and more creative uses with the materials you have access to. Your citizens become more appreciative of the wonders of the world.