Wall of text:
E. Why not just marry her for an alliance? Think about it: she won't be equated with mortals, she'll be an Empress instead. Hell, we can even tell her she can do whatever she wants with Greece, so long as she is our wife and Greece is part of our Empire. She can govern it however the hell she wants to, so long as she doesn't go full retard. Of course, we warn her that this is not going to be, in all likelihood, a monogamous relationship.
Oh, and Olympus and one nearby port city are strictly
our territory. We should tell them what exactly happened there too.
Storyfag: Good idea, except for one detail. Setting her on top of the other Kings is a very bad idea. Godess she may be, but I see no reason to insult our two most loyal supporters like this. If it were me, and I ceded my kingdom to a someone, given him another kingdom through diplomacy, basically creating an empire, and he walked into my palace one day and told me "See this chick? She's not my wife, you don't owe her shit, she's done nothing for you, she's not your Empress, but she's better than you. Because I said so."
My response would literally be: "What the fuck, man? Fuck you, I'm outta here, gonna go find me some Marduk supporters (that reminds me, we haven't seen hide nor hair of Ibilsin and Dapimsin, the ;last two members of Marduk's clergy. Maybe it's them up north?) and overturn your kingdom. Fuck you and your little cocksleeve."
Now if she were, on the other hand, an Empress, they would be overjoyed, because 1) The Empereor is a savvy bastard that brought in another nation into the fold and 2) because he'll finally produce some heirs, thus continuing the royal line and also 3) because da-yum, her beauty is worthy of an Emperor.
Edit: always keep in mind where your power stems from.
And as for personal animosity: bros, one night with Ean and she will see the "Truth of the Emprah's Light." Ean'll fuck her brains out, is what I'm saying
By the by,
treave, I hope Ean's been getting some action, don't want him going back to being completely distracted by Athena's "assets,"
and tell me if feeding on people with particularly strong vices, levels that specific vice (eat a murderer, become more murderous; eat a (man)whore, become a manwhore, etc...?)
Also, how evil are we exactly now? And does the fact that Ean was a goody two-shoes all his existence have any bearing on delaying his corruption? And how far are we on the Renegade scale? Are we up to the collar-grabbing point yet? (Apologies if I'm getting on our nerves, but some shit needs to be asked. Which...doesn't really make me sorry.) hanks for the map, by the way. And did Panharth's knowledge tell us of Master-Gieloth history?
Edit: Bros, listen to me here. Right now, Ean is a ticking time bomb. Of Evil.
So, while we're still a good guy, let's focus on building a stable, independently capable Empire and making it strong and resilient to withstand the test of time, breed some rugrats to take care of it, a-la Nebuchadnezzar, and also, in the meantime, gather strong enough allies (there's a ME2 reference in here somewhere, I just know it) to venture into Olympus (this means Sekhenun is getting off her diet, for a permanent vow of mutual loyalty and friendship. Good deal). Also, we need to find Shulgi, Naram (probably going to have to kill those guys) and Edem's pop.
Once we are satisfied with both, we jump in yelling "SHIN'ARI, FUCK YEAH!!!1!"
Edit 2: as to how we persuade her to marry Ean, I have a plan. Tell her that a monarch's prime duty is to protect and feed it's own people, and to give them prosperity. Ejecting our empire would be completely counter-productive to that goal, as we take away the soldiers, the food, the aid and the trade from her lands, leaving her people defnseless, starving and living in broken homes in cities of ghosts. What do we gain from this (as far as we tell her)? The Rift (prime research material), a strong future ally/nation and a smart, just and hot-ass wife (yes, flattery does indeed get you somewhere). Take it or leave it and drive your country into the ground, honey.
Your choice.