B takes it.
Chapter 2.4: Tuwanu of the Dead.
The flickering torchlight did not make it easy for you to peruse the records your scouts had gathered from the halls of Tuwanu's missing ruler. You had been here for three days now, reading through sheafs of writing. The records ended just days before your arrival; the last event written down was regarding the arrival of one of the Pharaoh's high priests.
That's... very suspicious, don't you think?
It sounds very very familiar.
It was, especially given your encounter in Memphis a decade ago. At this point you are quite certain that the black monsters had something to do with the disappearance of the city's people. You stand, and walk out of your tent. The men were milling around, keeping themselves busy in the cold night. The air was dry but breezy, and on a clear night such as this the lack of vegetation meant you could see for miles into the distance. Suddenly, the wind halts, and all is silent. You sense a presence in the distance, one you had not felt for some time - the alien entity, or at least, another similar to it. You begin to give orders, alerting the men to get themselves into a prepared state. At few minutes later, a panicked murmur spreads through the camp. One of your adjutants runs to you, dropping to his knees to make his report; the night perimeter scouts had returned, and spoke of a vast Egyptian host marching towards your army under the cover of darkness. They had melted out of the night as if casting aside a shroud. The Egyptians were only an hour away, and you have to make your preparations swiftly.
You order the men to begin getting into formation, backs against the walls. There is no time to retreat behind the walls, and given that you still don't know what happened to the inhabitants, you think it would be a bad idea to put your army inside to await the Egyptians. Your guess is proven correct scant minutes later, when the men closest to the city walls begin shouting. Human-shaped shadows formed on the walls, and at the gates. As you proceed to see what the commotion is about, you spot one of your soldiers poking at the shadow with his spear. With no warning, it swiftly engulfs him, trapping the soldier within. You hear him screaming, and then gurgling... and then silence.
Your army promptly backs away from the city walls in fear. You can tell they're about to cut and run. You thank the voices for not having you put your men within the city, though now you have to do something to prevent them from just scattering and getting hunted down by the approaching Egyptians. That would be extremely counterproductive, especially coming all the way out here. Luckily, their training and military focus pays off, and the veterans, most of whom had been on the flank you saved from the jackal beasts so long ago, were familiar with seemingly supernatural phenomenon. They help calm the other soldiers down, and begin ordering them back into their lines. Some of them have noticed that the shadows in Tuwanu did not venture out of the city - in fact they did not move at all. You get the men to keep a healthy distance away from them.
The shadowy figures of the Egyptian army appear over the horizon. There certainly were many of them, and at least they were human and not sand monsters... but by the way they were moving, most of them did not appear to moving like any living human you know. Lurching, certainly. This might be trouble. It is too late to run anyway.
You'd better make your men a bit braver by giving a little of that dramatic speech, eh?
A. You give a speech about brotherhood and sticking together against all odds, appealing to the pride of being united under the Akkadian Empire. The Egyptians practice foul sorcery and massacre cities, but your strength and steel shall prevail.
B. You give a speech about how you have been guided by the gods to this very spot to cleanse these affronts to nature. You show off your regenerated hand and throw some sparks from it to further 'prove' that you have been blessed by the divine.
C. You let loose a bloody warcry and just start the fucking battle by charging headlong with your chariot. Screw speeches, and screw tactics - you're going to find that alien thing in the army and stomp it quickly. That should end things.