If we're going to Greece though, I think we should go when it's at its peak.
“Fifteen centuries have passed since He promised to come in His glory, fifteen centuries since His prophet wrote, ‘Behold, I come quickly.’ ‘Of that day and hour knoweth no man, neither the Son, but the Father,’ as He Himself announced when He was still on earth. But men still wait for Him with the same faith, with the same love. Nay, with even greater faith, for fifteen centuries have passed without a sign from heaven to mankind.
And that is just what happened, believe me. He decided to show Himself, if only for a moment, to His people, long-suffering, tormented, sinful people who loved Him with a child-like love.
If we're going to Greece though, I think we should go when it's at its peak.
Or we can go now and be the ones who bring it to its peak.