Flopping to A to stall. I need to think more about this.
I very much do not trust Zhang.
Why was it necessary to release a zombie plague to get the tree started in the first place? This is fishy, to say the least.
End the tree now, or we might not be able to ever.
I very much do not trust Zhang.
Why was it necessary to release a zombie plague to get the tree started in the first place? This is fishy, to say the least.
If anyone can do it, it's Ean.
Sorry but I flip floped to BA- 6 Tome, Lambchop19, GreyViper, Azira, Storyfag, Baltika9
B- 6 Esquilax, root, Kayerts, Tigranes, Kukulkan, m4davis
Right now, B has the lead. Although the warnings from the A bloc about the Gieloth stripping the planet are not hollow: the longer we let it be, the more resources it will consume. If we do end up saving both Ean and the world, we may find that there isn't much of it left for humanity to inhabit
You feel a sudden hunger. The urge to devour permeates your very essence.
Eat us.
You’ve been a really kind lad, and this is why we’re making this offer. Consume us.
Sure, this is going to bring down a shit load of attention on you from the masters AND the Gieloth, but we think you’ve always done the right thing… or at least, tried to. We think you can handle this.
You deserve another chance. For old time’s sake.
“How’s this going to help… me eating you?” The hunger is getting stronger.
Oh, we don’t really know. At best it will use our energy to spark your little Gieloth-made toy to full life, which in turn brings you back to life due to the conduit between you and the sword.
At worst you die. Which is what’s going to happen anyway.
You mean, at worst he becomes an undead abomination bent on devouring all in his path.
That’s a very very low probability, not even worth mentioning!
We really don’t know exactly what will happen, however. Never been tried, all theoretical!
We took that shortcut by coming here, instead of slowly building power and support. Now Dagrun and Fenrir have made their move and it is too late to turn back. Only thing we got going on is the Yellowstreaks and you guys don't believe in them. We are out of options.
Problem I see with this is that's connected to the other tree. So its like a shortcut to power and they always come with hefty price, that sometimes undoes the power gained.
“At the current rate, we will be ready in six months. The Sacred Tree itself has already spread throughout the planet, though this is the only branch that has sprouted from it. My people do not see the need to retain our individuality within the Tree, but we respect all life. We do not see anything wrong in allowing other means of salvation through the tree, though regretfully one hundred thousand is the most we can handle.”
I'm not saying that we should have stayed back in Gallia or that we should have buried our heads in the sand. I'm saying we should have gone to take Dagrun out, then move on to Dio, then to gieloths and finally go after the spheres. We would have got more personal power, would have got access to the Empires spies and armies and just maybe found Shulgi. It might have worked, we'll never know. In my opinion, coming here was as smart as hijacking Zeus' lightning bolt and infiltrating Dagrun's cult as a Dio. Time will tell what the consequences are.That never would have worked. We can't "slowly build support" when the world is falling down around us, we need decisive action. What the fuck are we going to do - build support while the Tree sucks all the Earth's resources and dimensions are collapsing in on themselves in Olympus? Staying would have meant burying our heads in the sand. Sometimes consolidating power is the right call, but I don't think it was in this case.
You know, something occurred to me: why hasn't Dio decided to devour the Tree? He possesses a sword with the same attributes as Anbar-Shi, so why isn't he devouring the Tree?
or perhaps because there would be consequences that he wouldn't be able to deal with.
I believe the situation is "do or die," can't see us doing much against Hamburger Fatboy and his posse(in treave's mini-update, Ean was almost exhausted when he would have started fighting Dio, so that's already a bad sign) and deal with Shulgi's dickery at the same time. And, if we by some miracle survive this, we'll then have to find some way to stop the tree from feeding off the planet.
this immortal-gieloth hybrid, who spent three thousand years sleeping and couldnt take on a silly justice goddess, is going to devour the plant hivemind (which he only felt the impulse to because there's human essence inside, nonetheless) and succeed and then fly to olympus and blast the new master with terrible fire and save the world?
rue the day, rue the day.
No, Ean has been hungry for Gieloth essence too ever since the hunger first manifested. The two are interchangeable, remember? That's why the gieloth have been eating humans. They are an alternative to eating their own.
this immortal-gieloth hybrid, who spent three thousand years sleeping and couldnt take on a silly justice goddess, is going to devour the plant hivemind (which he only felt the impulse to because there's human essence inside, nonetheless) and succeed and then fly to olympus and blast the new master with terrible fire and save the world?
rue the day, rue the day.
I don't think so. Amun Ra would have been summoned from the Masters' homeworld, just like Zeus was. Then there's the small matter of Ra being called, in his later days, Amun-Zeus.Also, side note: I think Naram's Master may be Ra. Wasn't he imprisoned in another dimension? Guess the extra time we left him there didn't do his psyche too much good, now that he's a sphere destroying the planet and all...