a cut of domestic sheep prime
Hmm. Maybe you are right. Relevant quote below:
This was a great moment.
We'll let you decide on this. We're... ah... washing our hands of all responsibility.
We should be giving him a way back here, but honestly, we don't really want to see that insufferable twat again either.
You have the opportunity to act with free will right now. It seems that the voices aren't too keen on bringing this Ra back either. Since they're unwilling to be responsible for this, though... well, you don't really care for gods anyway.
You crush the Sceptre with your hands and stomp on the pieces. Naram is dumbfounded. "You... traitor."
Well, that's it.
He's going to be really, really pissed if he ever finds out you did this.
We just have to make sure he never finds out. Stay optimistic, guys!