Oh, yeah, forgot to mention it but you already got a replacement fitted. It's not as comfortable or natural as the previous one, but it'll do in a pinch.
So, a bit of expanded information on both enhancements. Let's start with B, or as it should be called, the Autonomous Tendril Armour System (ATAS). (it's not animu cyberpunk without random acronyms

You will not be able to regrow your hand with B. What it does is allow a more defensive application of your powers that works without using your ability - you could probably do the same when your ability is active, manually, but the enhancement makes it autonomous so you don't have to worry about the control. The defensive hardening should activate against anything you or Yua identifies as an incoming threat. It'll keep your body intact as much as it can but it does not perform any regeneration.
It can, however, allow you to go beyond human limits if you don't mind the pain. With your ability active, you can then 'safely' switch off your natural limiter so that you move and attack faster and harder than a human should be able to, at the cost of tearing your muscles and breaking your bones. The enhancement will take care of that by tying your body together with tendrils so that your still-human physiology doesn't fall apart after the first few seconds. It will allow you to finally keep up with low-level superhumans like the Dunamis in melee.
As for A, or the Cybernetic Tendril-Machine Interface (CyT-MI), the immediate applications are obvious.
Hack things. This does mean you can hack doors, cameras, lights, robots - basically, whatever you can access physically can be hacked. In fact, this also covers augments - you can jack implants as long as you can penetrate it with your cyber-tentacles. This is not limited to just normal limb or body part augments, but also to brain augments, as hinted at in the teaser preview. Note: this does not mean that Cyber Jack has tendrils or similar powers to Senya, so don't go jumping to wild conclusions about that.
More importantly, as cognitive enhancement implants are actually similar in action to actual neurons, being able to hijack the implants
also means that you actually are able to mess with a normal brain, though to a more limited extent. With an unaugmented brain you will not be able to read minds or control their thoughts directly, but implanting suggestions is something that is certainly possible. You would probably need to use your ability to be able to pull this off with the required amount of finesse, however.
The digital extensions your tendrils will extrude are autonomous - once it reaches a suitable surface, it will automatically release microscopic extensions that will tunnel until it finds something it can interface with.
Or we could do it the old-fashioned way and make a