Stygian Lurker
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- Jan 28, 2011
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I seriously doubt we will get exposed, unless we go full retard and do something obviously and deliberately stupid, like declaring our identity on live TV. No, Senya is much smarter than that, as demosntrated by everything he's done so far. We're always given stealthy and smart options, and this will be no exception.1. Sounds like it will further our stated goal of gathering contacts and information steathly, so that we can eventually escape our task masters and all the other people who want us dead - and maybe find a certain princess in dire need of our tentacle...of love... (What?)
2. A doesn't sound like it will waste our time, get us exposed, involve wacky weeaboo hijinks with Theseus Jr. (Seriously, he let us go. Once. Probably out of guilt and wanting us out of the picture - still a major non-bro, dude. I can smell it. Stinks of Theseus.).
Youa re seriosuly overestimating the potential of the smugglers and underestimating our dear little socialite: for starters, we are being sent in with the task of scouting these people out and taking them down and the Agency will expect results, there will be absolutely no skirting around that. We aren't getting into their trust and becoming "one of them" without sacrificing our position in the Agency and access to Azo's resources, which have much more potential than some tech smugglers (whose tech we don't even need, if I may repeat myself, because we can get the high-tech stuff from the guvment; being a spook has it's priviledges); if you wanted to rub shoulders with Don Vito, that was a different route.For what? What's the benefit? A powerful ally like weeaboo Briney Spears? Yeah, much better contact than a powerful smuggling organization.
We need to be smart this time. We've had our weeaboo fun racing around in our mech. Time to get some contacts, some perspective, and hopefully clean up some of the mess we've made.
Yeah, we walked through a whole city full with people, interacted with government agents, shopkeepers and civillians and no one seemed to notice. The little girl recognizing us is extremely suspicious, though, and by that I mean she might not exactly be ordinary herself. She was among Rei's handmaidens, after all. Probably heard everything about how wonderful and dreamy Senya is.Baltika9
I'm sorry, a schoolgirl/cultist recognized us on sight having never met us before, yet you think hanging around Naim, and a crap ton of video cameras, shooting a movie that's going to be seen by half the planet won't get us recognized?
To be fair, A seems like an acquisition of resources, as in aguments and CFs (which can be issued by the government if we really need any, not like they'll let a junior agent keep a personal armory "Oh, sure, have some military hardware, no big deal!"). B would be an acquisition of political contacts and friendships, something we'll need when either Senya or Kyrie (both?) begin their ascent to Presidentship/"emperorship-in-name-only."Except when you march into a situation that is most likely to expose you, then putting all your smart and stealth energies into not being exposed takes work, i.e. a needless waste of resources, given the benefits of B over A aren't so clear to me. I mean, sure, Cyber jack sounds worth looking into, but nothing concretely more relevant than A?
You're wearing sunglasses on a night operation?
JC Denton/Hoshikawa Senya: My vision is augmented.
I wonder how they will react to Senya and Rei meeting and working together. Jesus and Lucifer, cooperating, this will be hilarious.At any rate, most of the cultists will recognize you more easily because of the religious significance you have taken on in the latest iteration of their teachings.
"Die Another Day," huh?Also, in part no one will actually believe it's really you. There's a certain 'that's impossible, he can't be that guy, he's too notorious to be hanging around in a shopping mall' factor working for you even if they do notice. It's still a pretty tight-rope to be walking, though. Sunglasses, spectacles, hats and various other disguises do help.
I seriously doubt we will get exposed, unless we go full retard and do something obviously and deliberately stupid, likedeclaring our identityconfessing our love to Kyrie onlive TVa worldwide live telecast.
Assuming he's somewhat serious... Please, guys. Don't let treave goad you into b with this.I seriously doubt we will get exposed, unless we go full retard and do something obviously and deliberately stupid, likedeclaring our identityconfessing our love to Kyrie onlive TVa worldwide live telecast.
Ahh, small victories: they don't accomplish anything at all, but they sure do make me feel good.