Very well. We shall create a new world and a perfect order. We shall alter time and space and set it aright! We shall ascend and become the new great idea, for we shall expose to the idea that it itself is fake and nothing.Eh, you do realize that C is us telling the everyone that the world is a lie, right? I mean, we'll be either prompting everyone to suicide like cyberjack or shaking people to their core like our old self did - but not reshaping mankind. Reshaping mankind sounds more like B.EC
OBVIOUSLY. hard to think of anything else. we destroyed mankind; time to reubilt it and reshape according to our design.
edit: Also, did the codex totally screw up the universe or what? I mean, had we not interfered at all, starting with Ean, history would have played out as it should have. Even after we trashed the timeline completely and Senya was born, it seems our every action made this world more and more into a hell. Perhaps it is us - not the Masters, or the gieloth, or the immortals - who are the true villains of this story. The destroyers of worlds.
Yes. We'll destroy it. And build it again; people will be free from the shackles of science and this newfangled starleague, free from the constraints of master-imposed thought, free from the Highlander-esque Quickening at the center of the galactic core. And if they will not follow, we will destroy them. Why should we care about them? What have they ever given us? We were used from the start, by the cult, by Shulgi, even by our own little mind-engram. We never had freedom.
We reject that. We reject this shoddy reality. We transcend simple physical space. Our old self was still guided by some gieloth-like purpose and fanatical devotion to some idiotic, genocidal ideal he held. Not us. No. We will do it better. We see the Truth of the Thing; enough of being puppets. We stand alone. Bring down everything that stands in our way and reforge the universe itself according to OUR design! Ours, and ours alone. And when all the races and all the universe stands against us, even the masters, perhaps even Dio himself in his cage of a billion years...We will strike their existence from the records of fate...Only we, and we alone, have the power to do so.
Godhood awaits.
Actually, mainly this. I've wanted Senya to start his own cult ever since I came up with the golden jar idea too... It's kind of a whim for me though. I may flop back.Not trying to sway anyone away from that particular choice; I have no qualms writing a batshit insane protagonist that hides his madness with a thin veneer of civility, and it indeed could be fun if the 'dex has a taste for it, but I'm interested in what would cause people to flop in such an extreme manner.
It's not chaos: it's getting sick of being led like a monkey on a string and people always asking for more if you want more freedom, more knowledge. and even if you get it, it's worthless: ultimately you're still just a pawn in some huge chess game the masters are pulling against themselves or the great idea or whatever. even if we had unified mankind, what would come of that? What good is it getting to the prize? It's still some smug old fuck waiting to HAND it to you. Enough of being rewarded, handled, of buying things.
And I can't see why developing a guilt complex for something that really wasn't - entirely - our fault is a good idea. Heck, even if it was ALL our fault, I'd rather not read page after page of Senya's angst ridden weeaboo bs. If it's that you don't think that B has a chance, allow me to barter: You flop to B and so shall I.It's not chaos: it's getting sick of being led like a monkey on a string and people always asking for more if you want more freedom, more knowledge. and even if you get it, it's worthless: ultimately you're still just a pawn in some huge chess game the masters are pulling against themselves or the great idea or whatever. even if we had unified mankind, what would come of that? What good is it getting to the prize? It's still some smug old fuck waiting to HAND it to you. Enough of being rewarded, handled, of buying things.
Now I know you're joking. Fuck, this is really bad, but believing that this world is a fake reality is a terrible flop and will only backfire on us even worse. I can't possibly see why people would vote for it other than "lol evil" or feeling shitty because we fucked up badly. Stupid idea.
Kinda, yeah. C was tied with A, but Esquilax broke C losing? Is A winning? I have no idea how the scorecards are
Well, B is tied with C and A is in the lead?
It's not chaos: it's getting sick of being led like a monkey on a string and people always asking for more if you want more freedom, more knowledge. and even if you get it, it's worthless: ultimately you're still just a pawn in some huge chess game the masters are pulling against themselves or the great idea or whatever. even if we had unified mankind, what would come of that? What good is it getting to the prize? It's still some smug old fuck waiting to HAND it to you. Enough of being rewarded, handled, of buying things.
Let's reach out and take it.
edit: the slaughter and unlimited power are just bonuses. I do hope Shulgi isn't dead, or that we can at least bring him back in some way. I have such glorious sights to show him.
Hey, I'm with you, bro. Thing is, if we go all weeaboo-pussy, that smug motherfucker will win anyway. At least with B there's hope. A fighting chance. It's still a mindset that is against "gods and masters".You're right about the smug old fuck at the center of the galaxy, though. Pretty fucking smug too.
I refuse to play his game. I don't see why anybody else would. B is just playing into it: Amass more power, get armies, fight the Mushu empire and whomever else, get the prize, bla bla bla.
why would we ever want that?
You determine what you mean by 'the path humanity should have travelled'.
The path to extinction.
treave, I am curious about something though... Back when we rescued the Gieloth: What would have happened had we chosen to give in to our desires and go for some *ahem* family bonding with Rei?