Bomb goes off and kills not only Dio but everyone else, or at least some of our allies?
My prediction if we pick A is that the bomb will not go off, but it will be dormant. Someone will have to go and set it off manually. This probably means a heroic sacrifice by Ean, but hey, maybe Shulgi will surprise us. Ean pulled off the heroic sacrifice the last time Dio was around, perhaps Ean's old rival/new friend will return the favour. Likely, this means that Dio will rapidly become more powerful and approach closer to omnipotence.
Goddamnit, this Sheldon guy is a fucking idiot:
“My name is Sheldon, and I am offering you a proposal.”
I thought we were friends, Sheldon, says the eye mockingly. You are just delaying the inevitable. My victory.
“Your friends tend to meet a nasty end, Diogenes,” laughs Sheldon, before he resumes addressing me. “Arbiter, I have a proposal. Whoever takes Iae’s place really does not matter to me, but I have a score to settle with your friends over there.”
He masterminds a plan that is obviously a bad idea because Dio is an egomaniac to the point where laws of reality don't apply to him. Then now when shit inevitably hits the fan and we try to mitigate it, the guy wants to fight the people who want to take out the person he planned on enslaving in the first fucking place. Fuck these assholes.
However, if we have a battle royale here, perhaps having everyone in one spot might actually allow us to win them over. They might be enemies now, but perhaps they might come together if/once Dio becomes too powerful. If Sheldon and his Masters abandon this place, then maybe fighting Dio is easier short-term (in which case BB is the way to go to beat him down ASAP), but we could turn this crisis into an opportunity if we play our cards right.
This guy says that he doesn't care who becomes Iae, but he must know that Dio sees him as a threat and will inevitably wipe him out. He might be stubborn and motivated by ego, but I think he'll change his tune quickly once he realizes that Dio will kill him if he doesn't smarten the fuck up and help us.
I might flop to BB; generally relying on metagaming a lot can be a disaster, plus I wonder what the downsides to using the Grey Death ghosts as fuel to beat Dio would be. There must be a downside. Nevertheless, I'm fairly sure that BB would put Dio out of the picture. One-on-one, he wouldn't be strong enough to deal with Senya under those circumstances.