Iae is a replacement observer or something
Mikey said this so was there observer before IAE?
We'll leave that for a possible sequel.
Shulgi, Rei post/before cult slaughter, Ean, Sek, Anna, Selkhet, Erika, masters, Dio, Terra main officers, Adrasteia, Adrahasis, Boshen, rest of main empire officers, Yua.
Feels rather proud of
trolling training a good little protege. Like watching a fledgling leave the nest.
pre-slaughter - misses her big brother
post-slaughter - misses her big brother. She understands why Senya did it and doesn't really hold it against him.
Does not agree with Senya's methods and goals but accepts and respects his convictions.
Likes Senya's cold-blooded pragmatism and ability.
Thinks of him as a hacker rival... up until the point Evil!Senya kills her.
Slight admiration for saving her, akin to a duckling imprinting, but besides that has not had enough interaction to really develop a relationship
Still likes Senya. Probably won't be giving up anytime soon.
Scared of him, but some, like Mikey and Rory, find him easy to talk to.
Recognized a similar drive to survive and overcome against all odds within Senya, and was concerned about that. And there's that usual disdain for everyone who's not him.
Terran officers:
Respects his command and leadership and also jealous of that sweet-ass mech that he pilots.
Was slightly taken with him initially, but not enough time for it to go anywhere.
Scared of him but respects his ability.
Worshipped the guy.
Imperial officers:
Fear him as the man who imprisoned their Emperor. Grudging respect.
Utterly loyal, as always.
What happened to masters after end of IAE?
After colony drop rest of crew of Kaguya-hime didn't react to Naim taking Senya achievements? They bought that lie about Senya being traitor and killing Kyrie? I didn't expect that from Captain Grimrock. Even if empress suppressed info some gossips didn't start? I mean one of crew members of Kaguya helped us get frame to escape after Kyrie assassination.
Who was sided with Cooper?
Could you tell us about who and what each master did before start of IAE?
Why Dio was disappointed when Senya didn't kill him after restoring his power?
Was it possible to father Ean Junior and what would be his masters codename?
They retain their undying existence and some of their technology, and are forced to eternally fight to prevent the Dreamer from awakening.
This was mentioned briefly, but they didn't buy it. There was just no point starting a petty rebellion or something over political manipulations when there's already a war to fight.
Let's save that for a possible sequel. Or prequel.
Actually, the truth is this: mind games. If you think he secretly wants you to kill him by briefly expressing disappointment that you didn't, you might think twice about killing him. Then, in your moment of hesitation, he shanks you. Ladies and gentlemen, Diogenes Camna.
Offspring get no codenames.
What happened with Cultist of Senya? Those kids survived war?
Did Senya Jar organization survived war, does it still growing?
Did Dio consider someone friend other than prince?
Did dragon warden become real institution or it never counted more than one person?
How general public view Senya? (League/Empire/Terra points of view)
Did any "normal person" find out that Grand Marshal really is Ean?
What happened to Empress after her "talk" with vice president?
In central brain of FTL cannon would be able to pull off being Shulgi with info we had?
How did Shulgi inject his voice in Mere, did he contacted league before grey death?
The cultists that were with Emiri got gooed.
Yes, the Order survived and continue to promote knowledge and brotherhood.
Pro-tip: anyone Dio calls a friend to his face is likely not a friend.
There is a Cult of the Dragon Warden amongst the late Jheverg's Legion.
League: Troublemaker.
Empire: Respected villain.
Terran: Respected leader.
It wasn't publicized except to the military.
She got put in jail and remains there to this day.
Yes, you would have scraped past, though the subsequent choice would be even riskier.
The preparation was done via the virtual network technology. He injured her during a fight and 'infected' her that way. Obviously he threw the fight, not wanting the entire Council to personally come and eradicate him. Technically he is still inside the Sun, at least, the bulk of his nanomachines are, but he managed to find a loophole so that the part of him inside Mere became active.
Was there way to make humans Immortal like in early stages of CYOA?
Why Gield of America Shulgiland didn't change into tree form when there was no immortals there during Ean saga? I think they become Gield of concordat later.
What would be Ean character if we didn't influence him?
Did Senya had harem route in his first part? :D
Awesome butler become become goo? Does that mean he will be back to cockblock Senya in future?
What does Senya think about his road till destruction of IAE? Is he proud of himself or does he regret some parts?
Was there way to make necromancy acceptable to world society?
Did any of heroes decided to make biography or attempted to tell whole story to general public?
Not early on, no.
They don't do it until they reach a critical mass, or they feel the need to.
Cunning and arrogant warrior. Or honourable. It's hard to say. Interacting with him would change his personality.
could have. But a harem route's hard to achieve.
Oh, the butler's already one of the recovered and ready for cockblocking duty.
What is your favourite part of this CYOA?
Hard to say. If I had to pick one, Ean's rift-jumping, sphere-whispering dumbfuckery. Thanks for giving me the chance to write the spheres.
Also that scene where Diogenes and Aodh first confronted each other, in the palace, and almost everyone underestimated Aodh. I also liked doing the initial chapter of Senya's arc, with relationship points and all, and of course writing the Dragon Emperor fight scenes were fun.
During Minotaur act would we devoured voices was this possibility whole time or deus ex machina with evolved into hunger mechanic, former emperor and avatar of hunger concept?
The voices were going to be flawed and faulty. Devouring them was a deus ex machina, which developed into the Devourer and its associated concepts in the subsequent chapters. But the voices were always meant to be an agglomeration of former immortals from the beginning.
Shulgi conquered his voices did he still hear them, if not when they stopped talking?
All immortals have same voices set mean personality etc?
Voices are winners of masters games? But there were codex avatars at begining... does this mean that people like Storyfag and Root survived apocalypse and won place. :D
Will you write story of random immortal voice or mby tell who some of them were?
They continue talking.
No, they don't. Personality of the voice sets depend on which batch they are from.
Well, I suppose you could say that.
Probably not, but we'll see.
During master game was there ever troll ending liek someone who told something along this line "Oh and btw only one person survive end of universe. Problem?" and run into the portal.
bonus points if someone else would cross doors before them.
bonus points if that person was janitor.
Well, it wouldn't be a troll because the Masters only want one immortal anyway, carrying all the knowledge of his or her civilization.