So , tsunamis floods and French cuisine have showed up. Gotcha.There have been no recorded earthquakes, plagues, locust swarms, hurricanes or volcanic eruptions so far.
The most remote town would be Loch-Glasgow, located on the 17th floor
And the general low tech feel what lets a hunter run about.The most remote town would be Loch-Glasgow, located on the 17th floor
This might be our location given the Scottish flavour of our village.
The Order of the Holy Sepulchre - Vatican
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Austria-Hungary? (I have no idea, it feels weird that they would be left out in this time frame.)
The Teutonic Order - Prussia
The Order of the Golden Fleece - Wikipedia says it's a French Order, but I have no idea
The Royal Victorian Order - UK
The Order of the Garter - UK?
The Order of the Gold Lion - France
The Order of the Star - Russia?
The Order of the White Eagle - Poland?
The Imperial Janissaries - Ottomans
The Society of the Jaguar - Azteca
Is there a unified police and judiciary system in the Tower, or are the various militant orders and local magistrates free to interpret and enforce the law as they see fit?
on a gut level, it doesn't make sense that an organization representing itself as "neutral" might have multiple orders with ties to their respective countries
treave, are to following political entities still a thing: the Holy Roman Empire, an independent Austria-Hungary, an independent Italy, and an independent Netherlands.
You mentioned an ottoman retreat from Europe. Do they still hold Istanbul and the surrounding Greek territories?
Also, which one of our sills covers Newtonian physics? Assuming they were codified, of course.![]()
Furthermore, the smoke generated from coal powerplants is not an issue; it vanishes together with the clouds at the end of every day, baffling scientists as the Tower has for centuries.
Fair enough. In that case: what level are we on, what denomination does the good father and his church fall under, how did he end up here, and does the village pay good money for wild game, pelts and furs?
Religion and Beliefs in the Tower
The population of the tower practice myriad religious beliefs. Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Muslims and Azteca can all be found living in relative harmony.
And, much more importantly, drinking this wine, which is his blood but not really. Look man, it's free bread and booze.Which is why it's really important to be like him, so let's start by eating this wafer.
And, much more importantly, drinking this wine, which is his blood but not really. Look man, it's free bread and booze.
This brings up a good point: religion is an extremely important part of this society, especially in the rural part we are growing up in. Some level of deference and obeisance to the Church and Bible will be crucial. We may get away with being an euphoric atheist in the major cities, or once we are out on the road, but considering our current circumstances and who exactly it is that is hosting us, I think the question is worth asking.And, much more importantly, drinking this wine, which is his blood but not really. Look man, it's free bread and booze.
I'm no atheist fedoralord; I am pro-Eucharist, and pro-alchohol.
Inshallah.and create aChristianMuslim nation.
But of courseDo we want to pay a religious character?
Do we want to pay a religious character?
Freethinkers and occultists, of which the Theosophical Society for Astra Research and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn have a leading role, consider the Tower to be the lost continent of Atlantis, and believe that the secrets of the universe can be unlocked by finding a way to the top of the Tower.