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In Progress [LP CYOA] Tower


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Now I am curious. We met Dr. Whatshisname entirely by accident, and found him in Liz' room preparing for an experiment. What would have happened if we allowed it? I suspect we may have got a bad reaction to the old man's corpse because of his tattoos infused with divine power, which may have made the soul vessel not as empty as it needed to be.
"That is the serum of immortality, still in testing, yet to be patented. It is the proper mix of components that serve to spark the formation of a new soul in the part of the brain where the previous one has vacated. You might ask, would that not be a different soul? And I would answer, no. That is the true foundation of my research. You see, the way the gray cells of the brain are wired can and do dictate the shape and form of one's soul. As long as those connections are preserved, life can be reborn. Of course, when death sets in the wiring decays, and should too much time have elapsed there would be... complications."
I also wonder if the other two corpses were "safer" choices for untested soul magic.


Jun 4, 2017
Looks like the Bs have it. Let's hope there's no smart ass hunter lying in wait at the back doors to round up any monsters or seemingly guilty culprits trying to sneak out that way.
So treave changed our waifu into a powerful vampire, gave us the black eye of bad-assery, paired us up with our short sidekick to provide dry one-liners ... and we still reject our fate as the blazing action hero? So sad. :(


Jan 6, 2012
I'm sure we'll have our full-on Rambo segment in the jungle later, but we don't have those kinds of abilities yet, so we should avoid taking those kinds of risks for now.
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Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
Bedlam (V)

The journey to the back gates was uneventful. What you saw there, however, is not.

Dead beasts are piled up before your eyes, their twisted bodies capturing the full agony of their demise. There has to be dozens of them here, which possibly explained just why your chosen route had been so uneventful.

Atop the small hill of corpses sits a pale man carefully wiping blood off his dagger with a handkerchief. He is dressed in a noble’s attire, seemingly unsuited for battle, though what stands out the most about his outfit is the elaborate golden collar around his neck, from which an elaborate insignia of a hanging ram dangles. His hair, long and black, frames his sallow, gaunt cheeks. The sunken little black pits that are his eyes swivel to look at you. His gaze flicks over at Rain, then at Elizabeth.

“What have we here?” His voice is a sharp, sibilant whisper. “Survivors?”

You quietly nod.

“Is that so? Then I suppose our Order would have to take you into custody, and question you, but…” The man sniffs the air, his nostrils flaring. “Inhumans… you stink of them.”

“So do you, sir, and you’re practically sitting right on top of them,” retorts Liz promptly albeit politely.

Being addressed directly by Liz seems to anger the man. His features twist into a sneering scowl. He raises his dagger. Its dark, wavy blade catches the moonlight, and even as untrained as you are, the raw power emanating from it raises your hackles. It has to be an Astra.

“Manners, girl. Speak only when I tell you to speak.”

He swings his dagger casually in her direction, a black, tarlike substance spraying from the blade as he does so. Liz dodges it easily with her newfound agility, lets out an all too confident snicker, and then charges at the man before you can warn her to stop. The man grins, the point of his dagger already awaiting her arrival. He jerks his hand forward swiftly, almost imperceptibly. That is all he needs to skewer her through the chest.

“Bah, just a fledgling bloodsucker,” he spits. By the time he pulls the wicked blade out of her, you have already set Rain down and rushed to Liz’s aid, but your haste earns you nothing more than a boot to the face. You tumble backwards, sprawling to the ground. Another swift kick from the man sends Liz’s body crashing into you before you can get up.

Twirling his dagger lightly, the man approaches you slowly. “Now, I am going to have a lot of questions for you, boy.”

Mist floods in, thick enough that it is almost suffocating. Soon enough, the man disappears from your view even as he lets out an angry snarl, reaching out for you.

“I was just taking a stroll in my favourite city in the entire Tower and what do I spy, hmm? Three children, lost yet again?”

He materializes out of the mist, as if he were always it, and it were always him. That portly, stout figure, dressed to the nines with a top hat almost comical, is something you would never forget.

John Bull looks down at you, grinning so widely that his jowls seem ready to tear apart.

“Hello again,” he says. “In a pickle of a spot, or perhaps a spot of a pickle, hm? Well, that is how boys should be! Rambunctious and adventurous, why, I dare say you remind me just a bit of myself when I was but a mere stripling.”

He twirls his cane, hooks its tip under the collar of Liz’s blood-soaked hospital gown, and lifts her in the air with a single hand. She groans weakly, her head lolling side to side.

“What are you-“ You sit up with a start and try to get Liz back, but John Bull shushes you. You feel the mist wrapping itself around your body, pressing you back down.

“Now now, let us not be hasty, hmmm? I believe that when we last met, we had a most pleasant conversation… and I told you about my most precious Astra. Hm, as always, I am a friend to all children, everywhere and anywhere. This time I extend to you an invitation to a place most wonderful, a place of fun and joy.”

You can feel Rain clinging to your back, hiding from John Bull. “He’s… scary…” she mutters. You glare at John Bull and ask, “Where is that place?”

“Some place wonderful, some place fun,” he repeats jovially. “It is a place that has left no child unsatisfied, if I do say so myself! Oh, our young vampiress here would not survive the night if the knightly orders had their way, too!” He swings Liz around by his cane, dangling her before you, just out of reach. Faced with the insistence of this supernatural entity, you find yourself almost instinctively reaching out for the Hound with your mind, hoping for some way out. But no reply is forthcoming.

“Oh, that old dog is in no position to interfere right now, nor would he be inclined to, really!” John Bull guffaws, seemingly knowledgeable about whatever you’re thinking. “Well then, boy, what will you do?”


A. You accept John Bull’s offer to bring the three of you to wherever this safe haven he has promised is.

B. You would rather take your chances with the man, and so you reject John Bull’s offer.


Jan 6, 2012
Well, this turned out worse than I'd hoped.
He bounces up and down on the tree excitedly. “Oh my, oh dear, that would be vexatious indeed. I only came here to talk, Grand Old Lady. I truly mean you no harm.”

“I would be well and truly lost of my mind if I trusted the Cannibal Duke at his word,” Tlalli spits.

“Why, I never! Oh, but had you by some means been caught unawares, you could not blame me for taking a little bite out of you at such an opportunity then, hmm? All in good sport!”

“Enough out of you!” Tlalli swings her weapon – it slices clean through the thick trunk, setting it on fire. The tall tree falls with a loud crash, but John Bull is nowhere to be seen. All that remains is his disembodied voice, echoing in the air.
Two bad options really. Knightly order or John Bull's offer. The smart choice is probably the order, but the choice that has the greatest potential of preserving our freedom through a series of misadventures is John Bull. The order guy is pretty obviously hostile, but then again, the knightly order guy hasn't killed Liz so far when he had a clear opportunity to do so.
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Jun 4, 2017
Hehe, treave trolled us hard.

B. We still have Sophie as our backup babe.

Just kidding. It's A. Our involvement with the ritual as well as our pet would likely be a hard sell to the knightly order. And going with John Bull will probably be just as fun as meeting Zhang Jue. I'm 100% sure nothing will go wrong.


Serial Ratist
Jan 30, 2015
San Antonio, TX
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth

It's not even close. We may be tricked, we may be forced, we may lose our way and stumble in, but we don't willingly take the invitation of evil. There's no coming back from something like that.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I hear the music of the Spheres.

Also, drunk adolescents, not even once. I am disappointed by Liz' poor impulse control, but we had enough exposure to her antics to predict how it's going to be.

Vampires are not looked upon kindly by the knight orders -- or maybe it's just this one -- but the question is, are they John Bull level of bad?

If we go with the knights, we'll have to get Liz out from wherever they keep "inhumans". If we take a ride from Comrade Bull, he'll take us for a ride and we'll have to get all three of us out of who knows where. But he didn't try to eat us yet, so maybe he intends to use us to get back at Tlalli somehow?
“I would be well and truly lost of my mind if I trusted the Cannibal Duke at his word,” Tlalli spits.

“Why, I never! Oh, but had you by some means been caught unawares, you could not blame me for taking a little bite out of you at such an opportunity then, hmm? All in good sport!”

“Enough out of you!” Tlalli swings her weapon – it slices clean through the thick trunk, setting it on fire. The tall tree falls with a loud crash, but John Bull is nowhere to be seen. All that remains is his disembodied voice, echoing in the air.

“Oh, such anger! Such a burning hatred you have there, madam! Thankfully, my task is done, having indeed spoken to you as requested of me. A satisfactory jaunt indeed, hmm? Our paths shall cross again some time, or in no time at all, or perhaps in a long, long time! So for now, farewell, and toodle-oo!”
Are we prepared for our Obi-Wan moment and character growth?

A. You accept John Bull’s offer to bring the three of you to wherever this safe haven he has promised is.

The Cannibal Duke hasn't lied to us yet! Let's put our trust in him, he's got a lot of space.
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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
B. Let's begin training to be a Hunter rather than getting ourselves (or Liz and Rain) molested by the fat Anglo in his magical van.

The order guy is pretty obviously hostile, but then again, the knightly order guy hasn't killed Liz so far when he had a clear opportunity to do so.
My instinct as well.
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Jun 27, 2012
Let's begin training to be a Hunter rather than getting ourselves (or Liz and Rain) molested by the fat Anglo in his magical van.
Why does it always have to be sexual? John Bull probably wants to eat us like a normal fairy-tale monster. Wrinkly isn't even good-looking.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

I'd prefer B for several reasons. I really want to get involved in the more human, political aspects of the tower, and the Cannibal Duke seems closer to the supernatural side of things. That's not even mentioning the fact that he's absolutely terrifying and there is a high chance of everything going to shit if we take him up on his offer. I think we should take our chances with the Knightly Order, and hope that we can finesse our way into perhaps being picked up by the Hunters.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Why does it always have to be sexual? John Bull probably wants to eat us like a normal fairy-tale monster. Wrinkly isn't even good-looking.
You're probably right.




May 22, 2012
Hm, the added time skulking in the back led to hunter problems with Elizabeth. Weird.

This nice man wants to help us and he hasn’t done us a bad turn so I say A! Better than getting the heart stabbed out?


Nov 3, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Codex 2012
Orbit makes a compelling argument. Comparing the Cannibal Duke to Zhang Jue.

Now, if the Knightly Order had offered knowledge of the Yuhe Finger, then this would've been an easy sell.

As it is though, I'm curious as to what this insane John Bull entity has going on. He's scary, yes. The whole Tower is one scary mess.

Let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes.


I've reconsidered after re-reading the discuss!

Let's go with The Dapper Gentleman instead of The Cannibal Duke, eh?

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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Who's trusting either of these madmen? It's a toss-up between a rock and a hard place.
And how is the Hunter a madman? He's only been hostile to us after discovering Liz was a vampire. And he hasn't threatened to kill either of us even though he's clearly capable. He's demanded to ask us some questions.

Bull is a known liar, who's had a fascination with Liz from the day we met him. And even assuming we could get him to train us on anything, you can be sure that his path leads to all sorts of immoral, inhuman actions that, frankly, the Codex is just going to puss out on anyway. We're not playing a villain, so why side with such an obvious one? It'd just put us in some bizarre predicament we'd need to escape from, probably at great cost.
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Jun 27, 2012
We're not playing a villain, so why side with such an obvious one? It'd just put us in some bizarre predicament we'd need to escape from, probably at great cost.
Well. He already has Liz, so I'd rather not be separated from her. And escaping a Brothers Grimm tale sounds like a good adventure that we can have fun with.

The Witch Hunter here, otoh, looks like he's the anti-fun police. And he stabbed Liz through the heart. While not Theseus-tier, it's still very unbro of him.

So yeah. Kinda like that.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
treave If we reject the Cannibal Duke's offer, will he give Liz back?
Try it and see.
Well, I guess that this is a valid argument in favor of A. How are we going to resist the Duke this time with no gun and no overpowered Aztec astra user?

I was kind of hoping the Hunter might side with us against him briefly rather than let the Duke escape with his quarry. But as I recall, Bull's astra can apparently keep others out, as it did Tlalli briefly.

Then again:
“You did well back when confronting the Cannibal Duke,” says Tlalli suddenly, while you are resting at the bottom of the stairs. The girls are exhausted from the trek, and Tlalli had taken the opportunity to give them a break. “You kept your calm and you didn’t give in. Not a lot of children can say that… and he has preyed on many.”
I don't know why he's bothering to ask us to come with him at all. Couldn't he simply take us by force? It certainly seems like he could take Liz at least. So why doesn't he? Why is he asking for permission again? Almost like he needs it. Is it a condition of his astra?

This guy is bad news and probably means to eat us or worse. I don't think going with him will improve our chances of escaping him either. It's difficult, but I still have to stick with B for now.
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Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I don't know man...losing Liz is the worst case scenario. I'm kinda torn here.

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