
The scholarly MagicAIDS had a thing on Jace. Still not sure it'll really supercharge Jace since you have to play a 4cmc do-nothing enchantment that THEN goes berserk, but hey.
You're right, no Seb in Zendikar for some reason. And I haven't been over the moon for the cards but I also haven't been looking over the spoilers much. Some millshit looks fun but eh. Last set I went ham on was Ravnica Allegiance for some reason. Fucking loved that shit, especially Orzhov. I normally like playing Izzet-like decks more but the spirit tokens were so fucking neat. And Teysa doubling 'em up. Liked the stompy Gruul shit in there too, it had things like krasis which were a pain but that's the set I probably bought into the heaviest on MTGA, even though War of the Spark was the one I did a preorder on. Which I don't really regret, helped bump my wildcards up and I've been riding that ever since.
that jace trick is p funny but people are running so much enchantment/artifact hate right now (because of lucky clover) that nothing will ever stick for more than a turn unless I get really lucky. probably would be sick in brawl though, along with the 1 mana cyclers to draw a shit ton. Jace on his own though just looks really good to me; really hard for opp to kill on turn 3 and being able to scry 2 every turn is really strong
flavor in RNA was so awesome, orzhov and azorius are my fav RNA guilds so playing draft especially was insanely fun, especially since it was actually just a good set to draft too. Gonna miss the ravnica cards (except the broken shit like nissa). not really into zrn flavor, which is weird cuz I love exploring forests and shit, but the art seems kinda unfocused and all over the place with random flying cubes thrown in. feels more like a core set to me than anything.
full art lands look good tho i'll probably pick up a set as long as they don't charge like a million dollars or whatever
New set looks good to me aswell. Unsure how much of it will see play tho, I think Uro+Landfall will be on a wholly different powerlevel than those party shenanigans they are trying to push.
I think party synergies will be ok in draft but there's no way in hell it'll work in constructed. hard enough to get two combo pieces onto a board but party wants like 4 and then a payoff card on top of it, and the payoffs don't immediately win you the game lol.