That does seem pretty fun! I was one copy short on the deputies so I stuck my one full-size Teferi in just to be an asshole (Although arguably something else would be more appropriate. Seraph of the scales, Sorin, something more built around dudes (Although I'm still Sorin-less. Probably going to craft some just because I really fucking want him for aristocrats)), and I'm not too sure on the Clear the Mind so I'd learn toward putting a baby Teferi in (Both useful for bouncing your opponent's shit and potentially bouncing your own enter-the-battlefield dudes, and his always annoying passive) instead. My lands are also a bit shittier but not massively. Definitely fun the bit I've played with it though.
Haven't really been building any decks lately, still been playing little MTG. Grinding just a few games of RDW in ranked for the most part (And even then I still haven't hauled myself out of platinum since I do the 250 and 100s and then quit) and sometimes flip to casual to play that Simic Nissa/bioessence hydra deck. Had a really silly game of that earlier, got matched against someone playing merfolk but the healing from the wildgrowth walker I had kept me alive, then eventually clobbered him with krasis and a 22/22 bioessence hydra. He actually could've won that game had he played his "Tap all your opponent's creatures" merfolk on a turn it would've given him lethal, OR if he'd been more aggressive in killing my walkers. The fact that he was so fixated on my face meant that I had nearly infinite mana with Nissa and meant my hydra was ridiculous once it was played. He did grudgingly split off to kill Vivien before she could ult but for some reason he wanted to race me when I still had large amounts of potential healing with that wildgrowth on the board.