There, fixed it for you.Arguming with a retard( Phage )shitposting and baitingAlfons style.
1.) Enter a thread for a series you've never played and makesweepingstatementsbased off of limited contextabout the plot that is told through cutscenes.
2.) Glaze over posts that addresseverything you've brought up, offering nothing in return other than a vague general feelingthings you never even stated.
3.)Spaz out, claimcall out people who are moving goal posts and post a youtube video to a spanish soap opera with the same caliber of performances as the discussed series.
4.) Hurl ad hominems and deny reality despite written proofTell the retard he's retarded.
I have an HD 7870 with 2GB of VRAM and I think the processor is an AMD FX 8350, though I can't remember off the top of my head. It runs most contemporary games just fine. The game doesn't even look that good, especially since most of the effects like AO and lens flares are so overbearing.Shitty PC is shitty.I greatly exceed the minimum specifications, but even on the lowest settings the game runs like ass.True, but meh.Menus don't use the mouse cursor.You have to hold a button to bring up a menu. Oh the horror. !!!!!!! It is not explained in the game, but anyone with a higher IQ than 90 can figure it out.The flashlight and suppressor key binds are fake.I can safely say that you are lying because I played the game like 2 weeks ago and the keys are working. They are the X and Y buttons on the controller, so they are by default bound to the X and Y keys. As I understand, they can't be rebound even though they appear to be in the menu. You also have to hold down a button to open one of the retarded gamepad menus before the keys actually do anything, and this isn't explained anywhere in-game. I quit before I tested the specifics of this because it was such a bad experience.
I have an HD 7870 with 2GB of VRAM and I think the processor is an AMD FX 8350, though I can't remember off the top of my head. It runs most contemporary games just fine. The game doesn't even look that good, especially since most of the effects like AO and lens flares are so overbearing.Shitty PC is shitty.I greatly exceed the minimum specifications, but even on the lowest settings the game runs like ass.True, but meh.Menus don't use the mouse cursor.You have to hold a button to bring up a menu. Oh the horror. !!!!!!! It is not explained in the game, but anyone with a higher IQ than 90 can figure it out.The flashlight and suppressor key binds are fake.I can safely say that you are lying because I played the game like 2 weeks ago and the keys are working. They are the X and Y buttons on the controller, so they are by default bound to the X and Y keys. As I understand, they can't be rebound even though they appear to be in the menu. You also have to hold down a button to open one of the retarded gamepad menus before the keys actually do anything, and this isn't explained anywhere in-game. I quit before I tested the specifics of this because it was such a bad experience.
I can't remember the menu that I had to bring up, but I think it was just a weapon selection menu, something that is easily bypassed with mouse and keyboard. I didn't ever bring this menu up before I just started trying all the buttons to see if anything worked. Even then, my custom. Keybinds. Didn't. Fucking. Work. This is a huge fuckup on the part of the developers.
Yeah man, the levels in MGS4 are actually pretty fun (except for the one where you have to follow the resistance leader). Some of the cutscenes are also so ridiculous that you can't help but laugh "I AMFAGGOTLIGHTNING THE RAIN TRANSFORMED!" plus dat final boss. It's shame that it missed the mark on so many other things.
Hey you fucking genius, maybe keep in mind that I said I was getting big performance dips on the lowest settings? Of course I went through the graphics settings. It's a PC port. It should have settings that do something, optimization for PC hardware that works, and controls that can fucking be remapped. It actually ran only slightly worse on the highest settings, so I was able to see all the awful effects for myself before turning everything off and seeing that the game still gave me bad performance issues.I have an HD 7870 with 2GB of VRAM and I think the processor is an AMD FX 8350, though I can't remember off the top of my head. It runs most contemporary games just fine. The game doesn't even look that good, especially since most of the effects like AO and lens flares are so overbearing.Shitty PC is shitty.I greatly exceed the minimum specifications, but even on the lowest settings the game runs like ass.True, but meh.Menus don't use the mouse cursor.You have to hold a button to bring up a menu. Oh the horror. !!!!!!! It is not explained in the game, but anyone with a higher IQ than 90 can figure it out.The flashlight and suppressor key binds are fake.I can safely say that you are lying because I played the game like 2 weeks ago and the keys are working. They are the X and Y buttons on the controller, so they are by default bound to the X and Y keys. As I understand, they can't be rebound even though they appear to be in the menu. You also have to hold down a button to open one of the retarded gamepad menus before the keys actually do anything, and this isn't explained anywhere in-game. I quit before I tested the specifics of this because it was such a bad experience.
I can't remember the menu that I had to bring up, but I think it was just a weapon selection menu, something that is easily bypassed with mouse and keyboard. I didn't ever bring this menu up before I just started trying all the buttons to see if anything worked. Even then, my custom. Keybinds. Didn't. Fucking. Work. This is a huge fuckup on the part of the developers.
Yeah, you're above the minumum specs, but you're not really close to recommended. That's why the game dips to 30 FPS (especially since you kept on the performance heavy graphics effects it seems). The fact that the game ran as well as it did on those specs is a testament to how great of a port GZ is performance wise.
Considering you are well below the recommended specs, not too sure why you had AO and lens flare on at all (they're toggleable). You did go through the graphics option menu, right? If you didn't, the game likely set you to last-gen console specs after detecting your hardware. With that said, I'm going to go ahead and argue that the game looks pretty good. This is obviously extremely subjective, but if you compare MGSV to other titles that have come out in the past few years, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a tremendous number of better looking titles; Especially when you take into account that you can turn off the effects you find displeasing.
I can't comment on your control issue. I did a playthrough with K + M with zero problems or quirks at all - granted I found the default binding logical enough that I had no reason to change it. After that I played with controller, which is, as to be expected, a much nicer experience since it's a third person title.
This argument I can fap toIn favor of MGS4 though :
Tranq guns are indeed pretty ridiculous, especially in 2. I do think that European Extreme difficulty would curtail some of your issues - granted the, well, extreme difficulty can make things fairly tedious in practice (or thrilling, depending on what you enjoy in games)