About Shadowrun PnP
Shadowrun is also influenced by the writings of
William Gibson (particularly
[6] Gibson, who gave no permission and expressed strong aversion for mixing his ideas with "spare me, *elves*,"
[7] reacted as follows to its release:
[W]hen I see things like
Shadowrun, the only negative thing I feel about it is that initial extreme revulsion at seeing my literary DNA mixed with elves. Somewhere somebody's sitting and saying 'I've got it! We're gonna do William Gibson and
Tolkien!' Over my dead body! But I don't have to bear any aesthetic responsibility for it. I've never earned a nickel, but I wouldn't sue them. It's a fair cop. I'm sure there are people who could sue me, if they were so inclined, for messing with their stuff. So it's just kind of amusing.