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Preview Might & Magic X preview at Strategy Informer + Screenshots


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Tags: Limbic Entertainment; Might & Magic X: Legacy; Ubisoft

There's a short preview of Might & Magic X Legacy at Strategy Informer, this time by someone who actually seems to know what he's talking about. Here's the gist of it:

A few days ago, Ubisoft announced Might & Magic X: Legacy, and the name is appropos, as the feel, strategy and style of the game harkens back to 1986 with scintillatingly retro gameplay. In short, the game is the original Might & Magic with more modern bells and whistles.​

For one, towns are once again static pictures of people at the location which have basic dialog options. Clicking on, say, the local alchemist brings up a rumor she heard (more or less a tooltip in the game I played), while another option opened up a basic trade screen for potions.​

Leaving the town places the player on what is essentially a giant square-grid map in which players move and turn step by step through the wilderness. If the player get too close to enemies, they become locked in combat.​

From there, the player's four man party can engage the enemy or enemies with melee or ranged combat, cast spells, use items or take a defensive stance. Combat is simple unless multiple enemy types are in combat, when it becomes important to close in quickly to prevent ranged units from allowing melee units to move in and engage.​

Each character has different levels of multipfale skills, from a range of 0 to 25. When characters level, the player is given a few skill points to distribute amongst the skills. Levels range from unskilled to grandmaster. Do you add some points to the Block skill for your heavy melee guy, or do you invest more in his blunt weapon skills? The characters also have a very basic paper doll system for equipping items, as well as a shared inventory.​

Finally, the graphics in the build were functional, and while it may be that the game's visuals will get more polish (one of the death animations is a little over the top and comical), it's unlikely to be on the level of The Elder Scrolls - nor is it aiming to be.​

Might & Magic X: Legacy is supremely faithful to the original 1986 game, gleefully eschewing such modern standard gameplay mechanics as real-time 3D rendering. Instead it harkens back to the days when roleplaying games were as much about tactical strategy as it was about telling a story. Nostalgic gamers will drown themselves in its simple-yet-complex gameplay, and perhaps with the comeback of "retraux" gaming, young gamers may enjoy its style without being turned off by blocky characters.​

In further news, one of our users found some proper screenshots of the game, with the UI and everything, on a Russian website (where else?). As you can see, solid information about this game is hard to come by, so if you find anything else, please tell us about it!

Update: A Reddit user named "alien13ufo" played the demo at PAX and posted his impressions.

I played the demo at PAX yesterday and talked to the lead dev. Heres the info I garnered:
  • Plays more like the pre-mandate of heaven games with a grid style movement system instead of free roam.
  • there are 12 classes (didn't tell me what they were) and then "advanced" classes for each of them. I suppose this is like the system in 6-7-8 where you do a quest to promote from a Knight to a Champion or whatever.
  • there will be 23 dungeons.
  • aiming for september release
  • there is no training. When you level up you just get your skill points then and there.
  • You still will level your skills and have to train to expert, master, and grand master. Expert and master you just go find the trainer and pay gold when you have the necessary skill points, and for grandmaster there will be a quest.
  • It will be totally non-linear after the initial area where it teaches you how to play. Kind of like 7, where you were confined to the island until you completed the first quest.
  • In the demo you never had more than 2-3 monsters at a time. I asked if this is representative of the whole game, and he said "it depends on the level. Sometimes you will be surrounded, sometimes it is just a few more powerful enemies." Was kind of vague.
  • The movement is like Grimrock, but Grimrock was still a real time game. This is turn based 100% of the time, which imo makes the combat much more interesting.
  • There is a skill bar, but its not like WoW or other MMOs where you have special attacks... the abilities that were on the skill bar were just melee attack, ranged attack, defend (idk what this did, never used it), and then you can put spells and potions on there too.
  • I looked but didn't see any "self" magics in the skill trees of the characters I had, but I didn't pay attention to what classes I had in my party. its possible I just didn't have a character who could learn them.
  • No blasters / sci-fi elements.
  • There will be hirelings. You can have two in your party at once. They don't fight with you, just provide your party with a bonus. For a price of course.
[...] Yup, my impressions were that its going to be a pretty good game. The graphics look pretty nice, and it "feels" like might & magic. The main thing I'm concerned about is the difficulty. I never felt like I was in any real danger during the demo, although they did tell me my party was intentionally overpowered for this area, so it could be fine in the final game.​


Apr 18, 2008
gleefully eschewing such modern standard gameplay mechanics as real-time 3D rendering

The fuck does that mean? Oh, right, typing random words about things you have no idea about makes you a game journalist. Got it.


Aug 1, 2012
That skill system shit looks buildy. At least it looks it's all combat, if they'd had "swimming" or "cartography" on the level-up raise skills I'd have called the game for definite buttass


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
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Strategy Informer said:
Might & Magic X: Legacy is supremely faithful to the original 1986 game
I wonder if the person who wrote these words was even born in 1986...
This is a much better preview than the Polygon one, although still severely lacking.

Admiral jimbob

gay as all hell
Sep 29, 2009
truck stops and toilet stalls
Wasteland 2
For one, towns are once again static pictures of people at the location which have basic dialog options. Clicking on, say, the local alchemist brings up a rumor she heard (more or less a tooltip in the game I played), while another option opened up a basic trade screen for potions.​
no no this isn't a budget iOS game using "being retro" as an excuse to cut every corner possible while bearing no actual depth, why do you say that​


Aug 1, 2012
Random encounters instead of enemies visibly wandering around, and the combat is a lot more like a traditional blobber than the much simpler and much faster system of 3-5 where you pretty much just mash the attack button for a couple of turns on 99% of fights.


Aug 30, 2012
The Crystal Mist Mountains
One more MMX thread to keep track of.

If a lot of people are going to be disappointed with this effort, I guess that just puts more pressure on Sovereign to deliver.

No problem.


Codex Roaming East Coast Reporter
Feb 22, 2006
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Well, just got done talking to my friend that went to PAX East. He has no new info that hasn't already been shown here. He was not able to play the game but did see it in action. He said that it looked very "cartoony" and "WoW-like" (his words). Movement, as stated, is grid-based and combat was turn-based. He was a little unclear on how "turns" were being played out during the demo he saw being played. He did state that when it was a character's "turn" you could bring up a variety of menus, such as spell lists, inventory, stat screen, etc. There is no trainer to level up as you get skills points to distribute when your character reaches the next level. One thing he did notice is that the areas they were showing were very linear. By this he meant there did not seem to be any maze-like areas with many paths, only a "straight road or path" to take. He took one rather crappy pic with his cell phone that I'll post but it's blurry and shows nothing. :mad:I told him he sucked at photography but I did appreciate him getting the info for me.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
It's probably an eye candy/tutorial area for demonstration purposes so I wouldn't draw any hasty conclusions from its linearity.


Codex Staff
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Oct 21, 2002
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"shades of darkness" jeez. if it's dark it's dark. "duel of champions" well that makes them duelists, no?

the game will probably be pretty linear. it's not an 'old-school' title, it's iPad-adapted.


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
It is hard to believe what I read here and saw in the screenshots. It actually looks like they will make a game which is fairly faithful to the older ones. But maybe they have an awesome button after all.

ps. I did not play the old M&M.

when it becomes important to close in quickly to prevent ranged units from allowing melee units to move in and engage.

This poorly constructed sentence gave me a brain aneurysm.


Oct 13, 2012
New Europe
Updated OP with alien13ufo's impressions.

So this kind of sounds like the kind of game we would have violently jacked off over 18 months ago, before the Kickstarter Renaissance, but now just comes of as an attempt on capitalizing the old-school crowd. Nevertheless, ever the optimist, it should be acknowledged that it still looks like something I never believed a huge studio would even try and that, even with all the probable cut corners, can be a decent enough game.

Engage cautiously-optimistic mode!


Aug 1, 2012
Also you can cut a shitload of corners and still have enough manpower to execute a design with scope and execution similar to a late '80s early '90s M&M game, given that tools are so much better and faster now and they already had an engine and some art assets. Budget can't excuse these guys if they fuck it up.


Aug 5, 2004
Looking at the second screenshot on the russian page, they've changed the stats. Most of the names are different and there are now 6 instead of 7.

Old stats:

New stats:


±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2

Fucking Erwan Le Breton? And I hoped never to see again his face in my life. The moron who conceptualised the exquisite world of Ashan


Here we can see how Le Breton takes care of his whores (aka fans aka forum moderators & shit) by dining, sight seeing and partying them.
With him at the helm of this turd called MM X, success is guaranteed!

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