Hey guys/gals, quick question.
We are discussing the mythology skill and potential additional penalty if you don't identify monsters in the fight (so when you get ?? rat ?? instead of Giant rat for example - like in Wizardry).
The idea is, that if you don't know the monster, all physical attacks would have a bit of a penalty (not too much, but let say in the range of 10-20% ?) - as the fighter wouldn't know where (on the body) the monster is most vulnerable to attacks
This would also add additional utility to mythology skill.
What do you think about this idea?
Would you be up for it? Do you think it's no good? This is another one where we WILL listen to you and will go with what the majority of you will "vote for".
I will also have new material to show any day now, along with a few news tidbits. We are "building" the game every day - So stay tuned
I think it makes sense, but... Well, if we are being grounded in reality, 99% of the time what you know about goblin anatomy should be valid whether you are fighting a goblin, a hobgoblin, a gremlin or whatever. I think maybe the other way around might make more sense? Since you don't know so well how a creature is likely to act, you are more likely to be hit by it (especially by non standard attacks) and they are more likely to have greater effect. I mean, if you don't know that the ?? bad hair lady ?? is a medusa, you are more likely to look her in the eye. For a simple solution, I think increasing the attack chance (or lowering the effective defence of the party) against unidentified creatures, as well as it affecting special abilities/spells (make them harder to resist) might be a better solution which is still simple. If you were willing to put more work into this feature, you could also have special effects for having a creature identified. For instance, if you identify the ?? green monster ?? as a troll, you get a chance to kill it for good when you make it reach 0 hp. If not, and if the final blow wasn't done by fire damage, it will regenerate in a couple of rounds.