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Myth: A New Age CYOA


Sep 12, 2013
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire


Jan 9, 2014
Okay, one massive pile of answers coming up:

Nevill said:
I find it both hilariours and sad that Mayer was the only person in the whole city who could tell us what really is going on.

Is he? :smug:

Nevill said:
I'd like to ask the King what is happening right now. How much of a threat the Eberhardts still are? How many houses they control? Their resistance have failed, not in the least because of their alleged alliance with the Dark. Yet Mayer have mentioned that most of the army officers were on their payroll. Who do they serve now? Do we expect the army to support their former allies? Do we expect a civil war to break out? If so, who is likely to lead them?

What should we expect to happen after the trial is conducted?

If you want to actually ask him I will have to put it to a vote so I will need you lot to decide how you want the question(s) phrased first.

What I can tell you right away is what Derryth and Thaïs think based on their intuition, social skills, general knowledge, and what Mayer has told them. So here goes:

Right now everyone is preparing for the trial. It will be massive, there are currently 162 defendents that will be brought together to be tried for treason and conspiring with the Dark. The punishment for either is death by hanging, quartering and finally cremation.

Albrecht seems to think they are enough of a threat to warrant the complete 'removal' of the House and its allies. You do not know how dangerous they actually are though.

There are twelve great houses and thirty two lesser houses. Eberhardt controls three quarters of the lesser houses through alliance and/or marriage. Of the greater houses, two are known to have close ties with the Eberhardts, the rest are at least pretending to be royalists.

Mayer is of the belief that the officers will go where the money is. If House Albrecht has the money then they will be good little soldiers provided Mayer is right.

Mayer does not expect a civil war, no one wants to support a man that has 'conspired' with the Dark. Now without that conspiracy charge this becomes a normal political issue which may or may not change how people react.

If there were a civil war it would require leadership from one of the great houses. Mayer can think of a few dwarves that might have the courage and will to try it but they would need a clear opening.

Kz3r0 said:
Do we get a boost to our tactical skills if we get them right?

If I had used actual pseudonyms then yes but this time it was just for fun. Each of the names listed as a tutor corresponds to an actual military theorist/general so if you want to know more about them you only have to search their names. I just wanted to see if anyone would recognize some of the less (relatively) well known names like Levy or Jomini. ;)

Nevill said:
Can Lyssa discreetly ask at the Magic Academy what is it that the Mayer's wife is suffering from? She does not have to mention names - just describe the symptoms and try to find the information.

She could try but I would not expect much. She would be trying to describe a condition which has been only described to her without revealing anything that could link her inquiry to Mayer or his wife. I am not sure how one would go about that to be honest.

Nevill said:
Since two of the eagles returned to us, does it mean that the king also took note of that? He has us under surveilance, and they were already on the lookout for eagles. Where does Lyssa intends to keep them when they get back, anyway?

Lyssa did not see anyone watching her while she was with her eagles but it is certainly a possibility. Well she was going to let them roost on the roof but if you would rather she did something else then let me know. If there are no objections and it is something Lyssa would allow then I will simply do it. If there are objections then it will have to be put to a vote.

Nevill said:
I assume we have interviewed our teachers rather thoughroughly, but it never hurts checking if trow tactics is actually applicable to human warfare. You know, because of a bit of a size difference? :lol:

Well it did come as a surprise. I mean it is not every day that this:


Shows up at your door. He would be more comfortable with Trow soldiers, that is true, but the majority of the Trow armies at their height were not comprised of Trow. There simply are not that many Trow and they breed quite slowly. So he is quite familiar with using 'lesser' races in combat as well.

Nevill said:
About Ithapi's education. I suppose the only reason we didn't act upon it sooner is that we didn't know the guy can't read. Can't we retroactively put him to it? Otherwise I am ready to write a letter to ours to update them on our progress and to ask them about their own - and yes, I would like to get to that matter eventually. In fact, let's write the letter anyway. No, the latest interlude with the Faceless Woman didn't get me spooked at all, why? Besides, it would be nice to warn them about Trakk's mercenaries and the Brannons.

I am fairly certain I mentioned it before. Back when you inquired about why he was so happy to be freed. No one seemed terribly interested in teaching him to read though. Probably because there was no way for you to know how intelligent he is, he really does not speak much unless spoken to. As such I am against retroactively altering him. You can send a letter if you would like. I will attach the question to the next update if there are no objections.

Nevill said:
Can the letter be sent via an eagle? Or is the land courirer more reliable?

You can certainly write them a letter if you wish, you can send it by courier or by eagle. The eagle is quicker and more discreet but it could also be killed and/or intercepted by any number of things. If you send it by courier be aware that Albrecht can check your mail. There are no laws regulating what the Pathfinders can and can not do, they do what they please and so does the King when he uses them.

Tell me what you want in the letter and I will put it to a vote in the next update.

Nevill said:
Also, our circle needs to learn a cipher or two for such letters if they are going to contain some private matters.

That is doable but will only really be useful for long range communication if your entire group (or at least most of them) is/are together to create/learn it.

Nevill said:
Can we get resupplied? We never really restocked since the last big battle, and I begin to think we are a bit underprepared for eventualities. I'd like to at least refill our supply of the Energon Cubes, and buy more ammunition for Uttu. How come Thais has 60 crossbow bolts, but Uttu only has 24 arrows?

Sure if you just want Energon Cubes and mundane items you can even have a page pick them up for you. I can add it to the next update if you want.

Nevill said:
How long the enchantments last, once placed on an item? Can we devote a bit of our time to enchant some of our own equipment? I'd like to make use of these:

Depends on the skills of the caster(s). If you want to enchant things then put them up for a vote. Given the number of combinations possible (items, spells, which mage and number of mages are all factors) it would be easier to tell me exactly what you want to do and I will tell you what it will require, how long it will take and how long the spells will last.

Nevill said:
Will it help Caoilainn if we cast some of these on the bracers?

No, the person wearing the bracelet would get the bonus not her.

Current Tally:
Smashing Axe: 1.A 2.A 3.D 4.B
Azira: 1.A 2.B 3.D>E 4.B>C
asxetos 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C
Jester: 1.A 2.B 3.BD>CD 4.C
Kz3r0: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C
Grimgravy: 1.B 2.B 3.CD>D 4.B
archaen: 1.B>A 2.B 3.CD>BD 4.C>B
Baltika9: 1.x 2.x 3.CD 4.x
Nevill: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C
GreyViper: 1.A 2.B 3.DE 4.C

1. The Trial
A) 6 votes
B) 3 votes

2. The Financier
A) 1 vote
B) 8 votes

3. The Tutor
D) 5 votes
BD) 1 vote
CD) 3 votes
DE) 1 vote

4. The Spell
B) 3 votes
C) 6 votes

Post Flop:

1. The Trial
A) 7 votes
B) 2 votes

2. The Financier
A) 1 vote
B) 8 votes

3. The Tutor
D) 5 votes
CD) 4 votes
DE) 1 vote

4. The Spell
B) 2 votes
C) 7 votes
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Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
If you want to actually ask him I will have to put it to a vote so I will need you lot to decide how you want the question(s) phrased first.
Anyone wants to try their hands at this? It is clear that the King is withholding the information from us. It would be nice to clarify the most important aspects of our job here, lest we find ourselves a friend of the crown and the enemy of every other dwarf in the kingdom.

She could try but I would not expect much. She would be trying to describe a condition which has been only described to her without revealing anything that could link her inquiry to Mayer or his wife. I am not sure how one would go about that to be honest.
Ah, so the glint in the eyes and what I took for an implied connection with moonlight were just part of the description of the person in question, and not related to the affliction?

If there are no objections and it is something Lyssa would allow then I will simply do it. If there are objections then it will have to be put to a vote.
No, I was merely curious. Though it would be interesting, to say the least, to see what Argus will say to us. He promised to inform us about the eagles the moment he hears about them, and the next thing he knows, we are hosting several of them on the roof of the Palace. :lol:

No one seemed terribly interested in teaching him to read though. Probably because there was no way for you to know how intelligent he is, he really does not speak much unless spoken to.
Mostly because we were involved in a mortally dangerous quest and were more interested in an immediate survival. Then we just forgot about him.

Sure if you just want Energon Cubes and mundane items you can even have a page pick them up for you. I can add it to the next update if you want.
Would be appreciated. And I think some jewelry for our enchantments would be nice to have, too.

Given the number of combinations possible (items, spells, which mage and number of mages are all factors) it would be easier to tell me exactly what you want to do and I will tell you what it will require, how long it will take and how long the spells will last.
Well, it would require us to know how they work, first. Are the effects cumulative? Is it harder to put several enchantments on one item? Does the size or the quality of the item matter?

I want some basic jewelry for everyone in the party enchanted with The Paths of Memory and Intellect. I don't think we have anything to use them on yet, though.

For the purpose of an example, what would be the difference between enchanting our hat and our ring with the Healing spell with the Path of Intellect? We can work on it together, I suppose, though only Thais seems to know those spells.

I want Biliku's Strange Metal Shield enchanted with a Confusing Riddle, and I want several of Uttu's arrows enchanted with a Distracting Riddle. What would it take?
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Feb 11, 2009
We should have asked Mayer what his opinion is on how we should stand at the trial. He seems like a bro.


Mar 24, 2013
Nevill said:
About Ithapi's education. I suppose the only reason we didn't act upon it sooner is that we didn't know the guy can't read. Can't we retroactively put him to it? Otherwise I am ready to write a letter to ours to update them on our progress and to ask them about their own - and yes, I would like to get to that matter eventually. In fact, let's write the letter anyway. No, the latest interlude with the Faceless Woman didn't get me spooked at all, why? Besides, it would be nice to warn them about Trakk's mercenaries and the Brannons.

I am fairly certain I mentioned it before. Back when you inquired about why he was so happy to be freed. No one seemed terribly interested in teaching him to read though. Probably because there was no way for you to know how intelligent he is, he really does not speak much unless spoken to. As such I am against retroactively altering him. You can send a letter if you would like. I will attach the question to the next update if there are no objections.
Actually when we met I thought that they both get same education from mistres, so when Itapi told Derryth his dream about adventure born from stories thought that it lead him to actually read them. When we went to dwarfs was thinking that he be able to help teach spider children and improve his knowledge. Later i read that he cant read and had WTF? moment. It wasnt stated directly and of course it was possible to deduct it (the clues after fact are oblivious). When we will come back hope there will be option to correct this, if our friends werent smart enought to corect this themselves.

I must invest skill point or two into reading comprehension skill i guess.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
We should have asked Mayer what his opinion is on how we should stand at the trial. He seems like a bro.
With all due respect to the man, he is a businessman, not a prosecutor. He does not want to involve himself in those matters either, unless forced to, and no one can blame him.

On another note, bros, why the hurry with Melete's ritual? The way things are going, we'll be mired in the affairs of the dwarven kingdom for a long time. We've burned a quarter of the city and freed a Fallen Lord trying to save her and get to those notes, not to mention we took the most cautious approach with the book instead of giving the Oneiroi prisoners to Bari, so why are we trying to rush things and take risks now?

The success is going to be determined with a die roll, so why the hell do we want to leave it up to chance where there is absolutely no reason to? If we can't spare the time, then just put it off for a while instead of hurrying and risking to botch it completely.
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Jun 27, 2012
Voting just for the girls' education right now:
Uttu to Mr. Levy- the girl is tailor-made for unconventional warfare and guerilla tactics.
Biliku to Mr. Dragomirov- the girl is a great leader, charismatic and a great fighter. Yeah, a disciplined and offense-oriented army would be good for her style.


Jan 9, 2014
Jester said:
Actually when we met I thought that they both get same education from mistres, so when Itapi told Derryth his dream about adventure born from stories thought that it lead him to actually read them. When we went to dwarfs was thinking that he be able to help teach spider children and improve his knowledge. Later i read that he cant read and had WTF? moment. It wasnt stated directly and of course it was possible to deduct it (the clues after fact are oblivious). When we will come back hope there will be option to correct this, if our friends werent smart enought to corect this themselves.

I must invest skill point or two into reading comprehension skill i guess.

Actually I went back and reread my reply after you guys freed him and I never actually stated that he could not read, only that he did not read. So this is still mostly on me, my apologies.

A letter should work and as a result of my goof up I will be rather generous with what can get through this first time.

I will add it to the next update.

I just need to know what everyone wants in the letter:

-Will you mention Mazzarin?

-Will you mention the Faceless?

-Will you mention Trakk?

And so on.

Nevill said:
Ah, so the glint in the eyes and what I took for an implied connection with moonlight were just part of the description of the person in question, and not related to the affliction?

You do not know but I can tell you right now that Derryth is aware that there are multiple potential causes for her symptoms. To really achieve anything the fellows of the Academy would have to get their hands on her and 'test' her.

Nevill said:
Mostly because we were involved in a mortally dangerous quest and were more interested in an immediate survival. Then we just forgot about him.

From what I have seen Derryth and Co. will always be involved in mortally dangerous quests (at least until when/if they become legit immortals). You guys take a very sink die or swim approach to life with her. :lol:

Nevill said:
Would be appreciated. And I think some jewelry for our enchantments would be nice to have, too.

Alright, I will add a shopping question to the next update so long as you just want easy to get things.

Nevill said:
Well, it would require us to know how they work, first. Are the effects cumulative? Is it harder to put several enchantments on one item? Does the size or the quality of the item matter?

Given the qualitative nature of magic in the setting the exact time and energy required will vary a little (my excuse why the whole thing may not be very systematic. ;))

So there are a number of factors involved.

The first is the base item you wish to enchant, most of these are listed in the spell descriptions. If you try to enchant an item with a spell that was not designed to work with it then it will double the amount of time it takes to put in place. Then you have to take into account whether the item already has magical properties. You do not want to damage the existing spells on the item with your temporary enchantments so if the item is enchanted already it will again double the time it would take.

Once you know the spell you want to cast and the item(s) you want to cast it on then you need to pick someone to cast it. If the spell is mastered it will take half the time and energy that a simply 'known' spell would. Then you have to decide if you want to use more than one of the ladies to cast it. If all three of them work on a spell (two of them acting as batteries for the third) then you will get a stronger and longer lasting enchantment out of it.


If you want the Path of Intellect on your very stylish hat it should be fairly easy to do. There are no spells on it but it also is not jewelry so those two facts essentially negate one another. Thaïs does not have it mastered though and it is one of the more advanced enchantments she knows.

All told if she cast it by herself it would take two hours and it would last for three days. If she used Derryth to power the spell it would take one hour and a half and it would last for six and a half days. If she used Lyssa to power it, it would take an hour and forty five minutes and it would last for four and a half days. If all three of them worked on it, it would take an hour and it would last for eight days.

There are also spells that would make the enchantment permanent but the Academy does not teach those to outsiders as it would undermine much of their income. You could place an order with them to permenantly enchant something but it would not be cheap (at least a few dozen WPs for a basic item enchantment).

With the Ring it gets a bit more complicated. You do not want to damage the storage enchantments on it after all. In this case it is jewelry but it is also enchanted so those two facts also negate one another. So the same deal really:

Thaïs = 2 hrs for 3 days
T & D = 1 hrs for 7 days
T & L = 1.75 hrs for 4.5 days
All three = 1 hr for 9 days

Biliku's shield operates on the same principles only with a few variables altered (again remember it is not an exact science, at least not at the level the ladies are playing with):

It is already enchanted but it does work well with the shield. However the Riddles are also WIS based and Lyssa's WIS is only a 6 where as Thaïs' INT is an 8, she also simply is not as skilled of a mage as Derryth and Thaïs. Since she will be leading the spell that will show.

Lyssa = 4 hrs for 0.5 days
L & D = 3 hrs for 2 days
L & T = 3.5 hrs for 1 day
All three = 2 hrs for 3 days

Also this spell will attempt to influence anyone the shield is pointed at, she will have to keep it covered (like Gareth does with his) when not actually intending to target someone.

The Distracting Riddle on the Arrows has a number of advantages. The spell and item work well together and the arrows are not already enchanted. The biggest limiting factor will be Lyssa's lower WIS and smaller base of theory.

Lyssa = 3 arrows per hour, enchantment lasts for three days
L & D = 7 arrows per hour, enchantment lasts for five days
L & T = 5 arrows per hour, enchantment lasts for four days
All three = 10 arrows per hour, enchantment lasts for one week

You are not sure how your temporary enchantments will work with the enchanting properties of Uttu's quiver, for the time being you will have her store any enchanted arrows in a separate compartment till you know more about the spell.

Now all of these values would change if your mages improve in any way, also if more than one of them knew the spell they would be better able to work together to cast it. In addition, given how 'close' Derryth and Thaïs are they do get bonuses when they work together on a spell. They think and cast in complementary ways by this point as has become obvious and that trend is likely to continue if they continue to integrate each other's memories and spend so much time together.

asxetos said:
We should have asked Mayer what his opinion is on how we should stand at the trial. He seems like a bro.

Well he already knows that the charge of conspiracy with the Dark is a lie and everyone 'knows' you will be taking the stand against Eberhardt so I can see no harm in you asking him. He says it all depends on what you want to do, if you want to stick with Albrecht then follow his lead, if you want to distance yourself from his administration then do so. He gives you a warning that Albrecht is very dangerous if crossed, he 'lives' for the Kingdom and will not tolerate anything he sees as a threat to it. More often than not that means anyone he sees as a threat to him. There are great rewards to be had there but also very real dangers, such is the cost of consorting with kings.

Naturally he asks you not to repeat anything he has said. He can protect himself but he would rather not have to.
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Mar 10, 2014
Would some of you 3.D voters mind flopping over 3.BD or 3.CD and I'll follow? Just like having Mazzarin and Nine both trying to one up each other and fill in holes the other one left while tutoring us in magic, having two tutors should give them a lot more experience and also give the girls the ability to gravitate towards a command style more their own as they pick and choose which advice to follow. I know it is fairly expensive, but if we want to give them command of our mercenary companies and armies in the future, having extremely talented command staff could save us countless WPs. We only need two flops and we are there.

Smashing Axe

Dec 29, 2011
Divinity: Original Sin
We don't have enough funds for me to be willing to do that. Let's wait until we actually have a revenue source. There's no reason we cannot hire another tutor later. It will take a while for the girls to learn this guy's lessons, two is excessive.
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Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
-Will you mention Mazzarin?
-Will you mention the Faceless?
-Will you mention Trakk?
-NO, NO and yes.

Mazzarin and Faceless should never be mentioned in writing that is at risk of being accessed by anyone not of our circle.

Describe our adventures to them, or at the very least the part that can be publically told; tell them that there is a possibility of the Watcher coming back and we are constantly facing necromancers (is that a state secret? it isn't, right?); ask Gareth about the riders and strange crows (as the readers, we know that whoever controls the crows has them all the way up to the Northlands, so there may be some links to that end in Muirthemne as well - though from an IC perspective we are just pursuing the lead we have), maybe pursue some contracts on exterminating the necromancers as well and see if there is a connection to anything; warn them about the Watcher's stones as well; warn them about the situation with the Brannons and Trakk mercenaries (without going into too much detail), that's not to say we want them to kill Trakk, of course; tell Gareth we are training the girls and ask for his advice on the matter (though he probably learned his lessons not by books, but by experience); ask for a general update on how things are going on their end (I hope to see an updated organisation and maybe character sheets out of that); remind them about Ithapi, tell them that we'll check how much he learned when we get back so that Amena would take the job seriously. Besides, I want to read a scene about a Maul passing an exam. We'll make him into a :obviously: yet.

[...] the magical artefacts and spellbooks you have recovered require your personnel attentions. Loosely speaking the spellbooks fall into three categories, those taken from the Silver Order library, those taken from the Blue Order outpost and a smattering of texts recovered from the library and attached vault. There are dozens of tomes detailing spells from half a dozen schools of magical knowledge here mixed in with history boks and texts on arcane philosophy. It will take months to properly go through what you have recovered and you simply do not have the time.
Are there any dangers involved in letting Amena sort through the books alone in her spare time? Because I'd like to have her start on that as well *if that's safe*. I have no idea if there are spell tomes that can possess you or something in the setting. I don't expect them to learn anything, just to skim the surface to know what is what.

*How enchanting stuff works*
Well, this "pick the spells you want" approach does not really work well in CYOA format with non-permanent enchantments that last for a few days. We can't vote on them each update since it would shift the focus of the choices in the direction I don't know we want to go. I'd like to keep things steamlined and simple.

For that matter, all I want is a question "do you want to spare some of your time (say, an hour a day) to work on enchantments?" Maybe choose who gets to work on it, but I feel there is little point not to have all three of our mages work together because otherwise it just takes too much time. Besides, we get to bond through shared activities, which is always nice, and since we are all necklace wearers, this should be good for our sanity as well.

Seeing how most of the enchantments take an hour to cast if we are together and last about a week, this would allow us to maintain a list of about 7 enchanted items permanently (the math is simple - if one spell expires, cast something new on the item), which is far easier to keep track of than each separate enchantment. As we get more experienced, the list would grow. As we get busier, the list would shrink. You can pick the enchantments yourself based on what Derryth thinks would suit her needs. If we expect combat, make them combat oriented. If we expect to spend some time in peace, choose them accordingly. And if we don't find a use for some of them, so what? No one is going to bitch why we chose to enchant the shield and then spent all week partying, anyway. "This seemed like a good idea at a time".

Ultimately, I think this is the best way of making use of our knowledge while keeping things simple enough and without drowning us in micromanagement.

As for the choices, it will be A B CD C for me. I strongly urge everyone to reconsider the last vote, as the risks we are about to take are needless.

From what I have seen Derryth and Co. will always be involved in mortally dangerous quests (at least until when/if they become legit immortals). You guys take a very sink die or swim approach to life with her. :lol:
Well, what the hell are we supposed to do? It's not like I want to place her in danger, but if you look at it from my perspective, it is easier to conclude that the world have gone to shit and death awaits around every corner than that we have suicidal tendencies.

You want to get in touch with your inventor friend? Here is a compound full of elite mercenaries! You want to check on a workshop? Here is half of the city after your hide. You want to see Bari because you don't know what to do? Here is an ambush. You want to spare Trakk? Have fun while he hunts you down across kingdoms. You want to do some stealth mission against the Eberhardts so that they would not murder you horribly? Have some Black Arrows in your face! You want to get out of that one alive? Welcome to the desert! You don't want some suspicious archmage poking in your friend's head and you don't want to displease them, either? The land of Nightmares greets you, we hope you enjoy your stay. And here is another Fallen Lord for you! etc etc

The rape train has no brakes.
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Nov 3, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Codex 2012
The good thing about having the girls cooperate on enchantments would be that they all get better at it, and Derryth is like to pick up how to cast the required spells. It spreads these useful skills out on more people.


Jan 9, 2014
Nevill said:
Letter stuff

Alright. That is what you will go with. I will put it to a vote in the next update with a few possible options. Since you are mostly voting to cooperate it is not like you will be moving between now and then.

Nevill said:
Are there any dangers involved in letting Amena sort through the books alone in her spare time? Because I'd like to have her start on that as well *if that's safe*. I have no idea if there are spell tomes that can possess you or something in the setting. I don't expect them to learn anything, just to skim the surface to know what is what.

There might be dangers, yes. Amena is not as good of a mage as you are and she is a little naive. I can not confirm nor deny that there may be something dangerous and/or sentient in the collection of books you have locked up. It is one of the reasons why Derryth is so insistent so sorting through them herself. The other reason is that she is a little greedy still (though far less greedy than when you started the CYOA) and prefers to have first crack at the good stuff.

She is also quite busy managing the children and teaching Ithapi will eat up time as well but if there is sufficient demand then certainly you can have her sort through the books.

Nevill said:
Well, this "pick the spells you want" approach does not really work well in CYOA format with non-permanent enchantments that last for a few days. We can't vote on them each update since it would shift the focus of the choices in the direction I don't know we want to go. I'd like to keep things steamlined and simple.


Ultimately, I think this is the best way of making use of our knowledge while keeping things simple enough and without drowning us in micromanagement.

Azira said:
The good thing about having the girls cooperate on enchantments would be that they all get better at it, and Derryth is like to pick up how to cast the required spells. It spreads these useful skills out on more people.

Alright. That is how we will do it then. The ladies will work as a team, daily, to enchant items and they will cast what they think is most useful while teaching each other. I will add it as a question on the next update in case some people would rather not for whatever reason.

Nevill said:
Well, what the hell are we supposed to do? It's not like I want to place her in danger, but if you look at it from my perspective, it is easier to conclude that the world have gone to shit and death awaits around every corner than that we have suicidal tendencies.

Well you could have walked away from it fairly easily and most of the risks you took were completely avoidable if you were willing to sacrifice people or things. Instead you chose to be pretty damned close to heroic and I applaud you for it. It was fun to write but you did have perfectly viable choices that were much safer in most of those updates.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
She is also quite busy managing the children and teaching Ithapi will eat up time as well but if there is sufficient demand then certainly you can have her sort through the books.
No! If there is a potential for backfiring, I don't want to put a kid to it. Hell, since the books are from the libraries of the Damned, there may very well be another black tome connected to the Goddess among them.

Just... forget I asked.
It is one of the reasons why Derryth is so insistent so sorting through them herself. The other reason is that she is a little greedy still (though far less greedy than when you started the CYOA) and prefers to have first crack at the good stuff.
Funny, because I considered letting Amena do this with Brigit with full knowledge that the thief would probably take something for herself when Amena isn't looking, and I was totally alright with that. I discarded it mostly because Brigit was busy elsewhere.

Still, it would have been interesting to know if Derryth agrees or if she still can't let go of shinies.
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Jan 9, 2014
Nevill said:
Still, it would have been interesting to know if Derryth agrees or if she still can't let go of any shinies.

She loves shinies, really loves shinies but she is willing to share with people she considers her friends.

She has no problem giving things to Thaïs now, for example. She would even let Thaïs use the Halcyon Stone if it came up and that is largely down to the rather unique relationship they have. Complete trust and all that...

She also would have little trouble giving the girls things since she views them as something vaguely in the range of kid sisters, nieces or daughters. Her main concern would be whether or not it was 'safe' for them to play with.

For the rest of her friends it varies. Serpent, Brigit, Gareth, Amena and Ithapi are all people that she trusts a lot. She would usually be willing to help them with whatever they ask for but there are limits. If she really cares about a shiny (like the Halcyon Stone) then she would not lend it to them also if she was worried about their safety she would try to protect them (by locking up the books for example).

Then you have the members of the Lost that she does not really know well or trust (Christine, Lyssa, maybe Meletē), she will be much more careful with her things around them and is not likely to share unless there is a good reason to.

She has become more open and trusting since the start of the CYOA but you are fighting against tendencies that come natural to a mage. Many of the members of your Circle are likely to behave in the exact same way as well unless given good reason to trust one another.


Mar 24, 2013
Jester said:
Actually when we met I thought that they both get same education from mistres, so when Itapi told Derryth his dream about adventure born from stories thought that it lead him to actually read them. When we went to dwarfs was thinking that he be able to help teach spider children and improve his knowledge. Later i read that he cant read and had WTF? moment. It wasnt stated directly and of course it was possible to deduct it (the clues after fact are oblivious). When we will come back hope there will be option to correct this, if our friends werent smart enought to corect this themselves.

I must invest skill point or two into reading comprehension skill i guess.

Actually I went back and reread my reply after you guys freed him and I never actually stated that he could not read, only that he did not read. So this is still mostly on me, my apologies.
Screw letter can someone teach Itapi to read instead?

Oh and flop 3 to BD>CD
doubt that BD will win. Shame.
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Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Say, Fangshi, what does Lyssa think about this whole affair? We promised her an opportunity to atone for her previous life, to do good, yet the first thing we do after arriving to the capital is accuse a bunch of people of conspiring with the Dark and sending them to their deaths, all the while preaching how terrible and unforgivable was the crime those people didn't commit. How does the one who is truly guilty of said crimes feel about that?

I know she is not the one pressing charges, that the Eberhardts got what was coming for them, and that the move is more about politics than anything else, but still I assume the situation might be disturbing for her on some level.

Screw letter can someone teach Itapi to read instead?
Amena can. You know, if you send her the letter. :lol:


Jan 9, 2014
Jester said:
Screw letter can someone teach Ithapi to read instead?

That will be one of the primary purposes of the letter. It will take a few weeks for Amena to get the information since the letter will have to reach Gareth and Brigit first and then they will have to take it to Amena and Ithapi below the city but it will start the whole process going.

Nevill said:
Say, Fangshi, what does Lyssa think about this whole affair? We promised her an opportunity to atone for her previous life, to do good, yet the first thing we do after arriving to the capital is accuse a bunch of people of conspiring with the Dark and sending them to their deaths, all the while preaching how terrible and unforgivable was the crime those people didn't commit. How does the one who is truly guilty of said crimes feel about that?

I know she is not the one pressing charges, that the Eberhardts got what was coming for them, and that the move is more about politics than anything else, but still I assume the situation might be disturbing for her on some level.

Makes her awfully nervous and she does not really like the situation. But it is not Derryth pushing for this and she understands how potentially dangerous the situation could be so she is 'okay' with it.

Basically she is trying very hard not to think about it though she does thank Derryth for asking.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I was very impressed with the payment the teachers take for their services. We have paid Trakk and Co. about 7 WP for escorting services while making them face an army (though I assume Bari added his 14 WP to that, too), yet the cheapest 'down on his luck' Mr. Levi asks for 15 WP monthly. Either it's because we really chose the best from the best, or the life in Myrgard is terribly expensive.

When do they tell us we can expect results? A year of training? Less? Does it force us to sit in one place for the duration of the training if we want to achieve anything?

Do two teacher with different agendas make it easier or harder to learn things?
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Jan 9, 2014
Nevill said:
I was very impressed with the payment the teachers take for their services. We have paid Trakk and Co. about 7 WP for escorting services while making them face an army (though I assume Bari added his 14 WP to that, too), yet the cheapest 'down on his luck' Mr. Levi asks for 15 WP monthly. Either it's because we really chose the best from the best, or the life in Myrgard is terribly expensive.

About forty people applied all told but these were the ones that seemed like they knew what they were talking about from what you could tell. There were some that only asked for 5 or 6 WPs monthly but you are certain they had little of value to teach.

Nevill said:
When do they tell us we can expect results? A year of training? Less?

They have not met the girls yet so they can not say. It will depend on how quickly they take to the material being taught.

Nevill said:
Does it force us to sit in one place for the duration ofthe training if we want to achieve anything?

No, if/when you hire one on they will join your 'household'. If you leave the city they will follow until such time as their contract expires, you dismiss them, or you stop paying them. Of course it will be easier for the girls to learn if they are in a stable environment.

Nevill said:
Do two teacher with different agendas make it easier or harder to learn things?

You do not know. Either could happen. The default way it will be handled is that the tutors will not be teaching at the same time so it will all come down to the girls and how well they absorb and understand the material.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
If you wear two different items enchanted with the same spell (like the Path of Memory and/or Intellect), do their effects stack?


Jan 9, 2014
Both effects would be active yes though those two spells are not necessarily cumulative (though they are certainly complementary). Intellect makes you quicker mentally while Memory improves your retention.

Now if you simply cast the same spell on two different items that would not stack. So you can not put Intellect on three dozen rings and wear them all to boost you INT to 30.
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