I started the game at the beginning of the year, it's my first playthrough, and it's still going strong. So far I have more or less cleared the first 3 levels of the temple. I play with a good team, so I rather focus on massacring villains and rescuing prisoners. However, I feel that if you are playing as an evil team, the first levels of the temple offer some roleplay involving joining and solving problems for minor factions. I'll have to try it one day, if thats the case. I'm still wondering where Paida is and if I havent missed her by accident (either in the temple or moathouse).
When it comes to gameplay, ToEE is really great. The system, battles, pacing of the game - at least once you reach temple - are remarkable, one of the best vidya dnd Ive played. i feel like the game is a bit too cruel during its opening 10-15h though. It's relatively easy to have your characters killed during the first few hours, especially if you are fresh to the game. Recovering seems costly and cumbersome. yes, call me "a filthy casual", but i quick-loaded once or twice, when bandits or bugbears decided to focus on one of my frontliners and killed them. it was just so much more convenient to try again. but the further you go, the easier it is to prevent and recover from deaths. I appreciate toees simplistic crafting, because i hate it when games expect you to gather fuckton of garbage, just so you can create a mediocre item, that will be quickly replaced by loot found during adventuring. here it is much better and upgrading gear is worth it. then radial menu. it is... ok, i guess? it's annoying at times, but people calling it the worst thing ever definitely overexaggerate and are probably too stubborn to learn hotkeys. i appreciate visual clarity of toee. oh, and music. soundtrack is absolutely excellent. heres
a sample.
I'm kinda forced to play the version straight from GOG, without unofficial patches or mods, and I must admit that ToEE is terrible from a technical pov. Poor pathfinding, bugs, even crashes. Peak Troika.