Could you give us non-Russians a general description of that mod?
I won't repeat what you can find in the wiki, but my highlights are such:
- Excellent balance between the combat & questing. There isn't a lot of combat and most of it is challenging and really non-trashy.
- Very good quests. Pretty much zero of banal fedex/kill them all. A lot of the quests actually require you to pay attention and think about what you're doing. I'd even say that the game has quite a Quest for Glory feeling (for me, Fallout 1 was always familiar to the QfG in the structure, just with more trash combat; this game intencifies that greatly).
- Suddenly, non-combat skills are almost all very useful, important and profitable. Mostly because of the previous paragraph - speech is still important, but no longer a universal key that opens all doors. Lots of uses for Doctor, Repair and Science. Gambling allows you to feel much safer early on. Lockpick is rather vital as there are a lot of important locked doors. Sneak is inevitable if you want to go as a non-combat char (and you really want to). Traps and thieving are not that commonly used, but still occasionally needed. Outdoorsman is really helpful when searching for treasures with your metal detector. Barter is used in quests and to gain access to better items sold. Honestly, the only bad skill is the first aid. All that even makes Gifted not so broken in this mod - you have to metagame very meticulously to survive through that -10% to all penalty. And Good Natured, on the other hand, is awesome.
- Just to showcase all that, I finished the game with a 7-1-6-8-10-7-1 good natured - one hander build (traits were thief-2x bonus movement-lifegiver- bonus hth attacks - action boy - slayer). Tags on unarmed, doctor & lockpicking.
- In the beginning of the game, there is a real deficit of everything. Money, guns, bullets, medicine - you name it. In Fallout 1, you could've had about 16 stimpaks by the time you leave Shady Sands. Here, I've had, like, 3 for the first half of the game. Later on, it gets easier (especially if you go heavy on crafting - repair is also good as they implemented crafting), but the beginning is quite atmospheric.
- Lots of nifty metagaming possibilities once you know your way around the game. Like, there is one very interesting path for the heavy weapons guy as, if you know the right way, you can get the flamer pretty much from the start. Would love to try it out, but I'm rushing Pillars from tomorrow so no time, unfortunately.