Sheriff05 said:
When we are purposely flaming you for our own entertainment, it's not proving anything other than we are hard up for shits and giggles
Right. You're still proving my point, which is that you are too immature and retarted to post things about NWN without flaming people. I'm glad you enjoy trying to piss people off and being an asshole in general; that is one of the most asinine and retarded things I've ever heard and is a definate step backwards along the path of human evolution! Hell, you have the same kind of attitude as Bush! "I'm right, you're wrong so fuck off and let's start this war!"
ROLF!! yeah the original fan base is hanging around talking about "dragon age"..get a grip fucknut, Shit loads of original fans bailed by chapter 3 of the O.C and they saw how fucked up the mulitplayer was. I at least hung around until I confirmed SoU was of course the steaming pile I envisioned with a fucked up toolset that had the 2da's totally overwritten.
I didn't say all of them. But there is a number of them on the DA boards right now discussing shit, and even reminiscing about when they discussed the same shit during NWN's development. Sorry if that clashes with your little imagined history, but I can only report what I see.
Quick recap you fucking dullard, (yes people pointless , I know..sigh)
Yes, pointless because you do nothing but prove my point. You see, you
could have recapped without calling me a fucking dullard, thus making yourself sound like someone with valid complaints instead of a whiny, pissed off 8 year old girl.
The toolset didn't do what it was supposed to do without tackling a learning curve
that's beyond what's expected of a "game" , scripting was too complicated for anyone other than those with C++ experience or those that wanted to learn.
And that's not was represented by Bioware during development.
Ok, you had many valid points there. Had you ever posted them rather than just flaming everyone in sight this discussion would have been over 4 pages ago.
However, I see this specific complaint a lot and am going to actually comment on it.
What do you expect? There aren't many options for them. They could have either made the scripting language like they did, or they could just make everything have basic generic behavior. This is the exact same decision they had with the graphics, and they went with the tileset because that made it much, much easier for people to build. Had they gone with the hand drawn maps everyone keeps saying they want it would have been far more difficult to build a module than even the scripting makes it!!
You can either have ease of use or you can have flexibility. This is true in pretty much all software. Bioware chose flexibility with their scripting, because otherwise modules really would be boring and repetative!
The list goes on and on, Bioware continously talked shit about what they were going to do with this game they never did, they took the easy out found drooling morons like you as their fans and took it all the way to the bank
Of course. After making some valid points you revert to calling everyone who likes the game a moron. You see, the thing is that none of the issues you listed affected me whatsoever.
I didn't want a multiplayer game, I've never even tried playing a dm'd game, and while the OC was mediocre at best I've had an immense amount of fun with fan modules.
Now, I probably wouldn't like the game either if my only concerns were the same as yours. However, they weren't. How does having different taste than you make me a moron?
Maybe you are the moron for only wanting a multiplayer game. I can't think of anything I'd be less inclined to pay for, especially considering that if I DO want to get my multiplayerRPG on I just go play a MUD for free. How dumb are you to want to pay $50 to do something you can do for free?
Now we have been over this shit, time and time again
I've tried to be nice (just kidding)
but you're too fucking stupid to get it.
No, you are too stupid to get my (clearly listed) point. I don't give a flying fuck that you don't like the game. I just think it's asinine that so many people around here cannot express that dislike without flaming some or all of the people who do like it. You, yourself, are the best possible example of this.
The game sucks, you're a fucking loser, The "fans" are drooling morons who worry about shit like having colored names on the PW servers, when the DM client still didn't work.
Bioware is now the fucking McDonalds of software developers, so please go back to the Bio forums and eat a chicken mcnugget out of some other fanboys asshole, then choke on it while you're beating off talking about "dragon age"
Your Mom charges a dime for that priviledge... and she's really not worth it so I'll pass.