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Nioh 2


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
Again, in mission "Ruin draws near" I end up dying about 10 times to human boss spear faggot and killing the main Yokai boss Shibata Katsuie on first attempt.

Interesting, Shibata is probably among the Top 5 most difficult Bosses, not counting DLC ones. Though I think the size of the Boss Arena is a huge factor there. He'd probably be a good bit easier if you fought him in a large open space.
Mar 18, 2009
I think I've read somebody complaining about Shibata before. Have yet to experience him as a difficult fight, he was easy on my Odachi run as well. Might have something to do with builds people play. I pretty much raped him with feathers and yokai shift, it was a really short fight.


Dec 4, 2019
What's the point of having to offer equipment to get Divine Rice for the shop?

Because Nioh was conceived as a loot game and then had to work backwards to justify it.

Might have something to do with builds people play.

Absolutely. I kicked his ass on my first run and I was fucking horrible at the game (it took me two hours to beat Gozuki back then). But I had lucked into a hammer / magic setup and just spammed basic hammer attacks with the purity buff and he never had the ki to mount any real offense.
Mar 18, 2009
Finally mystic arts for kusarigama are available. Equipped the Shooting Star and it's a noticeable improvement on how much Ki damage I'm dealing. It looks like this weapon would really benefit from Mystic Dyad, as I recall it wasn't that useful for me with Odachi. Liking this Renegade Dragon skill I equipped for middle stance. Still not sure about Crimson Flurry for high stance. On one hand it's not a bad combo with Serpent Strike but it also seems barely any different from regular high quick attack.
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Mar 18, 2009
Tokichiro down on first try. At least one human boss that didn't rape me. He did get me to use up all 9 elixirs though and at the end I had to resort to using the single rejuvenation talisman I had equipped. Guess I got lucky he didn't kill me while I was applying it.
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Apr 9, 2013
Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming! Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Pathfinder: Wrath
I think I've read somebody complaining about Shibata before.
That was prolly me. Fucker needed like 15 runs, exclusively for that one stupid grab attack that's fast, homing and very hard to dodge in that small ass arena. Without that I'd have gotten him in 1 or 2 tries, easy.
Me as well, I definitely bitched about that fucker. I was using the glaive at the time which, after trying most of the other weapons (except tonfas and spears), I think is probably the worst option on the first run, especially if you're new and bad at the game. I still stick to my opinion that's he's a pretty poorly designed enemy, no matter how easy or hard he is with a certain weapon or other.
Mar 18, 2009
So I've been rushing through NG and avoiding any side missions that aren't "online" missions or don't have Kodamas in them and now it turns out that to do the mission that unlocks Remodel at Blacksmith I have to do a whole bunch of side missions reaching all the way back to first region. :argh: Hate this shit.
Mar 18, 2009
Feels like most of the difficulties are over, I'm in second DLC now and pretty much stomping through shit. I think it's the Corrupted divine kusarigama that dropped when doing Wave of Terror side mission. I can just destroy most things spamming Renegade Dragon with it so far. That winged guy on the bridge fight at end of first DLC did take 5 tries but mostly I'm just breezing through since. Oh, and I just now found out that I can soul match Corrupted weapons with Soul Cores while looking up exactly what that element does. Is this just the best element to go for overall? Human fights certainly got a lot easier with it, and Yokai rarely caused me any trouble in the first place. Plus now they get that maximum Ki reduction.

*Yeah ended up inheriting Anima bonus on Enemy Corrupted effect from one of soul cores onto my Rotten Rope Cutter, gonna see how it works. I upped Stamina to 67 to be able to equip full Genryu set so I also have that Anima bonus on Amrita absorbtion. Since I also use Extraction Talismans to heal with Amrita I was already able to use those Ryomen Sukuna spins/Kasha burning wheels pretty often.

Also doesn't look like I need to pump Dex just yet, rushed it to 30 and kept it there so far and doing just fine damage wise. Upped Magic to 30 not long ago. I don't think I will be able to make a character in this game that doesn't have those stats at least at 30 before the end of NG, would seem like throwing away great options for no good reason. Similarly with Toughness, gimme me at least 200-300 or gtfo. Light armor builds ain't happening here any time soon.
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Mar 18, 2009
Really expected to have a tougher time with DLCs. I was pretty much melting everything. Nighmare Bringer fight only took 2 attempts and I almost killed him on first try but derped at the very end when he was couple hits away from dead. Typical miss-click of switching to a low level sword that is only there to complete Genryu set. Most bosses before that done on first try. Only the Minamoto something dude on the bridge felt like a good challenge. Done first couple mission in NG+ and they are also a cakewalk. So I guess it wasn't really me doing every side mission with my first character that made NG+ easy. It's just always that. Hopefully shit gets harder in NG++. Or maybe my choices of Omnyo/Ninjutsu are too good. Perhaps I will ditch feathers for something else at least. Extraction talisman is also op as fuck but not ready to ditch that one yet as it rewards me for being agressive and that's my favorite type of combat.
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Apr 29, 2007
Really expected to have a tougher time with DLCs. I was pretty much melting everything. Nighmare Bringer fight only took 2 attempts and I almost killed him on first try but derped at the very end when he was couple hits away from dead. Typical miss-click of switching to a low level sword that is only there to complete Genryu set. Most bosses before that done on first try. Only the Minamoto something dude on the bridge felt like a good challenge. Done first couple mission in NG+ and they are also a cakewalk. So I guess it wasn't really me doing every side mission with my first character that made NG+ easy. It's just always that. Hopefully shit gets harder in NG++. Or maybe my choices of Omnyo/Ninjutsu are too good. Perhaps I will ditch feathers for something else at least. Extraction talisman is also op as fuck but not ready to ditch that one yet as it rewards me for being agressive and that's my favorite type of combat.
I remember first trying most DLC bosses on NG and NG+ and then dying for 3 hours on some of the same bosses on NG++.
Mar 18, 2009
I remember first trying most DLC bosses on NG and NG+ and then dying for 3 hours on some of the same bosses on NG++.

I remember NG++ being noticeably harder on my Odachi char, but not by that much. Hopefully it's a more significant jump this time or I'll start going soft. Maybe life recovery on amrita absorbtion is just too OP? But I would find it hard to ditch it now.
Mar 18, 2009
Clearly it's just the items I use that are game breaking because I unlocked all regions in NG+ and did all main missions in final one without dying once to any enemy, but now I am trying to do the higher level version of "The one who lives in the shadows" Dojo mission and already died close to 20 times. Can't even get this faggot to half HP so obviously I'm still garbage at the game. I somehow managed to complete the lower level version of it but this NG+ version seems beyond my capabilities.
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Mar 18, 2009
Did 6 missions in NG++ and it's more enjoyable now as I'm about 50 levels below "recommended" for missions. I'm actually in danger of dying now and did so several times. Though still killing bosses in single attempts so far. Most deaths came from cursed enemies as I keep underestimating how much damage in single hit they can do. Rushing straight to the next difficulty as fast as possible, not even bothering to explore the missions fully seems to be the best way to enjoy these higher difficulties to me. Hell I don't even bother unlocking shortcuts for the most part. Why waste time picking up all items when there are better ones waiting in next difficulty? Also kinda interesting to see how much under leveled I can get before missions become as hard as the first half of first NG cycle.


Apr 6, 2023
I'm actively playing this too. Finally tinkered with Forge, totally forgot how this worked from Nioh 1. I crafted a divine Akechi Ashikage or whatever it was called.


Apr 6, 2023
What is up with Otakemaru being in EVERY post-game battle? It's obnoxious. It was cool in that one gauntlet-of-dudes mission but he shows up in ANOTHER one of those? Gay. He isn't fun to fight beyond the couple times you do. At all. It's just an obnoxious chore.
Mar 18, 2009
Hmm by the time I'm fighting Otakemaru even for first time my build is already gitten pretty gud and he doesn't seem an issue. I'm guessing you're not going for max life leech setup like I do? Cause it's like "lol what is elixir even for" majority of game. Extraction talisman + as much Life Recovery (Amrita Absorption) stacked as I can. Even just Toytomi clan bonus of 50 when rank maxed is already really good for NG. Then I have Kasha soul core for Life Drain (Yokai Ability Hit) A bonus, makes those Ryomen Sukuna core spins heal very fast, especially when hitting multiple enemies at once. This lets me go nuts with aggression while very rarely needing to use Elixir. I ditched Rejuvenation talismans this run too, replaced them with Carnage. My Odachi char was a rejuvenating pussy.
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Apr 9, 2013
Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming! Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Pathfinder: Wrath
I like the Otakemaru fight, the soundtrack alone is worth it. The phantom phase is annoying and he can one shot you, at least in the higher difficulty levels, but there are ways to work around it.

Like Multidirectional said, yup, Extraction + Life Recovery on Amrita Absorption is a big game changer, I use it on all my builds no matter what weapon or other variations. Can't imagine playing without it now. I also throw in quick change from the ninjutsu skill tree for extra survivability.


Apr 6, 2023
I like the Otakemaru fight, the soundtrack alone is worth it. The phantom phase is annoying and he can one shot you, at least in the higher difficulty levels, but there are ways to work around it.

Like Multidirectional said, yup, Extraction + Life Recovery on Amrita Absorption is a big game changer, I use it on all my builds no matter what weapon or other variations. Can't imagine playing without it now. I also throw in quick change from the ninjutsu skill tree for extra survivability.
You're right. The soundtrack is incredible and triumphant. I like the fight too, but I'd much rather have fought other bosses that were unique to the end-game areas like in Nioh 1. I remember loving that. Now it's just copy-paste the last boss fight hurrdurr. Still great game. I just need the grilled tang sweets now...I have 2. Any way to check where I have already obtained them from?

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