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NWN2: Storm of Zehir expansion (now confirmed)


Aug 12, 2003
OldSkoolKamikaze said:
. It was also kind of difficult to play a physically frail character since it was always in the lead.

Well, not always. Only when you're talking to someone. Unfortunately, an awful lot of the bad guys need to be talked to before you can kill them.

What if I only want to make one character? Are there enough cohorts to support this? This worked in ToEE, but you had to either play a cleric or have enough CHA on your PC to be able to recruit Meleny the druid.


Jan 12, 2003
http://forums.somethingawful.com/showth ... t344603100

J.E. Sawyer a.k.a rope kid said:
The overland map rulez. It feels like Darklands/Fallout. Terrain modifies your movement speed, so you travel more slowly when you move through forests/swamps, etc. Dudes spawn in and wander around the map, and can spot you depending on what the party's hidey skills are. If you're super tough, baby monsters will run away. Tough monsters will pursue you if you are a baby. If you contact wandering dudes, you can parley with them, take off, or just fight them.

Of course you can also encounter friendly/neutral dudes for trading/hanging out/murder.

It's sweet.

EDIT: Also, nothing is scaled. If you are cruisin' around and your Spot skill detects a cave and your 3rd level characters roll up on the grills of a bunch of trolls, you're in trouble.
J.E. Sawyer a.k.a rope kid said:
Overland maps are underappreciated. Eric "Hollywood" Fenstermaker started to prototype one with Jeff Husges near the end of NX1, and Nathaniel "djkillingspree" Chapman has developed it a lot during NX2's dev cycle.

I just go downstairs to check things out. It's looking pretty cool, and I really think the world map will give players a terrific feeling of exploration.


chasing a bee
Jun 30, 2005
baby arm fantasy island
If they're taking requests, can I have it bug-free and with turn-based combat? Thanks.

Really, though, this:
The overland map rulez. It feels like Darklands/Fallout. Terrain modifies your movement speed, so you travel more slowly when you move through forests/swamps, etc. Dudes spawn in and wander around the map, and can spot you depending on what the party's hidey skills are. If you're super tough, baby monsters will run away. Tough monsters will pursue you if you are a baby. If you contact wandering dudes, you can parley with them, take off, or just fight them.

Of course you can also encounter friendly/neutral dudes for trading/hanging out/murder.

It's sweet.

EDIT: Also, nothing is scaled. If you are cruisin' around and your Spot skill detects a cave and your 3rd level characters roll up on the grills of a bunch of trolls, you're in trouble.
just gave me a semichubbie. This is going to be a must-buy for me, easily.
At the same time it's hard not to think this is not playing to Obsidian's strengths (characterization & dialogue).


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Well, to get back to the party banter *g*
As I mentioned on page 1 or 2...The Wizardry 8 system was nice.
With the assignment of voice you gave your characters personality. Usually the suggested voice already fit the character (a monk talking about balance and spirituality, a priest being motherly and kind, etc) but you could take any other you wanted. The characters would usually comment on everything that happened: somebody critically fuck up? He'd curse or excuse himself while the others criticised him for it or told him to be better next time. Especially successful actions would similarly be commented on as would poison, blindness, etc.
Now this worked well in in a turn based game but it would need some adaptation for a real time game. Otherwise everybody would talking all the time There was also very little actual "inter"-party banter. But then again, Obsidian "could" take inspiration from the system and improve it...

And while you are taking requests ;)
give us some good voices for our characters. As it it there are exactly 2 male voices that I consider acceptable. The rest of the voice acting is fucking pathetic, imho.

@Gragt: Having the whole party participate in dialogues isn't a new idea. I suggested the best character suited to the skill check answering, before. And IIRC, VD suggested a system where individual skill increases the party skill or party skill increases the individual skill.


Jul 3, 2007
Shannow said:
I suggested the best character suited to the skill check answering, before.

too easy, too predictable?
I still would've wished one main character though with all other being... well... not so main.
personally I don't see myself "associating"-whatever myself with the whole party when it will come to the role-playing part.


Dec 17, 2007
baby arm said:
If they're taking requests, can I have it bug-free and with turn-based combat? Thanks.
ToEE-like combat would make me forgive a lot of bugs.

At the same time it's hard not to think this is not playing to Obsidian's strengths (characterization & dialogue).
I wouldn't worry about that. Characterization/dialogue seems to be the selling point of Obsidian, so I doubt they dare neglect that.


Jul 12, 2007
In your nightmare.
This sounds really nice!
But I still have a few questions for this good developer. :)

I'd like to know the starting level.. Please, please.. tell me it's lvl 1.


I read on the NWN2 boards that it'll be a low magic environment and that rocks!
Consider balancing the spells too. AC is GOD. Many low level spells grant amazing AC [barkskin (+3/4 AC..) + protection from alignment (+2 AC) etc.] - so why would you need an amulet of natural armor +3 when you can achieve the same effect with a 2nd level spell.. not to talk about protection from alignment which is a lvl 1 spell.
This can make battles very easy if you know the basics of D&D spells.
Same applies to some feats: +6 to AC (improved combat expertise) anyone? With the silly AI you can just tank with this ability turned on while damage dealers do the job. It's a walk in the park.

What I suggest is lowering the AC bonuses from low level spells by 1 and reducing the AC bonus from combat expertises to 2/4 (with the AB penality -2/-4).

I would also like standard tower shields giving +3 to AC (-2 AB). +2 shields with -1 AB.

This is very important because it would make the game more flexible. With the unmodified spells monsters must have a monster AB to go through AC - and it makes so many builds unviable, because you have to design monsters with these overpowered spells and feats in mind and a player who hasn't chosen them is screwed.

That's why I partially agree that combat in NWN is somehow sucky. Many imbalancing factors.

Oh.. and - no ranged sneak attacks!
And give slow monsters (like mummies, zombies) a really big DR to ranged weapondry. ;)


To go back to the companions theme - will I be able to solo and/or have only "real" companions join me?


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I'd rather not have them change any of the rules. Yes, AC is king, especially in a low-level environment and yes, using an Impro Exp. tank to draw fire, while the damage dealers hack things apart is a common D&D tactic.

This is easily rectified by a decent AI. Make enemies lure the party into a mob. Make fighters target casters first. Let wizards cast the -really- annoying spells- not fireball, but confusion! A colour spray can turn a low-level party to mincemeat if cast by a clevely positioned invisible level 3 wizard and his level 4 barbarian buddy. I wish an AI implemented this.

Here's how the AI could deal with tank + damage dealers in melee:

* disabling magic
* sneak attacking the likely lower-AC damage dealers
* if fighting more than 2, focus attacks on the guy with lowest AC and highest damage output

Things like that. It's common sense. >_>

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Yes, yes it all sounds nice except I haven't seen any Codexer comment on the absence of companions, something which probably made MotB in to what it is. NWN 2 doesn't exactly have the best combat to have IWD-like gameplay.


Jul 12, 2007
In your nightmare.
Jasede said:
I'd rather not have them change any of the rules. Yes, AC is king, especially in a low-level environment and yes, using an Impro Exp. tank to draw fire, while the damage dealers hack things apart is a common D&D tactic.

This is easily rectified by a decent AI. Make enemies lure the party into a mob. Make fighters target casters first. Let wizards cast the -really- annoying spells- not fireball, but confusion! A colour spray can turn a low-level party to mincemeat if cast by a clevely positioned invisible level 3 wizard and his level 4 barbarian buddy. I wish an AI implemented this.

Tony K AI is really good but it still cannot suppress the imbalances of imp. com. exp. + AC spells if you're just a little smart - i.e. leave the unprotected members way back and shoot from distance (spells/arrows).

And I don't know why are you against changing some rules - after all they have already changed some when implementing D&D in a PC game (among which there were balance changes).


Jul 12, 2007
In your nightmare.
Dark Individual said:
Yes, yes it all sounds nice except I haven't seen any Codexer comment on the absence of companions, something which probably made MotB in to what it is. NWN 2 doesn't exactly have the best combat to have IWD-like gameplay.

You WILL have regular pre-made companions as well who will join your party if you find them.


Dec 17, 2007
Warden said:
And I don't know why are you against changing some rules - after all they have already changed some when implementing D&D in a PC game (among which there were balance changes).
I think your premise is wrong, but unfortunately I think it's shared by a lot of developers, Obsidian included.

The rules system is well established, explained at length in manuals, and easily available for free online. It is not like the average video game where the player has to stumble around blindly & figure out how shit works through trial, a lot of errors, and a whole hell of a lot of guessing.

So when other games, especially those with opaque & counter-intuitive rules systems that aren't explained anywhere at all, can get away with killing the less-sharp players with extreme prejudice, why the hell shouldn't players expect the same of a D&D game?

The "oh noes, don't punish teh poor fool for being a tard" design philosophy of Oblivion infamy isn't fun for anyone.

The "Shit, some of the players don't wanna play clerics, whatever shall we do!?" is far better solved by supplying the PC with the companions s/he needs to kick ass, than by supplying bland, AI-free RT combat and nerfed monster-fodder henchmen that in a balanced game (in the rules-sense) wouldn't last past the first initiv roll.

Or is it simply that it has escaped you that part of the fun of playing a game, is that victory isn't guaranteed?

I can easily imagine what a nightmare it must be to try to balance a D&D based game to be beatable by the top 100 most self-sabotaged parties. What I can't understand is why you'd want to. Nobody expects to be able to beat Diablo 2's Hell on hardcore with a character that hasn't used a single skill or ability point.

And no, it can't be about trying to please people who doesn't want to play D&D-based dungeon crawls & therefore prioritizes different aspects of character development. It can't, because you can't please people who don't want combat, by throwing fuck-ton upon fuck-ton of piss-easy, mindless combat at them. If you want to please the anti-crawlers & wannabe-diplomats (unless they're wannabe zerg diplomats, perhaps), you need to give them something else instead of combat.

All of which sort of gets me to the point; don't fuck with a rules system when the rules system is independent of the game. Nobody wants to play Chess against their computer, only to find out it's fucking monopoly. There's no better way to disappoint a customer than to promise him one thing and sell him something else entirely, and that's fucking especially true of rules systems people have played for years, have a rock solid grasp of, and have developed all sorts of tactics, play styles and odd quirks for. Having the better part of a pineapple rammed up your ass while you're napping is probably a more welcome surprise.

There's one change that could fix the combat though, one that particular rules system allows for: switch from combat-/kill-based xp, to task-based xp.

It won't help people who don't know the rules and will resist any attempt at finding out the rules, but again: it should be possible to lose. Personally, I think it should be far easier to lose than win, but then, I'm not in favour of letting blind people compete for OL gold in ski-shooting either.

The alternative, I think, is to write up a couple of hundred variations of "Well done" and "my hero", stick them in a nice GUI, and feed the player one every time s/he manages to click a mouse button.

- No, I'm not actually ranting at you, just at the idea that every insane idea should be rewarded. And you're right about the AI. It's a joke. TonyK's is a joke too, just not as bad as the original. And yes, I'm sure it's really fucking hard to make an RT AI capable of handling a D&D monster, let alone varied groups with varied capacities and levels of coordination. I'm pretty sure I couldn't do it, and I'm guessing I'll outclass any AI for at least a few more years.

*sobs* I want my fucking TB combat. Give it back!


Jul 12, 2007
In your nightmare.
I stopped reading at about half because you didn't get the point.

How has wanting BALANCE - therefore no cheesy builds - escalated into some greater philosophy and theories of conspiracies towards smart players I don't know. I AM actually asking for a challenging game. It simply cannot be challenging if I have all the AC in the world at my disposal at low levels.. simple as that.

I don't even need to say that what you wrote was superfluous..


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
About party interaction with custom made character. You people tried Wizardry 8 by sir-tech yet? In it you have a custom made party that has banter based on surrounding enviroment, race, class, alignment, status, etc. It actually made them feel like real individuals and made me care a lot for the characters.

On the AI. How about using scripts? It works rather well in games like TOEE (with the CO8 patch that is) and Avernum 5. With these you can give the different encounters scripts on how to fight in certain scenarios. Hell, even the dnd 4e books mention scripts on how to use the bad guys. ;)


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Oh yes! If you try a game like this, you should definitely play Wiz 8 for a little, AD & co. It'd be -very- nice if you can assign your own guys a "personality" themed voice-set that fleshes him out as a character. And I don't mean just different speeches for being selected or critting, but rather just like Trash says, on-going banter and quips that relate to.... everything. Wizardry 8 likely was just 2 CDs of voice-acting. And it's likely the only game where it wasn't a bad thing. (though Kotor 2 and Bloodlines also made very good use of VA)


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
Shannow said:
@Gragt: Having the whole party participate in dialogues isn't a new idea. I suggested the best character suited to the skill check answering, before. And IIRC, VD suggested a system where individual skill increases the party skill or party skill increases the individual skill.

Well it was new enough for me.


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Gragt said:
Shannow said:
@Gragt: Having the whole party participate in dialogues isn't a new idea. I suggested the best character suited to the skill check answering, before. And IIRC, VD suggested a system where individual skill increases the party skill or party skill increases the individual skill.

Well it was new enough for me.
Yeah, I just wanted to support the point and show that you are not alone ;)


Jul 3, 2007
Trash said:
About party interaction with custom made character. You people tried Wizardry 8 by sir-tech yet? In it you have a custom made party that has banter based on surrounding enviroment, race, class, alignment, status, etc. It actually made them feel like real individuals and made me care a lot for the characters.

Obsidian should think on it. Obsidian can do magic when they try.
I still don't really understand how fun this new system will be.

@Anthony Davis: but will creating a custom made companions be a requirement or will it be possible to just play the game with a single main character (of course with joinable NPCs with personalities)?


Nov 24, 2007
Your mom
Anthony Davis said:
KazikluBey said:
Nathaniel Chapman said:
Well, the hope is that the player conversation options you choose help you craft a personality, isn't it? I mean, I know that my guy in Fallout certainly had a personality that showed through in the dialog options I picked. Granted, some part of that is using my imagination - but that's one of the best parts of playing a CRPG imo.
But you didn't create and control multiple characters in Fallout. The original question was if there will be party interaction among your player characters.

First of all, I am all for party interaction.

But I'm not sure how we can create the kind of party interaction you and I are looking for that can keep up with a human imagination.

What I mean is, in NX2 I can create a completely random party of adventurers that are completely different from any other party stereotype.

The sole feature that exists, outside of the character itself, that determines personality, is the assigned dialog file. How would it be humanely possible to create an unknown number of dialog files that can all interact with each other and still not seem shallow?

We have talked about many options, for example like maybe assigning a dialog file based on the characters background feat, but what if the player doesn't choose one?

At this point, what we have decided to go with is to allow the player determine the personality of the characters in the party (aside from the cohorts and companions) by allowing individual party members to choose individual conversation options via the new party conversation system.

Does that make sense?

Does this mean all player generated characters participate in dialogue or do I just pick one to handle conversations everytime one starts? Do I get to pick a main character?


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Of course you get to pick a main character.

How else could he turn out to be the chosen one the prophecy hinted at who will unlock his inner powers during the course of the game?


Apr 30, 2008
Are the developers still reading this? I would like to make a suggestion: a combat system where your characters and companions can die (like in BG2 and real DnD), and don't just stand up and ask for healing after the combat is over like they now do in NWN2 and MotB. This would make the combat infinitely more interesting (assuming no "raise dead" wands lying around everywhere, in the most unbelievable places), as the player would have to worry a little about losing a party member, instead of just keeping one of them alive until the combat encounter is over. This improvement could be used to retroactively fix the original campaign and MotB as well, although of course it might cause some crashes when the companion required to recite her line would be dead in someone's magic container. But this would be a small price to pay for an update that made combat interesting, and possibly very interesting, even in the OC (and it would make MotB retroactively almost perfect). And it is an improvement: everyone here and elsewhere talks about BG2's combat being superior to NWN2's, and it's the only substantial difference between the two systems.


Jan 13, 2007
I lack the wit to put something hilarious here
Are there any rpgs where NPCs drag you off to revive you like you can do to them? That would be fantastic. Imagine, if you will, getting stabbed by a robber and dying. The screen goes black and in the next moment you find yourself at a church. A week has passed (ideally it'd be months for the effect, but don't bodies kinda rot in months?), another of your companions is dead, one is missing an arm and you are all outlawed. How did that happen? Well, the companions sit you down and tell you the whole story. That would be such an awesome thing without taking many resources as such, since you don't need to make any of the events in-game, you'd however need to make the gameworld accurate to that story.

What if there are two different stories? One of the party members tells it different, they get into a big arguement etc. Thinking about it all makes my tongue water.


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