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Interview Oblivion interview at GameSpot

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

<a href=http://www.gamespot.com>GameSpot</a> has posted an <a href=http://www.gamespot.com/x360/rpg/theelderscrollsivoblivion/preview_6124431.html>interview</a> with <b>Todd Howard</b> about the suddenly appeared on 2005 radar <a href=http://www.elderscrolls.com/home/home.htm>Oblivion</a>. Todd's a fun guy and his interviews are always entertaining:
<blockquote>We've fully integrated melee, blocking, magic, and stealth combat (bows) into one system. You can easily switch between all three...</blockquote>Isn't that four? Btw, ranged combat is now stealth?
<blockquote>We think we have a nice gameplay balance and feel between daggers, swords, axes, and larger two-handed weapons</blockquote>What happened to hammers? Let me guess, nobody liked those and they've joined crossbows and ranged weapons?
<blockquote>The game's quest log is broken up by quest, so you see all your active and completed quests and what you have to accomplish next on that quest. It's much more like the systems that are becoming common in games like Jade Empire or World of Warcraft. You can select any quest, and for the most part, it will highlight on the map exactly where you need to go to accomplish the next step. This mark is also noted on your compass. For instance, someone gives you a quest to go to the fighter's guild. The guild is instantly marked on your compass and the map as your quest target, so you can just walk to it without checking over any directions or maps</blockquote>How about just teleporting there instantly? I think that's a great idea for TES5.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
As long the cutscene is very pretty. Gotta push the genre forward and all that.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Are you trying to say that Todd doesn't know what he's talking about?


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
No need to. Just read the many JE threads here - even the posts by those who dislike the game. And, keep an eye out on those quests people missed.

I ask one question - how can one miss quests in a game where you are supposedly led by the nose?

Easy. You couldn't.

The only thing JE does in regards to this (which is an aspect I dislike) is map icons to show where quest givers are to be found; but it certainly doesn't flash out where to solve it.

Hell, some people couldn't even find the silly dam which is not exactly hard to see.

That is all.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/inde ... opic=99922

Comedy from the forums. Some guy complained about the compass thingy and here are some very predictable responses:

I consider myself a REAL fan, and I rather like this feature
I love those idiotic "I'm a real fan" arguments.

Oh noes!!! idiots Might be able to play, The TES series might get more fans! bethesda might get more money!!!!!

Oblivion is a SP game, so how many idiots are playing doesnt affect you, exept the next TES will have more funding (allowing londer Dev period, and a better game)
Uh, I think that a feature like that affects all players, but that's just me and I'm not a REAL fan.

To the original poster, they aren't idiot-proofing it; any idiots that want to avoid using the compass and wander around looking for one particular door in town for an hour still can. Just don't use the compass.
Another great argument - just don't use feature x. Close your eyes or cover the compass with your hand.

First of all, you know absolutely nothing about how big the world will be and the range of difficulty involved with finding specific places or NPCs, especially if they are moving around.

Maybe without a compass, it would take way too long or cause too much frustration to complete quests.

The devs know what they are doing, they have been making games for a while, so just calm down and wait to play the game before going off and making crazy posts with no proof of anything.
"U know nothin' " post

don't pay attention too it and don't use it. simple as that. shut up and stop complaining about it.
and why would you ask that they don't idiot proof oblivion if you don't want idiots to play it.....
lol What an, well, idiot.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"I love those idiotic "I'm a real fan" arguments."

Damn. I love my 'REAL role-player' posts. :D yet, here I find out that my Cool Dude VD doesn't approve. :cry:

"Another great argument - just don't use feature x. Close your eyes or cover the compass with your hand."

Aye, it's pretty dumb. It's not like in, say, FO or BG where if you disliked a certain npc; you could simply just dump them. This feature is 4 Life.

"U know nothin' " post"

Come on. This argument is used at the Codex aall the time. Can't really fault others for using our genius tricks. :lol:


Feb 21, 2005
The Heart of It All
Hmmm, I really don't have anything against features that make a game more playable. Its just when those features leave you without as many options that I get upset.

Hmmm... I phrased that very poorly. Ok, Good changes, easier to access inventory, like Arcanum's vs. Fallouts. Bad changes, Deus Ex vs. any of the "features" in Invisible War.

Though, I want to use hammers. If Beth doesn't include hammers, well, I guess I'll use swords.... but under protest!


Mar 29, 2005
Oblivion is gonna be teh pwn !
Especially if we have 3 .. err 4 weapon skills !!! sgonna fuckin rock !!!

Really can't wait to see this jewel out, wanna bet it's going to be twice as retarted as the last one and yet sell twice as more ?


Oct 21, 2004
Why does bow have to be under Stealth abilities?

I just dont get that.

Stealth is sneaking and stealing, what does shooting a bow have to do with that?

Also, i've never liked how bows will be put under dexterity categories. I dont think being quick has much to do with being strong enough to pull the bow string back.

But then again, they always put in dinky little bows and no big ol' hunting bows and stuff like that.

I like to play warrior types that use ranged weapons, I know you can mix n match with Elder Scrolls games (which has always been lame as hell, it's neither structured to be a particular way (most RPGs) or structured to be open (Fallout) or structured to be open and fit a class (Geneforge), instead its just a big jumble of skills and it doesnt mean shit what you pick), but ehhh... bows relying on dex and being a thief's weapon kinda makes it hampering/annoying.


Feb 21, 2005
The Heart of It All
Yes, who is the idiot who thought to make a stealth character with bows. No game has ever equiped there stealthy protagonist with bows before! Name me one game in which it made sense for bows to be classified under stealth, just one game...well? :x


Oh, never mind... :oops:


Feb 4, 2005
In my country the system operates YOU
Vault Dweller said:

Comedy from the forums. Some guy complained about the compass thingy and here are some very predictable responses:

I consider myself a REAL fan, and I rather like this feature
I love those idiotic "I'm a real fan" arguments.

Oh noes!!! idiots Might be able to play, The TES series might get more fans! bethesda might get more money!!!!!

Oblivion is a SP game, so how many idiots are playing doesnt affect you, exept the next TES will have more funding (allowing londer Dev period, and a better game)
Uh, I think that a feature like that affects all players, but that's just me and I'm not a REAL fan.

To the original poster, they aren't idiot-proofing it; any idiots that want to avoid using the compass and wander around looking for one particular door in town for an hour still can. Just don't use the compass.
Another great argument - just don't use feature x. Close your eyes or cover the compass with your hand.

First of all, you know absolutely nothing about how big the world will be and the range of difficulty involved with finding specific places or NPCs, especially if they are moving around.

Maybe without a compass, it would take way too long or cause too much frustration to complete quests.

The devs know what they are doing, they have been making games for a while, so just calm down and wait to play the game before going off and making crazy posts with no proof of anything.
"U know nothin' " post

don't pay attention too it and don't use it. simple as that. shut up and stop complaining about it.
and why would you ask that they don't idiot proof oblivion if you don't want idiots to play it.....
lol What an, well, idiot.


I figured this would be MOTS, but it looks like they are making it even more ass than ever.

They may as well have the interface be a 'go' button.


Feb 4, 2005
In my country the system operates YOU
Slaytanic said:
Oblivion is gonna be teh pwn !
Especially if we have 3 .. err 4 weapon skills !!! sgonna fuckin rock !!!

Really can't wait to see this jewel out, wanna bet it's going to be twice as retarted as the last one and yet sell twice as more ?

4 weapon skills might be pushing it. What If I want to change wepuns then all my skill points r gone.

Like if I find a rad sword and dont want my bow.

Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
Greatatlantic said:
Yes, who is the idiot who thought to make a stealth character with bows. No game has ever equiped there stealthy protagonist with bows before! Name me one game in which it made sense for bows to be classified under stealth, just one game...well?

Oh, never mind... :oops:

Yeah, a rocket launcher is also stealth combat if I use it in the shadows. Right on.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
I really don't see how bows count as stealth weapons. Crossbows, and rivebows (disk launchers), sure - but bows? Bows are battlefield weapons.


Mar 11, 2004
Project: Eternity
Bows can be stealth weapons. Think of a caravan moving on a road surrounded by forest. Then several volleys of arrows come flying from within the trees killing everyone before they could draw their own weapons. The old, fat baron in the carriage is still sound asleep dreaming of wine, roast beef, and his 13 year old soon-to-be-wife waiting at the destination.

Bows can be used for stealth and head on fighting. Just as any other 'stealth' weapon.

Bows probably have access to a 'backstab' effect in Oblivion. That would be kind of cool, actually. If the target isn't expecting the shot it takes critical damage.


Dec 14, 2004
Now that I think about it, yeah. Hiding and picking off enemies, then Backstab effects. Poison coated arrows. Goods points jiu.

merry andrew

Jan 17, 2004
When I played my stealth character in Morrowind, I used crossbows more than daggers.

It's stealth because you don't rush the enemy battlefield style, you sneak up on them and shoot them... with a bow or something.


Sep 20, 2003
Saying Archery = Stealth is, frankly, silly. You can shoot a bow stealthily and you can shoot a bow not stealthily. The same is true for daggers, swords, maces, whatever. Essentially, Bethesda is just widdling down the skill system. Im sure Elder Scrolls 5 will just have 4 skills: stealth, fight, magic and misc. Elder Scrolls 6 will probably just give up the whole skill system pretence and have a few classes to choose.

Just about everything being stated about Beth's new title makes me not only less enthused about it; it also lowers my already low expectations of what the hell they are gonna do to FO3. What the hell is up with games these days? I get pointing people to quest objectives in, like, Guild Wars thats basically meant to be nothing more than a killfest. But, wasnt wandering around admiring the scenery just about the only cool thing to do in Morrowind? Now they even gave the axe to a pretty big portion of the exploration component.

I just wsh that this stupification was optional. Let the mentally disadvantaged gamers choose preset templates rather than weakening the already weak skill system. Let the rpg ligt weights play with "quest hand holder" on and let the rest of us appreciate the exploration component by allowing us to turn it off. I mean, what kind of damn adventure pansifies exploration like this? Its ridiculous.

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