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Review Oblivion scores 5/5 at Games Domain


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
"The rest sit around and bitch on the Codex."

Kinda self-referential, don't you think.
Mar 24, 2006
Elwro said:
"The rest sit around and bitch on the Codex."

Kinda self-referential, don't you think.

Watch out, Kharn'll be all over you like a rash for using a period instead of a question mark.

I agree, it is kind of self-referential. At least I can poke fun at myself whilst being an insufferable asshole.


Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
The Innovator of Pain said:
Kharn, you're fighting a losing battle. My English is second-to-none

Your arrogance amuses me. Your English is inferior. That's right, inferior, period.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Let's not forget the fact that you can't even string together a proper sentence half the time. Hell, you can't even *realize* an incorrect sentence unless it's specifically pointed out to you.

The difference being that I'm not trying. I'm not writing an essay here, I'm posting. On the internet. I don't care, you brought it up.

The Innovator of Pain said:
It's amusing how some dumbfuck attempts to insult me because I made a few typos at 2 in the morning and you see it as an opportunity to redeem yourself for your stupidity earlier in the thread.

Actually, your flawed English is pretty consistent.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Still hurting over the "You usually see a 'with' after ingratiate" foot-in-mouth moment, eh?

Foot-in-mouth? Actually, ingratiate is generally followed by "with".

The definition of ingratiate is "To bring (oneself, for example) into the favor or good graces of another, especially by deliberate effort". If it is not followed by "with", how would I know who you are putting yourself in favor with? That just makes no sense. Within the proper context it is fine to leave out the "with", but your context was unclear.

It's good to see your English is of such a low level that you do not even recognise the error, though.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Since we're making assumptions

I'm not making any assumptions. Your English is of a flawed type that you only see with people that have had an inferior education in English. Your intelligence, essentially, is above what you have been taught. A shame. Languages are gems, not to be abused in such a way.

The Innovator of Pain said:
your little analysis of my writing skills only confirms what I suspected: You're a university kid who's learned English as a second language.

A wrong assumption. But keep trying.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Why do I think this? It's a combination of your anality towards what you perceive to be "correct" punctuation usage

Perceive? This comma thing comes straight from Oxford, you thinking it is perceived again confirms what I already know.

Anality, also, has nothing to do with it being correct or not. Your use of punctuation if not wrong, it is gramatically sound, but no serious English writer would ever write like you.

The Innovator of Pain said:
together with an overall weakness in expresssing yourself in an effective manner.

Reflecting your weak reading skills on another is your problem. I type as I think. It is incoherent, it is flawed, but it is not ineffective, except towards towards BBB-level readers. You have been the first to complain since...well...ever.

DU already pointed out you seem to be the only one struggling.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Just look at the responses our respective posts have received. Yours are generally ignored whereas mine provoke a reaction. That's the mark of a strong writer.

Mine are ignored because they are agreed with. Nobody is speaking to me, except you, because "Yeah, I agree" posts are considered below the level of the Codex. Though a few have been made in this thread. Read back.

You stormed in here to defend a game you had never played, your first post being a flamefest. You came in here to insult and provoke. If you had typed "OMFG LOL Oblivion roks!" you would also have got a reaction. Your English skills are irrelevant, you are responded to because the people here disagree with you and a number of them think you are, as your titel says, a dumbfuck (not me, note, you show a lack of self-knowledge, arrogance and an extreme lack of debating skills which again shows your lack of either an education or proper breeding, but you're not an idiot.)

It does not take a strong writer to provoke a response. Look at Dan Brown, an inferior author with awful skills in dialogue and plotlines. Yet he provokes a response. Mostly by being an idiot and dumping thesis after thesis without sufficient prove. Much like you.

Have you played the game yet, by the way?

The Innovator of Pain said:
Many reviewers use punctuation "that would be laughed at by an English scholar" for stylistic effect in exactly the same manner as I have.

Reviewers are also not schooled in English. Especially not online reviewers.

Pick up a newspaper. Not an American one. Check for punctuation. You'll see what I mean. And they've only had very basic English schooling.

The Innovator of Pain said:
As I've said, I write for a AAA (that's triple A) software developer. You're still a kid studying at University. Once we're on a more even footing you'll be able to respond to my posts with some degree of credibility. Until then. . .

Your assumption has never been affirmed by me. You're just guessing, I know who you are, though, since you think to use your job as a weapon. This is your weakness, this is why our footing is not equal, as I am your superior.

Writing (writing what, by the way? Internal news?) for a software company takes little skill or intelligence. It is menial labour, in my eyes. The fact that you do it does not leave my with any impression except to once again affirm that it really doesn't take a lot to work in this industry.

PS: "Your weakness is glaring as the sun" is archaic, not incorrect.


Mar 24, 2006
Zagreb, Croatia
The Innovator of Pain said:
Just look at the responses our respective posts have received. Yours are generally ignored whereas mine provoke a reaction. That's the mark of a strong writer.
I'm sure every idiot who posted inane drivel and generated four pages of flames will find this remark flattering. "Look, Ma, twenty people responded to my idiocy with derisive flames! That means I'm a strong writer!"

Sadly, your impeccable English hasn't helped alleviate the fact that Kharn efficiently shot down every single one of your pathetic arguments. So why don't you focus on addressing his points in a sensible manner instead of squirming like a halfwit and spouting irrelevant verbiage?


Feb 17, 2006
The Innovator of Pain said:
Kharn said:
Thrawn05 said:
Unless you pronouce AAA as "Triple A", at which case it would be "a AAA", not "an AAA".


Kharn, you're fighting a losing battle. My English is second-to-none, least of all anyone on this forum. How anyone can say "Your weakness is glaring as the sun" and still have the audacity ... blahblahblah

Innovator, shut the fuck up. :roll:

Kharn too, you're making each other look ridiculous.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
I thought that was the point? Innovator of Pain lost the argument 3 pages ago when he started heaping on the insults and ignoring any of the points. The rest of this has been for pure fun value.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Yesterday The Innovator of Pain said:
So, I'm moving on, saying a big "Fuck You" to you all, and heading out of the door. (A hazardous task for some of you fatass jerk-offs, I'd imagine.)
Well, you are still here, so I guess you were speaking from experience.

Anyway, since you refuse to leave and we can't throw your ass out, let's continue where we left off.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Vault Dweller said:
The Innovator of Pain said:
"]I repeat: most of the bitchers here haven't played the game. I thought Morrowind was grossly overrated, but I formed that opinion AFTER 20 hours of playing. Until the whingers have played it, they need to STFU and stop trying to ingratiate themselves by beating on Bethesda at every opportunity. It's boring to read.
If you weren't so fucking stupid and eager to jump to conclusions, you'd have seen the number of first impressions posted in the General RPG section.

This shit was going on way before any of you even had access to the game, so don't come back with that bullshit.
And what, pray tell, has that gotta do with anything? Most people who are unhappy with the game gave detailed reasons why they are unhappy with it, so "they hated it before" argument doesn't fly. Not to mention, there is no shortage of "WTF? Where is what Beth promised us" posts at the ESF, coming from those who worshipped the game only yesterday.

After a long battle said:
Warning: The quoting's fucked up. Deal with it.
Absolutely hilarious!

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
DarkUnderlord said:
I thought that was the point? Innovator of Pain lost the argument 3 pages ago when he started heaping on the insults and ignoring any of the points. The rest of this has been for pure fun value.

Essentially, yes. I like playing with those of weaker minds. If this was still about the actual argument, I'd keep reminding him he still hasn't adressed any of my valid counter-arguments. But since his death rattle seems to be to fight a pitched battle on the fields of grammar (on in which he seems arrogant beyond his skills), I've just been poking fun.

If you want, sheek, I can stop ridiculing him and we can prod him into trying to actually defend his flawed arguments. Though so far he has refused, he just flings in a few unwarranted accusations and then refuses to back them up.

Almost makes me believe he does work at a software company. That attitude is very like them.

Note: almost.
Mar 24, 2006
Warning: The quoting has messed up again. It's 1am, and I can't be arsed to clean it up. Yes, I'm a numbskull.

Nobody apart from Kharn is really interested in reading this anyway, are they?

Kharn said:
The Innovator of Pain said:
Kharn, you're fighting a losing battle. My English is second-to-none

Your arrogance amuses me. Your English is inferior. That's right, inferior, period.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Let's not forget the fact that you can't even string together a proper sentence half the time. Hell, you can't even *realize* an incorrect sentence unless it's specifically pointed out to you.

The difference being that I'm not trying. I'm not writing an essay here, I'm posting. On the internet. I don't care, you brought it up.

Oh, ok. I'm only writing posts at 10% of my potential. FACT. Therefore, any fuck-ups I make can be excused away on the basis that I'm actually Shakespeare reincarnated. How fortuitous.

The Innovator of Pain said:
It's amusing how some dumbfuck attempts to insult me because I made a few typos at 2 in the morning and you see it as an opportunity to redeem yourself for your stupidity earlier in the thread.

Actually, your flawed English is pretty consistent.

Only according to you. I think you need to ask yourself what that really means.

quote="The Innovator of Pain"]Still hurting over the "You usually see a 'with' after ingratiate" foot-in-mouth moment, eh?

Foot-in-mouth? Actually, ingratiate is generally followed by "with".

The definition of ingratiate is "To bring (oneself, for example) into the favor or good graces of another, especially by deliberate effort". If it is not followed by "with", how would I know who you are putting yourself in favor with? That just makes no sense. Within the proper context it is fine to leave out the "with", but your context was unclear.

It's good to see your English is of such a low level that you do not even recognise the error, though.
The Innovator of Pain said:
Since we're making assumptions

Thanks for defining "ingratiate". My context was unclear? Anyone wanna go back and confirm this? I assume, unlike poor Kharn here, we all have an IQ in excess of 60?

I'm not making any assumptions. Your English is of a flawed type that you only see with people that have had an inferior education in English. Your intelligence, essentially, is above what you have been taught. A shame. Languages are gems, not to be abused in such a way.

Uh... I'm British. I speak proper English. I can also write and speak American English, Commonwealth English, and whatever else you'd care to mention.

Nature normally takes care of the "intelligence being greater than what I've been taught" part.

The Innovator of Pain said:
your little analysis of my writing skills only confirms what I suspected: You're a university kid who's learned English as a second language.

A wrong assumption. But keep trying.

You're just a fucktard. Sorry, it's all I can think of.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Why do I think this? It's a combination of your anality towards what you perceive to be "correct" punctuation usage

Perceive? This comma thing comes straight from Oxford, you thinking it is perceived again confirms what I already know.

Anality, also, has nothing to do with it being correct or not. Your use of punctuation if not wrong, it is gramatically sound, but no serious English writer would ever write like you.

So my writing is actually gramatically sound, yet no other serious English writer writes like me? Sounds like I'm pretty fucking unique. Thanks for the compliment.

The Innovator of Pain said:
together with an overall weakness in expresssing yourself in an effective manner.
Reflecting your weak reading skills on another is your problem. I type as I think. It is incoherent, it is flawed, but it is not ineffective, except towards towards BBB-level readers. You have been the first to complain since...well...ever.

You're just a poor writier. Ineffective, lacking in flair, and boring to read. You'll improve with age.

quote="The Innovator of Pain"]Just look at the responses our respective posts have received. Yours are generally ignored whereas mine provoke a reaction. That's the mark of a strong writer.

Mine are ignored because they are agreed with. Nobody is speaking to me, except you, because "Yeah, I agree" posts are considered below the level of the Codex. Though a few have been made in this thread. Read back.

Too boring. Sorry.

You stormed in here to defend a game you had never played, your first post being a flamefest. You came in here to insult and provoke. If you had typed "OMFG LOL Oblivion roks!" you would also have got a reaction. Your English skills are irrelevant, you are responded to because the people here disagree with you and a number of them think you are, as your titel says, a dumbfuck (not me, note, you show a lack of self-knowledge, arrogance and an extreme lack of debating skills which again shows your lack of either an education or proper breeding, but you're not an idiot.)

I show a lack of arrogance? I'll disagree there. I'm fairly arrogant, although it's mostly justified.

Saint_Proverbius bestowed that title on me. What a rascal.

I'll humour you for a moment and say that yes, I haven't engaged in much of a debate. Look around. This is the Codex. The lines are drawn with blood and reinforced with concrete blocks. Of all the arguments you've put forth, the only one I feel has any merit is that Oblivion doesn't live up to hype. Was it ever going to? Would the Codex have relented if it did?

It does not take a strong writer to provoke a response. Look at Dan Brown, an inferior author with awful skills in dialogue and plotlines. Yet he provokes a response. Mostly by being an idiot and dumping thesis after thesis without sufficient prove. Much like you.

Have you played the game yet, by the way?

Haven't read Dan Brown. Doesn't appeal to me.


The Innovator of Pain said:
Many reviewers use punctuation "that would be laughed at by an English scholar" for stylistic effect in exactly the same manner as I have.

Reviewers are also not schooled in English. Especially not online reviewers.

Says the University kid. What do you know?

Pick up a newspaper. Not an American one. Check for punctuation. You'll see what I mean. And they've only had very basic English schooling.

See above.

The Innovator of Pain said:
As I've said, I write for a AAA (that's triple A) software developer. You're still a kid studying at University. Once we're on a more even footing you'll be able to respond to my posts with some degree of credibility. Until then. . .

Your assumption has never been affirmed by me. You're just guessing, I know who you are, though, since you think to use your job as a weapon. This is your weakness, this is why our footing is not equal, as I am your superior.

That made me chuckle. Honestly. At least my posts have a healthy dose of self-referential irony.

Writing (writing what, by the way? Internal news?) for a software company takes little skill or intelligence. It is menial labour, in my eyes. The fact that you do it does not leave my with any impression except to once again affirm that it really doesn't take a lot to work in this industry.


PS: "Your weakness is glaring as the sun" is archaic, not incorrect.

Sorry, no deal.


Feb 26, 2005
And the Lord God said, "Ni, you will know thine virgins for life when they proclaim I like playing with those of weaker minds."
Mar 24, 2006
DarkUnderlord said:
I thought that was the point? Innovator of Pain lost the argument 3 pages ago when he started heaping on the insults and ignoring any of the points. The rest of this has been for pure fun value.

Yes, I lost. The collective mind of the Codex overwhelmed me. You're just all so fucking smart.

And you, DarkUnderlord, were chief among my tormenteors. Give yourself a hearty pat on the back, big fella!
Mar 24, 2006
Chefe said:
And the Lord God said, "Ni, you will know thine virgins for life when they proclaim I like playing with those of weaker minds."


"We are not on even footing, because I am your superior!

He's 20 years old and yet to be laid. Fuck, it could be worse. He could be Vault_Dweller.


Feb 26, 2005
Guys, let me speak to innovator in a manner he can understand. I studied psychology in school, and I know we're dealing with a penis-unibus here. I've spent some time among the penii and have learned their ways.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Warning: The quoting has messed up again. It's 1am, and I can't be arsed to clean it up. Yes, I'm a numbskull.


Nobody apart from Kharn is really interested in reading this anyway, are they?

Si, penis.

Thanks for defining "ingratiate". My context was unclear? Anyone wanna go back and confirm this? I assume, unlike poor Kharn here, we all have an IQ in excess of 60?

Except you.

And by you I mean penis.

Uh... I'm British. I speak proper English. I can also write and speak American English, Commonwealth English, and whatever else you'd care to mention.

You know what I think? I think you're a penis.

And by penis I mean racist bigot. Racist nazi bigot.

Nature normally takes care of the "intelligence being greater than what I've been taught" part.


You're just a fucktard. Sorry, it's all I can think of.

You're just a penis.


Too boring. Sorry.

Hail, penis.

I show a lack of arrogance? I'll disagree there. I'm fairly arrogant, although it's mostly justified.

Penis rainbow!

Saint_Proverbius bestowed that title on me. What a rascal.

Penis! Nay, penis? Penis, amigo!

I'll humour you for a moment

Translation: I'm a penis.

And by penis I mean a huge nerd.

And by huge nerd I mean an elitist fuck.

And by elitist fuck I mean guy who uses fancy phrases on the internet.

And by guy who uses fancy phrases on the internet I mean guy who gets beaten up in gym class.

And by guy who gets beaten up in gym class I mean guy who's never had sex.

And by guy who's never had sex I mean guy who will never have sex.

And by guy who will never have sex I mean LARPer.

and say that yes, I haven't engaged in much of a debate. Look around. This is the Codex. The lines are drawn with blood and reinforced with concrete blocks. Of all the arguments you've put forth, the only one I feel has any merit is that Oblivion doesn't live up to hype. Was it ever going to? Would the Codex have relented if it did?

Meaning Penis.

And by penis, I mean "I have 5 posts but I'm the expert on this place".

Haven't read Dan Brown. Doesn't appeal to me.

Translation: Who the fuck is Dan Brown?

Says the University kid. What do you know?

The difference between you an a penis. There is none.

See above.

See penis.

That made me chuckle. Honestly. At least my posts have a healthy dose of self-referential irony.

There are them penis words again.


Sorry, no deal.

Howie raped my penis.

Chefe's post translation: I got the quotes to work. You penis.


Feb 26, 2005
The Innovator of Pain said:
He's 20 years old and yet to be laid. Fuck, it could be worse. He could be Vault_Dweller.

It could be even worse, he could be you.
Mar 24, 2006
Kharn said:
DarkUnderlord said:
I thought that was the point? Innovator of Pain lost the argument 3 pages ago when he started heaping on the insults and ignoring any of the points. The rest of this has been for pure fun value.

Essentially, yes. I like playing with those of weaker minds. If this was still about the actual argument, I'd keep reminding him he still hasn't adressed any of my valid counter-arguments. But since his death rattle seems to be to fight a pitched battle on the fields of grammar (on in which he seems arrogant beyond his skills), I've just been poking fun.

If you want, sheek, I can stop ridiculing him and we can prod him into trying to actually defend his flawed arguments. Though so far he has refused, he just flings in a few unwarranted accusations and then refuses to back them up.

Almost makes me believe he does work at a software company. That attitude is very like them.

Note: almost.

Come on guys, do I look like I'm dying? I'm not even getting warmed up. I'm at that stage where Yoda's little green face grows all intense, and he narrows his eyes.

And you just know a monumental ass-kicking is about to be handed out.

That's where I am now.


Feb 26, 2005
The Innovator of Pain said:
Come on guys, do I look like I'm dying? I'm not even getting warmed up. I'm at that stage where Yoda's little green face grows all intense, and he narrows his eyes.

And you just know a monumental ass-kicking is about to be handed out.

That's where I am now.

You mean a monumental penis raping?
Mar 24, 2006
Chefe said:
The Innovator of Pain said:
Come on guys, do I look like I'm dying? I'm not even getting warmed up. I'm at that stage where Yoda's little green face grows all intense, and he narrows his eyes.

And you just know a monumental ass-kicking is about to be handed out.

That's where I am now.

You mean a monumental penis raping?

Yes. Pucker up that tight little ass.


Feb 26, 2005
The Innovator of Pain said:
Chefe said:
Bad attempt at humour, yet another one, oh Jesus another one, fucking hell why won't he stop?

The humour in the word penis was always lost on me. Must be a penis thing.

Don't use the LORD's name in vain.
Mar 24, 2006
Vault Dweller said:
@ The Innovator guy

Do tell.

I assume your name is representative of your life situation, and you really are a fatass that lives his life in his own little private hell?

By the way, I'm 11 stones of lean muscle. Good to be me, eh?


Oct 23, 2002
The collected works of another writer for a triple A software developer:

Oh sister! I'm so sorry! I was jealous of you and now you're gone!
We... we took out a few of them, didn't we? Our part's done, It's your show now. *Cough* Give the Calculator a bullet for me will... *gurgle*
Uh-oh! It's too late for the potty!
They stuck the food tube in the wrong end. Uuugggh, pressure!
A peaceful relaxation washes over your body. Your last wish is that your crap filled pants will not dishonor your family.
As your soul leaves its mortal shell you realize that crapping one's pants upon death is not a tribal urban legend.

Just like fucking Shakespeare. Literally, like digging up his corpse and fucking it.
Mar 24, 2006
Chefe said:
The Innovator of Pain said:
Chefe said:
Bad attempt at humour, yet another one, oh Jesus another one, fucking hell why won't he stop?

The humour in the word penis was always lost on me. Must be a penis thing.

Don't use the LORD's name in vain.

Then don't use mine.

I think we're done here. I'm like a fucking lion playing with a pack of rats.

Thanks for the amusing hour or two.


Feb 26, 2005
The Innovator of Pain said:
Yes. Pucker up that tight little ass.

No, no. Sorry I wasn't more specific. I meant that you raped penis. And by penis, I mean little boys.

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