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Review Oblivion scores 5/5 at Games Domain

Mar 24, 2006

Let's quickly wrap this up.

You've got the majority claiming a game rated 95% and 10 out of 10 on the previously-respected EuroGamer is not very good.

You've got one guy claiming that 15 year old games are just as good as modern games, and thus would presumably score as highly.

You've got another guy claiming that hype is an abomination of all that is holy.

You've got several others who can't understand how a basic 1-10 scoring system works.

You've got almost everyone dishing out shitty insults like "fucktard", "Oooh, you are so transparent", and "OMG Roffles", which is presumably meant in an ironic sense.

All in all, the same blend of tedious, embarassing, logic-defying crap that makes these forums such an abortion to read. Actually posting in a dicussion is even worse.

So, I'm moving on, saying a big "Fuck You" to you all, and heading out of the door. (A hazardous task for some of you fatass jerk-offs, I'd imagine.)



Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
The Innovator of Pain said:
Let's quickly wrap this up. I was beaten thuroughly about the head and shoulders as a small boy and now sell my body to merchant fisherman to rekindle the burning shame and degradation of my childhood. For this reason alone, I look forward to Oblivion.


That's better.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
The Innovator of Pain said:
Let's quickly wrap this up.
But we're only on page 3!

The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got the majority claiming a game rated 95% and 10 out of 10 on the previously-respected EuroGamer is not very good.
And that's a problem because...? I mean, do you trust all the reviews you read? Even those Dungeon Siege ones?

Oh and hey, what about that guy who liked Daikatana? Was he wrong?

Different people, different opinions. What's so wrong with that? The only claim you've ever made here is that we're critiscising it and we haven't played it, yet quite clearly you are wrong because a number of people here have played it and are still critiscising it.

The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got one guy claiming that 15 year old games are just as good as modern games, and thus would presumably score as highly.
Yup. They would. X-Com UFO and Terror from the Deep still kick the pants off of the modern versions.

The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got another guy claiming that hype is an abomination of all that is holy.
Correction: Games that don't match the hype. Oblivion doesn't match the hype.

The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got several others who can't understand how a basic 1-10 scoring system works.
Several? I count 1. How many are you seeing?

The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got almost everyone dishing out shitty insults like "fucktard", "Oooh, you are so transparent", and "OMG Roffles", which is presumably meant in an ironic sense.
Speaking of shitty insults...
  • "So, I'm moving on, saying a big "Fuck You" to you all, and heading out of the door. (A hazardous task for some of you fatass jerk-offs, I'd imagine.)"

    "Such wit! Guess it's not only shills that give sloppy blowjobs, though. You and the rest of this pathetic clique of "hardcore, savy gamers" have been holding your own little orgy of hatred against Bethesda ever since the reviews started rolling in. I bet most of you haven't even played the damn game. . ."

    "More care needed when posting, young Padawan."

    "Until the whingers have played it, they need to STFU and stop trying to ingratiate themselves by beating on Bethesda at every opportunity. It's boring to read."

    "Look, you obviously haven't got a terrific grasp of English. You are, in fact, making yourself look like a buffoon."

    "Some of you guys make for interesting, informative reading, providing it's taken with a pinch of salt. Unfortunately, the good stuff seem to be increasingly buried under far too many bizarre, aggressive, self-mastubatory posts. You're in danger of going beyond even those who enjoy such things, and just becoming boring. And that's a collective "you"."

    "Now go and study, improve your education, and stop worrying about making yourself look like an idiot in front of your betters on an internet forum. It's for your own good."

    "Hang on, just saw this post. I'm going to be civil, because I'm not one to kick a wounded dog. "

    "No. But this kind of thing brings home the reality of the situation, which is that this board is comprised mostly of nerds and RPG geeks with negligible social lives who CRASH INTO EACH OTHER JUST SO THEY CAN FEEL SOMETHING!"

    "Jesus, you are as thick as shit. Well done."

    ~The Innovator of Pain (March 25, 2006).

The Innovator of Pain said:
All in all, the same blend of tedious, embarassing, logic-defying crap that makes these forums such an abortion to read. Actually posting in a dicussion is even worse.
... and yet you're still here and you're still posting.

By the way, speaking of logic, where was yours? Every complaint you made in your attacks on us has been proven false. People here have played the game. People here are criticising it. People here don't think Oblivion is a 10 out of 10 title. What's your problem with that?

The Innovator of Pain said:
Night! See you in the morning.

By the way, you said that before too. Page 1 and again on page 2 I think. Do you always take naps between posts?


Oct 23, 2002
No. But this kind of thing brings home the reality of the situation, which is that this board is comprised mostly of nerds and RPG geeks with negligible social lives who CRASH INTO EACH OTHER JUST SO THEY CAN FEEL SOMETHING!

I especially like this one. It has all the impact of nerf weaponry on a forum where most of the members are self-confessed "nerds and RPG geeks with negligible social lives who CRASH INTO EACH OTHER JUST SO THEY CAN FEEL SOMETHING!" In fact, I made that very remark just the other day. Right down to the all caps.

Oops. I mean:

"STFU!11!1 I have a gf and she is h4wt. she is a model. Here is her pic. it iz her I promise!!!11!! I tnk it iz u who don't have a gf. you r probly a nerd. I bet u have glasses. Me n my cool friendz at junior high beat guys like u up. just dont go all columnbine high on us lol. fatty."


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Yeah, I have to agree with Levski. The tubgirl link really failed because that page takes so long too load all of the little images that by the time I've waited for the image, I know what to expect and it loses the impact.

I give it a C-

As for feeling something, what's that poking into my back? Whoever it is better put it away before it gets broken off.


Oct 23, 2002
Bah, fuck it. I was hoping the fairly generic URL would throw people, but yeah, that site takes way too fucking long to load.

Anyway. Instead of clicking that link, just roleplay it and open up the local copy of Tubgirl I know you fuckers have somewhere on your hard drives.
Mar 24, 2006
Warning: The quoting's fucked up. Deal with it.

DarkUnderlord said:
The Innovator of Pain said:
Let's quickly wrap this up.
But we're only on page 3!

The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got the majority claiming a game rated 95% and 10 out of 10 on the previously-respected EuroGamer is not very good.
And that's a problem because...? I mean, do you trust all the reviews you read? Even those Dungeon Siege ones?

Oh and hey, what about that guy who liked Daikatana? Was he wrong?

Like any other semi-intelligent person, I evaluate whether or not a product is any good by looking at all the available evidence. In this case:


And I see absolutely nothing to suggest that those bitching on the Codex have any real cause for the excess negativity displayed towards Bethesda, beyond the fact that the "collective hivemind" fucked up in their assessment of Oblivion. Bitching about minor faults in the game will not save you any face when the rest of the world is telling you that you're dead wrong.

Do I need to play the game to know that the excess moaning on here is pure BS? Not when I've evaluated all of the available evidence.

Different people, different opinions. What's so wrong with that? The only claim you've ever made here is that we're critiscising it and we haven't played it, yet quite clearly you are wrong because a number of people here have played it and are still critiscising it.

Exactly what am I wrong about? It's the not criticism I'm complaining about, it's the refusal to the see those faults in the context of the overall game, and a complete unwillingness to give credit where credit is due. It's funny how the entire world is accused of having a pack animal mentaily because Oblivion is getting 10s all over, yet most of you guys buy into whatever Vault Dweller and co tell you.

The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got one guy claiming that 15 year old games are just as good as modern games, and thus would presumably score as highly.
Yup. They would. X-Com UFO and Terror from the Deep still kick the pants off of the modern versions.

That's bullshit, and you know it. The gameplay might hold up, but they'd still be judged against modern-day games on all the other criteria. Is there even any point in arguing this? You might as well be arguing that the sun is, in fact, the moon.

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing.

The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got another guy claiming that hype is an abomination of all that is holy.

Correction: Games that don't match the hype. Oblivion doesn't match the hype.

Yeah, I've just noticed the 9.6 on Gamespot, same score as Resident Evil 4. That's one overhyped piece of crap.
The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got several others who can't understand how a basic 1-10 scoring system works.
Several? I count 1. How many are you seeing?

Yawn. Come back when you've got half the experience in reviewing or game design as I have.

The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got almost everyone dishing out shitty insults like "fucktard", "Oooh, you are so transparent", and "OMG Roffles", which is presumably meant in an ironic sense.
Speaking of shitty insults...
  • "So, I'm moving on, saying a big "Fuck You" to you all, and heading out of the door. (A hazardous task for some of you fatass jerk-offs, I'd imagine.)"

    "Such wit! Guess it's not only shills that give sloppy blowjobs, though. You and the rest of this pathetic clique of "hardcore, savy gamers" have been holding your own little orgy of hatred against Bethesda ever since the reviews started rolling in. I bet most of you haven't even played the damn game. . ."

    "More care needed when posting, young Padawan."

    "Until the whingers have played it, they need to STFU and stop trying to ingratiate themselves by beating on Bethesda at every opportunity. It's boring to read."

    "Look, you obviously haven't got a terrific grasp of English. You are, in fact, making yourself look like a buffoon."

    "Some of you guys make for interesting, informative reading, providing it's taken with a pinch of salt. Unfortunately, the good stuff seem to be increasingly buried under far too many bizarre, aggressive, self-mastubatory posts. You're in danger of going beyond even those who enjoy such things, and just becoming boring. And that's a collective "you"."

    "Now go and study, improve your education, and stop worrying about making yourself look like an idiot in front of your betters on an internet forum. It's for your own good."

    "Hang on, just saw this post. I'm going to be civil, because I'm not one to kick a wounded dog. "

    "No. But this kind of thing brings home the reality of the situation, which is that this board is comprised mostly of nerds and RPG geeks with negligible social lives who CRASH INTO EACH OTHER JUST SO THEY CAN FEEL SOMETHING!"

    "Jesus, you are as thick as shit. Well done."

    ~The Innovator of Pain (March 25, 2006).

The Innovator of Pain said:
All in all, the same blend of tedious, embarassing, logic-defying crap that makes these forums such an abortion to read. Actually posting in a dicussion is even worse.
... and yet you're still here and you're still posting.

By the way, speaking of logic, where was yours? Every complaint you made in your attacks on us has been proven false. People here have played the game. People here are criticising it. People here don't think Oblivion is a 10 out of 10 title. What's your problem with that?

I've explained myself above. To reiterate, the problem is that you'd label your own mothers whores if Vault Dweller decided that was Codex line. Criticize all you like, but keep a sense of perspective. That's what it's all about really. I'm sure most of you guys are of above average intelligence, yet your collective IQ on here often seems to fall slightly below that of Paris Hilton.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Night! See you in the morning.

By the way, you said that before too. Page 1 and again on page 2 I think. Do you always take naps between posts?

When they are as dull as predictable as most of the posts on here, it's difficult to resist nodding off.


Feb 17, 2006
The Innovator of Pain said:
Warning: The quoting's fucked up. Deal with it.


There's no need to use foul language... :shock:

Teenagers and sheltered people read this board as well, show a bit of responsibility.
Mar 24, 2006
sheek said:
The Innovator of Pain said:
Warning: The quoting's fucked up. Deal with it.


There's no need to use foul language... :shock:

Teenagers and sheltered people read this board as well, show a bit of responsibility.

It's your responsibility to steer clear of these forums if such language offends you. It's pretty much par for the course here.

Take a look at Section8's link if you want to be really offended.



Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
The Innovator of Pain said:
So, I'm moving on, saying a big "Fuck You" to you all, and heading out of the door. (A hazardous task for some of you fatass jerk-offs, I'd imagine.)

The Innovator of Pain said:
Warning: The quoting's fucked up. Deal with it.
Wait. I thought you said you were leaving? Did the door hit your arse on the way out? Is that why you felt the need to come back?

Poor diddums didn't get hurt now did he? Oohhh... There there. It'll get better.

No wait! You're such a fat prick that YOU got stuck! HAHA. I get it. Hence your "fat people having trouble going out doors" joke. That was a joke at your own expense.

Crafty that.

The Innovator of Pain said:
And I see absolutely nothing to suggest that those bitching on the Codex have any real cause for the excess negativity displayed towards Bethesda, beyond the fact that the "collective hivemind" fucked up in their assessment of Oblivion. Bitching about minor faults in the game will not save you any face when the rest of the world is telling you that you're dead wrong.
Think of us like Galileo and you're the Christian Church. We're telling you that the world is round but no-one wants to publicly admit it. No-one here is saying Oblivion sucks and you shouldn't play it (except for those few people who honestly don't enjoy that type of action game). All we're saying is that it's not "God's gift to gaming" which it is being held out to be.

We said the same thing about Doom 3 and the same thing about Half-Life 2. Both of those got scores about the same, if not higher, than Oblivion. Would you like to tell us why we're wrong about those while you're at it?

The Innovator of Pain said:
Do I need to play the game to know that the excess moaning on here is pure BS? Not when I've evaluated all of the available evidence.
Now that's interesting. See, we're using the same argument saying we don't need to play the game to know that it's Morrowind + 1, yet we keep running into people who are telling us that we should. Sorry, not many of us liked Morrowind for its RPG bits. It's the niche this site caters to. We don't like life-less boring gameworlds which have no real choice and consequence. Is that so hard for you to grasp? It's like you've come to Christianity Central with your Heathen Muslim Ways and you're expecting us to convert.

More over: "Everyone else says it's good, so it must be!" Is not an argument.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Exactly what am I wrong about? It's the not criticism I'm complaining about, it's the refusal to the see those faults in the context of the overall game, and a complete unwillingness to give credit where credit is due.
What should we give Bethesda credit for? Delivering the "Completely new dialogue system" that's so totally not like Morrowind's wiki? For creating a journal that's actually worse than Morrowind's? Or for foisting a piss-poor design of an interface upon the world? Wait, what about the stunning graphics which aren't full of crappy NPCs heads and hands, like those Russian screenshots because that's just an unoptimised build you know. Oh and that popping in of grass thing in that wired blog which doesn't happen at all and is just "lies, spread by non-believers".

Oh I get it, we should praise them for making Morrowind again, only with a different story.

The Innovator of Pain said:
It's funny how the entire world is accused of having a pack animal mentaily because Oblivion is getting 10s all over, yet most of you guys buy into whatever Vault Dweller and co tell you.
Now that one's funny. Last I checked, I made up my mind myself. I just happen to agree with a lot of people on this site that Oblivion was over-hyped and doesn't deliver anything that's particularly "next-gen". Certainly not anything that's not been done in other games. Is it a fun game? Sure. I bet it is a fun game for what it is. Again, does that mean we aren't allowed to point out any of its faults? No.

The problem is, no-one else seems to be pointing out the problems. They say the game is great despite all its short-comings and just gloss over the things they see as wrong. Think of us as balancing things out a bit.

The Innovator of Pain said:
The Innovator of Pain said:
You've got one guy claiming that 15 year old games are just as good as modern games, and thus would presumably score as highly.
Yup. They would. X-Com UFO and Terror from the Deep still kick the pants off of the modern versions.

That's bullshit, and you know it. The gameplay might hold up, but they'd still be judged against modern-day games on all the other criteria.
See, now that's the difference between you and us. For us, when it comes to games, gameplay is king. We don't care much about the graphics or the sound or the "OMG Next-gen factor", just as long as they look all right and the game works (we will quite happily criticise a game for claiming next-gen graphics when clearly it doesn't though). Even then, if we take X-Com and say, well, the sound is pretty good. The graphics certainly aren't next gen but a 3 out of 5 in graphics, 4 in sound, 5 in gameplay, 3 in story and a 4 in interface adds up to 76%. That's not bad and certainly not far off some other good titles that are out today.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Correction: Games that don't match the hype. Oblivion doesn't match the hype.

Yeah, I've just noticed the 9.6 on Gamespot, same score as Resident Evil 4. That's one overhyped piece of crap.[/quote]
Do you see how your comment doesn't actually address the hype issue with regard to Oblivion?

The Innovator of Pain said:
Yawn. Come back when you've got half the experience in reviewing or game design as I have.
Oh, are you an "industry insider" like our friend here? Have you gotten your review copy of Oblivion yet?

I'm sorry you're so tired too. You must not be getting enough sleep.

The Innovator of Pain said:
I've explained myself above. To reiterate, the problem is that you'd label your own mothers whores if Vault Dweller decided that was Codex line.
Ahhh... So you really believe we can't make up our minds for ourselves? Here's a hint, go back to page 2 of this thread. Find my reply there. In it is a list of 6 (count them, 6!) people who all talk about Oblivion and mention the bad stuff about it. I'd suggest you read their reviews and then tell me whether they're just following "Vault Dweller's line" or not.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Criticize all you like, but keep a sense of perspective. That's what it's all about really.
So who isn't in perspective? I've said on many occasions Oblivion is probably a fun game. It's just that it's not everything it was hyped to be. So far, a lot of other people are saying the same thing. If you've got a problem with Vault Dweller, you should talk to him. You wouldn't be the first either and you're certainly not going to be the last.

The Innovator of Pain said:
When they are as dull as predictable as most of the posts on here, it's difficult to resist nodding off.
I can see. Come back when you're fully awake. It might help you understand things a lot clearer.
Jul 15, 2004
Dear The Innovator of Pain:

I tried reading your posts, but they are written in such horrendously butchered English that I just gave up after a while.

Go take a fucking English class.

- Sincerely,
Mar 24, 2006
whitemithrandir said:
Dear The Innovator of Pain:

I tried reading your posts, but they are written in such horrendously butchered English that I just gave up after a while.

Go take a fucking English class.

- Sincerely,

Dear Mithie,

It would appear my writing is so bad that you insignificant fucks can't help but emulate my every post.

Stealing other people's insults is neither big nor clever. Please stick your head in a blender.

For the record, you useless cunt, my English skills are apparently good enough to write for a AAA software company.

Now die, and spare us all your boring attention-seeking crap.



Dec 31, 2004
Gamesdomain used to be the best review site bar none.

It got bought by BT(telecoms company in the UK) and fucked until it became a pale shadow of itself, then it went to Yahoo.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
The Innovator of Pain said:
For the record, you useless cunt, my English skills are apparently good enough to write for a AAA software company.
You work for Bethesda don't you? Finally, the reason for the shitty writing in Oblivion is revealed!


Iron Tower Studio
Apr 21, 2004
Over the hills and far away
The Innovator of Pain said:
For the record, you useless cunt, my English skills are apparently good enough to write for a AAA software company.

Now die, and spare us all your boring attention-seeking crap.


Come on, you don't even know how to write "r00fles" properly. Go ask Volourn to give you several English lessons.


Oct 16, 2005
Cognitive Elite HQ

Oh, my God, there are so many levels of irony here.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
The Innovator of Pain said:
For the record, you useless cunt, my English skills are apparently good enough to write for a AAA software company.

A is a vowel, so that should be "an AAA software company."


Feb 3, 2006
The Mirror of Death void
Kharn said:
The Innovator of Pain said:
For the record, you useless cunt, my English skills are apparently good enough to write for a AAA software company.

A is a vowel, so that should be "an AAA software company."

Unless you pronouce AAA as "Triple A", at which case it would be "a AAA", not "an AAA".

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Thrawn05 said:
Unless you pronouce AAA as "Triple A", at which case it would be "a AAA", not "an AAA".


Despite that fact, his egrerious overuse of commas even in connection with coordinating conjuctions shows a lack of education in the English language. Essentially someone who knows a lot of English, good English, but has never had a proper English education to teach him when to use commas and when not to. Example;

"Now die, and spare us all your boring attention-seeking crap. "

"And" is a coordinating conjuction. The comma here is used as a seperation of two independent clauses. So is the coordinating conjuction. "But" is the only coordinating conjuction that necessitates the use of a comma, some others do in odd situations. "And" almost never does. Saying ", and" is essentially the same as saying ", ," or "and and".

Grammatically unsound? Not really. But any English scholar frowns upon such abuse of punctuation, most of them point and laugh. This fellow uses enough commas to show the typical ill-educated mistake of thinking a lot of commas make for good English. Quite the opposite. In fact, abuse of punctuation makes for shitty English.

The only defense for using ", and", ever, is if the construction is made to indicate result and is not a seperation of two clauses. It is the latter here, though, dying and sparing us all his boring attention-seeking crap are two clauses, albeit of the same nature. If he were to say "Now die, and in doing so spare us all your boring attention-seeking crap," then the "and" might be forgiveable.

e.g. "Give him a shot, and he might surprise you." Most easily recognised because "and" can be left from the sentence ("Give him a shit, he might surprise you.") Which does not apply to Innovator's sentence.


Feb 16, 2006
Does Games Domain ever not give a game 5/5? I think they even gave that new Leisure Suit Larry game a 5/5.
Mar 24, 2006
Kharn said:
Thrawn05 said:
Unless you pronouce AAA as "Triple A", at which case it would be "a AAA", not "an AAA".


Kharn, you're fighting a losing battle. My English is second-to-none, least of all anyone on this forum. How anyone can say "Your weakness is glaring as the sun" and still have the audacity to comment on another's grammar is beyond me.

Let's not forget the fact that you can't even string together a proper sentence half the time. Hell, you can't even *realize* an incorrect sentence unless it's specifically pointed out to you.

It's amusing how some dumbfuck attempts to insult me because I made a few typos at 2 in the morning and you see it as an opportunity to redeem yourself for your stupidity earlier in the thread.

Still hurting over the "You usually see a 'with' after ingratiate" foot-in-mouth moment, eh?

Since we're making assumptions, your little analysis of my writing skills only confirms what I suspected: You're a university kid who's learned English as a second language. Why do I think this? It's a combination of your anality towards what you perceive to be "correct" punctuation usage together with an overall weakness in expresssing yourself in an effective manner.

Just look at the responses our respective posts have received. Yours are generally ignored whereas mine provoke a reaction. That's the mark of a strong writer. Many reviewers use punctuation "that would be laughed at by an English scholar" for stylistic effect in exactly the same manner as I have.

As I've said, I write for a AAA (that's triple A) software developer. You're still a kid studying at University. Once we're on a more even footing you'll be able to respond to my posts with some degree of credibility. Until then. . .

Those that can, do. The rest sit around and bitch on the Codex. That pretty much sums it up.

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