Also, giving the fighter a 100 men army doesn't really balance him with the Wizard, because the balance is still not there in the typical adventuring party scenario. Sure, the fighter could bring a squad of men on adventures with him, but they're lvl 1-2, cannon fodder, and that would require revisiting combat mechanics so the fights don't bog down in minutia. You'd have to get creative, maybe treat the squad as a swarm or as one large character attacking all adjacent ennemies, doing maneuvres as attacks, etc. That kind of reskin was easier with 4E's gamist approach, and I used it to great effect in my games. D&D itself, even after mass splatbooks and multiple editions, didn't really allow for tactical encounters with the PCs + a bunch of NPC squads. You had to choose: party tactical fights, or mass battles where PCs were strategists. Abstract the army, or abstract the PCs, because of the difference in scale.