You're all shills
Deadfire in particular is an excellent game
I disagree 1000%
The only improvement in Deadfire is that they stopped using the Endurance mechanic. Of course, this is balanced by the addition of crap ship minigames... So Deadfire is very marginally better than OG Pillars. But there are FUNDAMENTAL reasons why any Pillars will always be shit.
- Amateurish writing by Californian hipsters and nobodies. Evident by lore dumps and high exposition everywhere. <starts game> "The pact of Glanfanthan was the last hope of the Valirian republics under king Roric..." Oh fuck off... Lack of understanding basic writing principles. Moving on
- Ruleset concocted by a delusional faggot. Looks a little like 4E but ruined by accessibility and an autistic tendency towards systemic symmetry. RTwP isn't even the biggest problem, it's the inherently low stat bonuses (+0.03% damage per point... belongs in a Diablo game with 100 level cap), "per encounter" garbage which takes away any tactical approach, etc.
- copy-pasted worldbuilding on the level on Harry Potter. fampyrs = vampires, ghuls = ghouls, ripped xaurips off kobolds, vithracks off ilithid and godlikes off planetouched. Low effort and talentless banal shite