Yes it does.
BTW, you talk about the curve in the plate mail, but is it noticeable ingame? Or just in the char creation screen?
But i didnt call PoE banal, well, i did, but i took it back. and FR lore is pretty interesting and fun, a place id wanna go adventure, it also has some pretty awesome places, like weve seen in baldurs gate 2 with the underdark or in MotB.You cannot call PoE banal and defend the lore in Forgotten Realms with a straight face Lhynn. I refuse to believe that anyone is that blind.
Dude, you are trying to argue that a setting were almost the entirety of the world cannot access something makes that something mundane?Are you serious? 'Only rich people can afford resurrection' is the very definition of fantasy made mundane. Which isn't a bad thing (in fact, a 'magic is mundane' approach can be very interesting), but you certainly insist it is. More importantly, a cRPG where characters can learn Raise Dead or get a temple priest to cast it, will inevitably have resurrections in abundance.
well, first, i believe FR is pretty inane, but it does have a lot of very good adventure hooks, the ones you just named are awful, but its not my fault games dev cannot into the fucking interesting parts of the setting-
You weren't trolling, you actualy believe that shit, don't you?
First of all, your examples of FR "interesting" periods are shit. I mean, "a meteor strikes a city", "there is a plague", "ships are mysteriously vanishing". Seriously? Care to explain why those events can't happen in the PoE setting and are proof of FR originality? ffs, i can make you a dozen of such "events/hooks" in 5 minutes. They aren't "qualities" of the setting, they are random events that happened in the setting, and banal ones at that.
I fail to see how a setting where the people doesn't know what the gods truly are, that all gods aren't the same and even the gods themselves don't know what each of them is, is more uninteresting than a setting where we know exactly what gods are, who they are and their divine rank, who created them, each one divine champion, and what color underwear each one wears.
As for magic not being mundane in FG, it was answered by other posters. Your whole" but random peasands can't afford resurection", plus magic is magical because only a select few can use it( ignoring the fact that there are more spellcasters in FR than there are farmers) is wrong because you are under the faulse assumption that every random vilager in PoE world will be able able to punch through walls, teleport around and shoot lightning bolts to their chicken. You ignored the whole "depending on the power of your soul, and the PC and his companions souls are Special" Depending of how it is used, PoE's world could have way less "superhumans" running around than FR does, not to mention the "magic" items than are mass produced in FR. That spellcasting is just one of the various ways magic manifests instead of the sole way makes it more, not less "magical".
As for PoE world being bad because it's history reminds "reading a history book" as opposed to EPIC random BS happening around, i don't know what to say. Propably that you just have shit taste and leave it at that.
Not even defending PoE setting (well, i am now, because your criticisms are fucking wrong) because we know almost nothing about it , its more like im attacking FR for being an utter clusterfuck, with no theme, reason or any thought put behind his creation, except throwing a ton of disjointed concepts together and leaving it at that.
They were your own examples, not mine. I agree they were awful though, even if you mentioned them as examples of interesting history.-5000
- The Twelve Nights of Fire: The elven realm of Uvaeren is destroyed by a falling star whose impact opens a 100-mile-long and 30-mile-wide clearing in Cormanthor's treeline. The Coronal and nearly all of its noble houses die instantly or during the conflagration. Few Uvaeranni escape to the safety of deeper Arcorar, aside from those few dozen away from the realm during this disaster.
c. -4900
- Plague hits Calimport and Almraiven. Known as the Warrior's Plague, for the berserk rages and battle madness in those afflicted; most casualties among military forces.
- Ships from Haunghdannar sent to the fortress of Sonnmorndin begin to disappear. All contact is lost with this outpost of the Sailors of the Mountainous Waves.
- The palace of the Bakkal of Calimport erupts in flames, ending that corrupt and vicious dynasty. The fires spread and destroy the western half of Calimport.
Absolutely irrelevant. You claimed that PoE setting was uninteresting (to RPG players i guess) while FR isn't.You only have info on the gods because it is printed in books, now abundance of information = bad? give me a fucking break Rake. Plus a lot of gods are known by many names, names not even their followers know, stop confusing meta knowledge with common knowledge.
Bullshit. I have read Forgotten Realms books, and even random thief guilds in backwater sities have a couple of +1 Weapons and healing potions. Plus, the very fact they are sold in fucking shops makes any arguement that magic isn't mundane completely retarded. I can't buy 15 Ferraries, but that doesn't means that a Ferrari is something mysterious and magical, just something mundane that happens to be excpensive.Magic items being mass produced does not mean they are readily available for anyone, an elite mercenary group can maybe have a few +1 swords lying around and a couple of healing potions, maybe a lvl 2-3 priest and a wizard accompanying them. They are not easy to come by, they cost more than freaking siege weapons and people will murder you for them.
I don't hate Forgotten Realms, and while i don't care about P&P, i own every Forgotten Realm novel there is (in my defense, i didn't bought any of them and i haven't read half of them, a friend just gave me a torrent with the books and i use them as pop-corn reading between other books), so i know actualy much about the are going to keep on hating FR out of ignorance
Ops, i didnt even look at the examples, just picked 4 at random, that is embarrassing (a falling star and a palace burning and killing everyone in it of a powerful dynasty sounds p. cool tho, i would like adventures with that set up). Either way my point stands, lots of interesting shit going on in FR, none in PoE. a palace
Ops, i didnt even look at the examples, just picked 4 at random, that is embarrassing (a falling star and a palace burning and killing everyone in it of a powerful dynasty sounds p. cool tho, i would like adventures with that set up). Either way my point stands, lots of interesting shit going on in FR, none in PoE. a palace![]()
instead of hating with reason like i do,
I was not defending PoE. My whole point is that we don't know enough to say if PoE has an interesting setting or not, but from the little pieces we got so far it's more coherent and beats Forgotten Realms in all levels. But that doesn't mean much since simple snipets of lore can be misleading and i will wait until the game is out to give my opinion.and that will make you defend PoEs setting, because at least PoE setting doesnt have anything retarded, but thats my point really, Eoras world is p. boring, nothing to hate about it, nothing to love about it, nothing to comment on but the faces of some dudes that cant fuck.
What we do know is pretty uninteresting. You make a good point about expensive not meaning its mysterious, but with the amount of ruins and lost knowledge/magical items of another era you can find id say it makes it a pretty nice place to explore.instead of hating with reason like i do,
I was not defending PoE. My whole point is that we don't know enough to say if PoE has an interesting setting or not, but from the little pieces we got so far it's more coherent and beats Forgotten Realms in all levels. But that doesn't mean much since simple snipets of lore can be misleading and i will wait until the game is out to give my opinion.and that will make you defend PoEs setting, because at least PoE setting doesnt have anything retarded, but thats my point really, Eoras world is p. boring, nothing to hate about it, nothing to love about it, nothing to comment on but the faces of some dudes that cant fuck.
Also read my edit of my previous post
Yes it does.
Well, the harpers and magical sean connery make sure no one in the entire world is too powerful to dominate the rest.FR and basically any DnD setting are stupid and not well thought out. Just think about the world where things like Charm Person, Domination, Shapeshift etc. etc. exist/are not that much special. That kind of world would simply ceased to exist in any rational way unless we're talking total control in hands of few (Some Warhammer 40K with "Holly Emperor" kind of thing). It's so fucking stupid that you're forced to question imershun/intelect of people designing this stuff... Oh and don't make me start about theology... Ridiculous! but frankly, I don't give a shit cause it's good for what it is (gaming). Every DnD setting besides Planescape is just a shade of shit (yes, Dark Sun included).
i *think* it just looks that bad because there's not enough contrast between chin and neck, possibly because of the white warpaintdafuq did they do to the Aumauas?