I find it hilarious that you're all clamouring over how a goddamn BG clone isn't going to be old-school enough. Baldur's fucking Gate wasn't oldschool enough, it was RTwP popamole decline with immature romance shit and BIOWARE-FUNNY companions, like fucking Minsc. Cooldowns or not, this game does not have to be great to be better than BG.
It's also in its whole glory as a Trilogy one of the best CRPG experiences ever made xD
and those fucks that voted baldurs gate 2 can fuck right off.
Well, gee thanks
Not to say that ToEE doesn't make sense since the game is RtWP. And let's be honest, Obsidian could never into combat.
Anyway, I pledged the Minimum amount some time ago (figure even if it sucks ass, it will at least suck less ass than any "RPGs" coming out nowadays) and am still waiting for any news to convince me to get anything higher, like the physical box or "collector edition" as with Wasteland 2. But at the moment Sawyer for me is just too much of a liability.
Therefore, the cooldowns are the only options here. While they are mostly associated with shitty MMO and "watch the cooldowns" mini-game, there is no reason to believe that they can't be done well, because in a nutshell, every magic system is designed to restrict spellcasting in some way. As Feargus pointed out, DnD's X number of use per day abilities are nothing but very long cooldowns. From this point of view, cooldowns definitely work and they can work very well, as long as they aren't too fast.
Do point out a single example in which they worked well, imo it is also one of the largest banes of the MMO genre that they can't seem to finally drop that crap. I was actually more fine with Ultima Onlines reagent system than that...
Games with good exploration: Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Gothic 1 & 2
Games with bad exploration: Oblivion and Skyrim
Oh, would you look at that. All the games with good exploration had no level scaling, and the ones that did have were boring to explore. What a coincidence!
This, so very much this, although you can include Risen in the "good exploration" part and Fallout 3 in the "bad exploration" part.
As with the cooldown system, I've NEVER seen a proper story/exploration-based game with a static world enriched by Level-Scaling, Bethesda is the prime example for this, since they're trying to make the system work for the last dozen years and always fumble and fall, they have rather employed LESS level scaling in their latest games than more.
It CAN work if the changes are really minor e.g. somewhat stronger bosses or SOME encounters being changed/improved, but I wouldn't really call if Level-Scaling then.
The only games I've seen it work out pretty good were ARPGs like Diablo 2 or Torchlight etc. where only click things dead over and over and it doesn't really matter much what these things are (e.g. enemies and encounters are pretty much replaceable), you can even pick up "Maps" from vendors and go kill randomly generated stuff and it still works.
I don't believe Obsidian of all companies (remember Alpha Protocol or the fighting system in PS:T?) will suddenly do it (or Cooldowns) "right".
And as per my earlier conversation with
Shadenuat I'm actually at the moment more concerned about what they will do in regards with story and similar... what we've seen so far was rather, well let's put it like this.
Work under restrictions from licensing and publisher:
Create your own fantasy world from scratch without any licensing restrictions or publisher intereference:
Dull looking fighter type and feminism-approved female fighter::
And there's apparently still people complaining that the armor isn't realistic enough and the game needs more realuuuusm.
Which is fucking curious since some of the more mainstream PC gaming sites had these articles going for months, drumming up interest with hundreds of replies and requests for love-making with Avellone if he brings a Planescape sequel: