Well, since he sometimes lurks...
danger danger josh sawyer!Have you read "The Prince of Nothing" books by R Scott Bakker? The importance of souls in PE gave me that vibe.
I have not. It sounds cool, though. Thanks.
Don't waste your time reading or getting any influence from R "SPOONS" Bakker's trite crap. Instead read these awesome articles and reviews about how he's a misogynist fauxgressive crybaby tool:
Also the comments section here: http://thegrumpyowl.com/2012/02/28/a-non-vicarious-straight-up-stfu/
They throw walls of text at each other so here's the tl;dr for the less-attentive:
Wanni: LOL ( ̄ー ̄)
Roguey: ILU (*°∀°)=3
Kaboom asks: Hi Tim! I'm curious how the close combat in P:E will turn out. Will the melee of P:E encompass stuff like reach weapons, opportunity attacks, flanking, grappling, charging, prone/standing-modes and so forth?
Tim: Yes, we are looking to include many of these features into our close combat system. Specifically, opportunity attacks and flanking are definitely in, as well as charging. We're not sure about reach weapons yet (we need to figure out if that attribute on a weapon will be worthwhile enough in combat and will supportable with the appropriate UI), and while we will support prone positions, you won't be able to attack while prone because the animations involved are too different from attacks while standing that we would have to make every animation twice, once for standing and once for prone. This limitation also means that grappling abilities will not be included. There are too many new animations needed and special case limitations that apply, e.g. how does a human grapple a centaur or a dragon or an ooze?).
Could you please provide a bit more detail on how skill/spell cooldowns are going to factor into the games combat system?
Sure, let me give some specifics on how we are planning to incorporate cooldowns into the wizard class. First off, cooldowns are NOT on individual spells. For any particular spell, you cast it, and when you are done, you can cast it again right away. But one limitation is on spells of a particular level. When you cast a certain number of those spells, in any combination, then the whole spell level group goes into a cooldown, and you can't use any of them until that cooldown has passed. That cooldown is long enough that for short battles, you are limited to casting a certain number of spells for each spell level. For long battles, that cooldown might expire and you can start casting those spells again.
The other cooldown has to do with your grimoire. A wizard may know a lot of spells, but he can only cast a few basic spells plus the ones that are in the grimoire that he is holding. Grimoires vary in size, holding various numbers of spells of different spell levels, and the player is free to load up his different grimoires with spell combinations of his choice. But once combat begins, switching grimoires causes a cooldown for all of those spells, leaving the caster only able to cast his basic spells until the grimoire cooldown passes. This means the player will have to think carefully about which spells he adds to a grimoire and under what situations he would want to switch one for another.
New update
Tim Cain is talking about combat in the video.
Also mod support is apparently in too.
The justifiication seems to be that mages are too weak compared to melee classes (haha!) and it just isn't fair that they cannot continuously spam spells forever while a fighter can continue to swing his sword forever.
I am not fanatically opposed to cooldowns, but that's irrelevant here. They are proposing an inventive new system that attempts to combine the best parts of cooldown-based systems and 2nd-edition DnD spellbook memorization systems.Name a single game with fun cooldown-based combat, suejak. I don't understand you people. Does Obsidian cock really taste that good?
Fuck you suejak. Go suck Josh's cock. You know you want to.
Maybe you have no clue. But we do:I don't get what's wrong with this proposal. It all depends on the length of the cooldowns; you have no clue about that.
When you cast a certain number of those spells, in any combination, then the whole spell level group goes into a cooldown, and you can't use any of them until that cooldown has passed. That cooldown is long enough that for short battles, you are limited to casting a certain number of spells for each spell level. For long battles, that cooldown might expire and you can start casting those spells again.