Anyway, I see prone mainly being used when you're knocked down or crawling for cover. No need to do anything that way.
You were indeed correct about PE all along, VotS. Do you have any contacts at Obsidian we should know about?
This is why design by consensus is usually catering to the common denominator or the loudest asshole in the room. These guys know rpg's so I do hope they ignore the 'fan' titter tatter and do what they feel works best.
And yeah, sounds like an ie game. Which is cool, since some of the best rpg's ever were ie games.
Why? Why the fuck is it pathetic? You can turn it on you dipshit. Fuck, why do you have to tear down everything? Don't you have other things to do? Every fucking time there is an update, you find something to bash. FF is optional! Read my lips: O-P-T-I-O-N-A-L.
Pet thing is fucking stupid but before you bitch ask yourself: "why does it matter if it is purely optional?"
Shouldn't his name be Retard of the Story?
This is why design by consensus is usually catering to the common denominator or the loudest asshole in the room. These guys know rpg's so I do hope they ignore the 'fan' titter tatter and do what they feel works best.
And yeah, sounds like an ie game. Which is cool, since some of the best rpg's ever were ie games.
The sad part is that I don't think they are pandering. I think they are doing what they genuinely believe will result in the best game. Whether they are defining "best" as the game they would most like to play themselves or as what will bring the greatest happiness to the greatest number I don't know. I just know that this news is very bad and that at least the magic system in the game is going to be awful. Also these kinds of decisions don't bode well for all of the other decisions they will have to make in the design phase. At this point Obsidian has lost my trust completely. I just hope they leave a lot of time for playtesting. They may be in for a very unpleasant surprise when they start playing thiis cooldown based combat for themselves. I think they have grown way too over-confident about their abilities. Of course most of the kickstarter backers will love the game no matter what kind of shit they squeeze out.
Shouldn't his name be Retard of the Story?
Truth too turdy to handle, Derpie?
More so, they could use "the custom NPC" reward exclusively to fill the Adventurer's Hall roster.
You were indeed correct about PE all along, VotS. Do you have any contacts at Obsidian we should know about?
"Also fireball, haste and stoneskin are not low level spells, jut FYI. Low level = 1-2 level. Fireball starts with 3."
r u retarted?
When you have levels of spells, level 3 and 4 is definitely on the lower end of the spectrum. U cannot into logically.
Unless they make low level spells utterly useless this is a dumb plan. And, since they stated their goal was to make sure low level spells were still useful later on.. this contradicts them...
Magic missle is almost always useful in DnD. Thank god, you coulodn't just spam it. Afterall, why would a mage bother with a staff if they can do 5d4+5 points of MAGIC damger each round which TRUMPS a great sword. FFS
This is why it is hard for Obsidian. Everybody wants a different thing, even on the Codex. At first people were bitching about the lack of creating a party. Now that they have announced it, you would find it dissapointing to creaty a whole character. Who should Obsidian listen to? You, or me, or the other thousand Codexian who can't decide what is good, and they are arguing about it all the time.My thoughts on this Adventurer's Hall business, also posted at Obsidian PE forum:
It's an "Adventurer's Hall". Narrative-wise, it will be like hiring nobodies so I'm not sure I'd like it if they pulled some personal crap on me and nagged me about their personal drama bullshit. However, if you could just up and create new characters once you reached whatever necessary level, it would also be kind of disappointing. Too easy, no? So I sort of agree with Crusty. I'd like behaviour traits (though not annoying things like autonomous looting) to balance it.
Jagged Alliance 2 comes to mind. Characters had all sorts of traits that made them authentic. Some hated the water. Some, the heat or rain or desert or night or each other. Some were psychotic and went on auto-fire sprees even though you had only wanted to shoot once. Etc.
In fact, it might have been far better if you could just hire (as in, keep them paid for as long as you wanted one) premade and reasonably fleshed out NPCs at this Adventurer's Hall with behaviour traits and very brief backgrounds ala JA/JA2 sans the plot-narrative depth promised for the companions.
Either case, having to pay to keep a custom character from Adventurer's Hall would be a good point to balance it and give world currency extra meaning. After all, it's extremely likely that we will become crazy rich by mid-game.
I know, but it it easier to pick on the negativity.And if you haven't noticed, I am positively surprised by a few little things as well.
Great idea!More so, they could use "the custom NPC" reward exclusively to fill the Adventurer's Hall roster.
No, level 3 and 4 is the beginning of the middle tier. And who said about magic missile? They don't use D&D you retard."Also fireball, haste and stoneskin are not low level spells, jut FYI. Low level = 1-2 level. Fireball starts with 3."
r u retarted?
When you have levels of spells, level 3 and 4 is definitely on the lower end of the spectrum. U cannot into logically.
Unless they make low level spells utterly useless this is a dumb plan. And, since they stated their goal was to make sure low level spells were still useful later on.. this contradicts them...
Magic missle is almost always useful in DnD. Thank god, you coulodn't just spam it. Afterall, why would a mage bother with a staff if they can do 5d4+5 points of MAGIC damger each round which TRUMPS a great sword. FFS
It's an "Adventurer's Hall". However, if you could just up and create new characters once you reached whatever necessary level, it would also be kind of disappointing.
This is why design by consensus is usually catering to the common denominator or the loudest asshole in the room. These guys know rpg's so I do hope they ignore the 'fan' titter tatter and do what they feel works best.
And yeah, sounds like an ie game. Which is cool, since some of the best rpg's ever were ie games.
The sad part is that I don't think they are pandering. I think they are doing what they genuinely believe will result in the best game. Whether they are defining "best" as the game they would most like to play themselves or as what will bring the greatest happiness to the greatest number I don't know. I just know that this news is very bad and that at least the magic system in the game is going to be awful. Also these kinds of decisions don't bode well for all of the other decisions they will have to make in the design phase. At this point Obsidian has lost my trust completely. I just hope they leave a lot of time for playtesting. They may be in for a very unpleasant surprise when they start playing thiis cooldown based combat for themselves. I think they have grown way too over-confident about their abilities. Of course most of the kickstarter backers will love the game no matter what kind of shit they squeeze out.
It's not solely cooldown-based though. And we knew before that some sort of cooldowns were considered.
Also, it's still only the system for the wizard class and it's not fixed. Tim specifically says at the end that it's just ideas for now and said they look at the reactions and asks the public if they have better ones.
Wizards and priests had an unfair tactical disadvantage