Is that your body pillow, Roguey?
it would seriously be easier for them to raise another 200 grand than it would be for them to get 40k likes...Feet will require moar Facebook likes.
Update #28: What We're Up To
Update #28 · Oct. 23, 2012
I think lot of people are getting more and less mistaken wibe of the Project Eternity - They seem to think that it'll be more like The Witcher or "Bioware" over the top style, or then something like Fallout 1 or 2 which were over the top in their own way, and even Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 had pretty exaggerated story/plot.
The impression I get from the interviews I've read and especially from the interview with MCA after the Kickstarter that they want to do something what's more like Arcanum or PS:T from the mood-standpoint.
It haven't been long since I played Arcanum last time and it was very subdued compared to the more newer games, even when compared to the before mentioned BG2, or even BG1.
Damn, no feet.
Surprisingly many people in Project Eternity forums seems to have no or very little understanding what kind of RPGs Obsidian makes even if they have played them. The usual thought tends to be "Like Bioware but maybe better!".
Watchwitz = Obserświęcim?Ale f tym fątku sajechało moteracją iście fsiętą z RPG Łocza czy innego bajołer soszalu...
"Woo" as Chris would say.
"Woo" as Chris would say.
Also I forgot to post this image when the Kickstarter ended, doing it now:
Jarpie Well, first MCA would have to play Arcanum in order to write a game that has a similar vibe, don't ya think? Other than that, yes, the Obsidian forums are full of butthurt Biodrones, which isn't surprising in the slightest, seeing as how the pitch video catered to them.
"Woo" as Chris would say.
Also I forgot to post this image when the Kickstarter ended, doing it now:
Typical feminazi misandrist objectification of the male body that provides sustenance via dick and moneyz hypocrisy etc. etc.
Hopefully MCA will discover the Siamese Twin skull quest and realize HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT!
Hopefully MCA will discover the Siamese Twin skull quest and realize HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT!
that didn't go anywhere. It just finished in nothing. Why is that awesome?