Adraeus said:
Here's another question: why are you using an infinite stash of field-inaccessible loot that you fill with a button that somehow magically whisks loot away to the most convenient places in all the land instead of town portal scrolls and spells that provide you with a degree of control over what you do with your inventory, such as where you store items and where you sell them? You said the problem you're trying to solve with the send-to-stash function is the inconvenience of having to travel back and forth to unload your inventory. Were there any alternatives that the team discussed? Why were they suboptimal? Why wouldn't town portal scrolls and spells work?
The team did not discuss alternatives because no one objected to anything in the system Tim and I proposed. Also, we were trying to solve two problems: forced marching back to merchants and also continual inventory shuffling. Your individual character backpack that was large enough in BG to carry three suits of armor, five longswords, 200 arrows, eight stacks of potions, five scrolls, and assorted gems is now a shared backpack that can hold all of that and more. I'm not going to come up with a lore reason for why it works that way because I don't think the majority of players care. Additionally, I think any lore explanation I would come up with would be absurd. I'd rather just say, "This is how the inventory, pack, and stash systems work," and spend our narrative/world building time on designing interesting areas, characters, factions, and choices for the player to interact with.