For those that stalks the developer's formspring, twitter... daily, have they given any extra explanations on guns, gunpowder or modernity?
For example what would prevent guns from evolving further just like they did IRL, and end up being the dominant weapons in 300 years?
Primitive rifles are already considered powerful, now just imagine a WWI riffle.
A simple AK-47 would make combat mages completely obsolete, as well as most magic weapons anyway.
That could limit the future perspective to only a few decades, max a century, before modern weaponery kick in.
How are they gonna nerf the guns and gunpowder to prevent that?
Unless of course, they want to make it arcanum style, but they haven't said anything about magic disrupting technology and vice versa, which puts the 2 on even grounds (hence the cycles...).
If magic doesn't disrupt technology and vice versa, they don't have to be put in opposition.
Contrary to what System Shock 2 might have taught you, even a kid can operate contemporary assault rifle (hence their use as cheap, disposable troops in African shitholes), so there is no reason why a wizard wouldn't be able to, and a man with a rifle and ability to do stuff like levitate, turn invisible or manipulate others' minds is going to be more formidable than a man with just rifle.
Plus, if both magic and advanced technology can work in your setting, there is nothing stopping you from, for example, producing magical stuff like canned elementals or demon jars as payloads for standard grenade launcher.
Literary example - in Mieville's Bas-Lag cycle thaumaturgy and technology are interfacing in all ways and at all levels creating stuff that would be impossible with just either.
Now, the main problem I see here is that wizard equalling human elemental artillery unit has been too fucking ingrained in RPGs. There are more things to magic than fucking firepower. AK-47 or rocket launcher might make your fireballs and magic missiles look like shitty fireworks, but what about teleportation, levitation, turning invisible, or possessing people/creatures?
If fireball is the main reason to play mage in your game, you're doing it wrong.
1) There aren't going to be riles, there's not even muskets. Sawyer said primitive wheel locks.
Wheellocks were anything but primitive.
In some regards they were actually superior to flintlocks and snaphances - for example the weapon fired faster after pulling the trigger, due to moving parts not having to travel large distance and due to sparks being generated in close proximity to powder.
The main problems with wheellocks were their mechanical complexity and requirement for many parts that had to be both precision made and demanded high quality materials (fucking springs) meaning no mass production, as well as lengthy preparation for firing (they required not just reloading and priming, but being spring powered they had to be wound up).
Flintlock's main advantage was actually that it was much simpler and therefore cheaper and easier to mass produce. And could be prepared faster.
Still, wheellocks and later flintlocks were about equally resistant to weather and pretty much equal in other regards, given that lock was effectively independent from
Both designs were actually used for primitive revolver designs (with 1590 wheellock 6-shooter rifle being the earliest known) - theoretically, given that it was already spring-powered, wheellock technology could have given rise to effective repeater firearms easier and earlier, with more powerful spring being used to both power the wheellock mechanism and cycle the barrels/chambers - with flintlock this would mean effectively foregoing its main advantage.
Of course, there were other approaches to repeater guns - multiple barrel-lock systems, single barrel with staggered charges and multiple or sliding lock(s) (for shooters feeling a bit suicidal) and so on.
2) What video game series spans 300 years? I guess Fallout technically does, but hell man, how about we'll cross that bridge when we come it.
TES is coming p. close.
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