After playing a DR sector patrol mission yesterday I could go full Drakron mode, but a good night's sleep slightly cooled me off.
This expansion is a pile of turd. Not even even the Dragon Turd 2 variant, just a huge pile of turd with some delta shaped raisins in it, hoping players don't notice. What little good things it provides is utterly destroyed by those patrol filler missions and the dickwart's ridiculous HP bloat. I get the feeling the difficulty switches between normal and elite at random. Some of the patrol missions are okay, while other feel like soloing the old ISE.
The small carrier pets already have 70000 hps + shields and an ungodly high defense. I haven't seen so many floating "miss" for a long time and my boat has the ACCx3 Phasers equipped. The next bigger ship comes with 180k and I didn't even check how much the cruiser/artillery ships have. On top of that they can also change shield facing at will, meaning as a cruiser you will have to pretty much crunch through all four sides, or hope the 5% bleedthrough kills them.
Even the tiny tractor beam mine thingies have tenthousends of HPs, requiring you to focus fire on them instead of shockwaving them away.
One of the missions involved helping Talaxians against the dickwarts. What could have been a nice mission, was blown by the amount of time it took to kill each of the groups. and a new gimmick was introduced: space artillery strike on your position, similar to Sela's tholaron attack. Even with evasive maneuvers escaping isn't guaranteed. Does only ~20k dmg though.
But the 2nd Talaxian mission was even better: deploy turrets to defend a convoy. Except deploying them was buggy, giving me a "calibrate turret" prompt over and over, so I ended up with only two turrets.
But who cares, I am flying a fully leveled Guardian, bring it on! Dickwarts arrive and paint me with their floating crosses. Brace for impact, A2S3, RSP2, Guardian console and let me show you the fing-... I got vaporized. Lolwut?
Cruiser hits you for 10000 (40000) damage with mine. One of many mines. One of many cruisers. Yeah... normal difficulty mind you.
And don't get me started on the endboss from "dragon's deceit": he charges at you, melees 30% of your hp away, while snaring you, can't be knocked over... I guess the quest companion was supposed to draw his aggro but he did a bad job. No gimmicks like the other mission's bossfight had, only your captain and his gun alone. Also mudcrabs in that mission.
TLDR: If you intend to play DR, bring disruptors, APB and the largest amount of kinetic resistance you can get. Especially for the ground parts. And for god's sake skip the shitty patrol missions! Their only purpose is to keep players occupied long enough so they don't realize how few real missions DR offers.