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Incline Official codex Star Trek Online topic :salute:


May 19, 2005
This is going to sound like advertising but its important, I should have made a note of the Junior Appreciation Weekend so this is a headsup to anyone that missed out on the Feature Episodes Rewards (most of us F2P).

For the entire month of May, rotating each week, the Feature Episode Series are once again offering their unique rewards for completion.

May 3 - May 9: Spectres (The Devidians)
  • Special Reward: Ophidian Cane
  • Minimum level required to accept missions: 11 (Fed) 25 (KDF)
  • Episodes in this series: Skirmish, Spin the Wheel, What Lies Beneath, Everything Old is New, and Night of the Comet
May 10 - May 16: Cloaked Intentions (The Romulans and Remans)
  • Special Reward: Reman Bridge Officer
  • Minimum level required to accept missions: 34 (Fed) 36 (KDF)
  • Episodes in this series: The Vault, Mine Enemy, Frozen, Coliseum, Cutting the Cord, and Darkness Before the Dawn
May 17 - May 23: The 2800 (The Dominion)

  • Special Reward: Shard of Possibilities
  • Minimum level required to accept missions: 45 (Fed) 41 (KDF)
  • Episodes in this series: Second Wave, Of Bajor, Operation Gamma, Facility 4028, and Boldly They Rode
May 24 - May 30: Cold War (The Breen)

  • Special Reward: Breen Bridge Officer
  • Minimum level required to accept missions: 48 (Fed) 46 (KDF)
  • Episodes in this series: Cold Call, Out in the Cold, Cold Comfort, Cold Case and Cold Storage


Oct 30, 2009
Codex 2012 MCA
Gotta put Risen 2, Mount & Blade: Warband, Knights of the Chalice and Legends of Grimrock on hold for a while and start playing STO again!

Multi-headed Cow

How is completion determined for bonus rewards? Can you just jump to the final episode to get the special reward, or is it tracked and you have to do the whole series? Does it remember what episodes you've previously done?


(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
May 1, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Torment: Tides of Numenera
they usually are just one additional reward option for the final mission in an arc.

Multi-headed Cow

Cool beans. I can be a lazy asshole on my tac captain then, at least.

Kinda don't think I'll bother with that cane, and already have the shard (Which I don't think I'll ever use) from playing that series when it launched. Just after some funky looking boffs, like I was thinking about buying a borg on the AH until the price went way up.


May 19, 2005
Well the pimp cane does appears to also do that trick the Devidians do by lifting up enemies and take health away.

As for the Borg ... there are only 2, the Eng one that is female and its C-Shop but people sell it on the exchange, it can go as low as 4-5 millions and there is the Science one that is male, uncustomizable and available by a hidden accolade you get by doing something on KA Ground STF.

Another thing I did not mentioned is Lobi, it seems they put Lobi on the Featured Episodes but I have no idea how it works ... they also added the Ferengi Energy Whip to the Lobi store.

  • Renamed an unfortunately-named Vulcan Astrometrics officer.
Details please.

He was named Penis.

Multi-headed Cow

Yeah, I've got the borg science officer. Near the end of whichever ground STF you have to jump in to a borg assimilation dealie and die if you want him. You get the "Assimilated" achievement, then you talk to the borg admiral or captain or whatever in battlegroup omega and get the boff. Normally not picky/don't notice boff traits, but all his borgy healing things seem noticeably handy on ground missions. Actually got a purple saurian with efficient which I really fucking wish I sold on the AH, but I used it instead. All efficient really got me was one extra point of auxiliary power or some crap. Might be useful if you have multiple efficient boffs and you know what the hell you're doing, but just one on my ship build was almost useless.

Edit: Jesus Christ CP is at like 311 dilithium per point, what the fuck. Was ridiculous enough at 210 per point.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Nah, that's all Efficient really does, one or two more points of power in every category. Vastly overrated if you ask me.

As for me, I prefer Dil at such rates. Much cheaper to buy it like that. Currently waiting for decent rates in Champions, which hopefully today's increase in Questionite rates and the double Q weekend does.


May 19, 2005
Well here is the update about Lobi.

If you replay a featured series each mission have 1 Lobi "hidden" so you can get 20 this month by replay that is enough for the whip, also Caitian "makes KDF Cry" Carrier is now available on C-Shop.

Multi-headed Cow

Nah, that's all Efficient really does, one or two more points of power in every category. Vastly overrated if you ask me.

As for me, I prefer Dil at such rates. Much cheaper to buy it like that. Currently waiting for decent rates in Champions, which hopefully today's increase in Questionite rates and the double Q weekend does.
Why would you want to buy dilithium? From what I could tell looking at the dilithium store it wasn't anything particularly special, and the amounts used in crafting don't seem so high that you wouldn't easily cover that from doff missions/the daily foundry mission thing. Whereas with CP you can buy precious items like an original series Enterprise, or Mirror Universe uniforms!


May 19, 2005
Why would you want to buy dilithium?

Well because they changed Hangars, the D Store have now blue quality Hangars that means better combat pets, the Hangars you get with the ships are of green quality.

This is the reason to buy dilithium since each Blue Hangar costs 30k and you usually want a mix of pets, the Carriers by default only come with specific hangar so if you want Delta Flyers on the Atrox you have to buy them since it only comes with Stalker Fighters Hangar bays.

I hope this actually lowers the exchange rate as current is around 320 per point since the D Store is mostly useless as is crafting.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
That depends really. The difference between D-Store items, mission Blues and STF gear is marginal at best (aside from certain kits, but no one buys Deflectors, Engines and Shields there anyway), so D-Store is still worth it for expediency and selection.

In crafting the only thing that hogs Dilithium is the Aegis set. You can go over to the forums to fight about whether or not Borg, Aegis or mix of both is the ultimate space set-up.

Btw, what do you guys think of the Fed Carrier?


May 19, 2005
Btw, what do you guys think of the Fed Carrier?

Well without fighters, its a science ship with awful turning rate and a lot more hull ... kinda of a Cruiser Science ship as you can actually get a Lt. Commander Eng station as the Intrepid Refit only have a Lt. station so you can tank better, the "bad" news is it only have 4 stations instead of 5 but its a question of how do you feel about having 2 Science stations instead of 3, considering the turning rate I think I prefer this BO seating arrangement.

With the fighters you have to get used to be support to your wings because you are missing 2 weapons (Cruisers 4/4, Science Ship 3/3), there are healing drones but a lot of people say they suck and I dont think I ever seen a KDF carrier using them, one advantage is since you actually have control over your pets (to a degree, all pets will obey the same command so you cannot split your pets into groups and give then different orders) so its possible to tie up a ship with them and attack another.

Its a very different ship, so far I only taken it into combat twice during the Devidians missions and as I end up blowing up in the first one (a Galor decided to ruin my day and was running it "out of the shipyard" with no consoles and no upgraded weapons, just upgraded fighters) the second time (the Comet) I had a easier time I had grasped it a bit better, for example ... I forgot each hangar launches 3 fighters but can support 6 fighters and only deployed 6 the first time I entered combat with it and then recalled that.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Actually the Atrox is not really worse off in the BO department IMO. While it has one less slot, it's got TWO Lt Commander slots and a Commander slot, so actually the number of abilities remains the same. So it really depends on whether or not you prefer having an extra Ensign ability or Lt Commander ability.

Out of curiousity, how you set up the weapons? I started to think about this myself, and figured it'd still work best with the "cruiser set-up" (beam arrays, turrets and torpedos) even if it had one less beam and turret as the fighters should make up for it.

As for Dilithium, like I said I think it's best to leave the grind of it to insane Koreans and just buy your own when you need it.

Also, Caitians got ponytail hairstyles. For some reason it has this very weird deja vu about the way Kwans give their cats and dogs hairstyles, like the captain had gone "now mister Kitty will be the prettiest of cats" "sir my name is -" "MISTER KITTY BE QUIET AND LOOK CUTE FOR THE JUDGES"


May 19, 2005
Out of curiousity, how you set up the weapons? I started to think about this myself, and figured it'd still work best with the "cruiser set-up" (beam arrays, turrets and torpedos) even if it had one less beam and turret as the fighters should make up for it.

To say the truth I only done 2 missions with them, Skirmish and Night of the Comet and it got destroyed on Skirmish due to me committing many errors by inexperience.

Out of the box it comes with Tetryon Beams and Quantum and as Tetryon is not a bad idea since its a shield stripper and helps your fighters (especially Stalkers that use the exact same energy type as their energy weapons) the Quantum are near useless due to Turn Rate Base 5. I dont think I have ever fired then in combat since I dont get a angle, on a Intrepid you can setup for Torpedo runs since you have the Turn rate for it and its a viable strategy but not in this case., of all the talks about "Broadside weapons" the only weapons that should be Broadside should be some Torpedo Launchers on some ships.

Also you have to update weapons since it comes out with Mk. VII equipment that means its completely outdated the moment you claim it but I failed to noticed that, the only thing I did was upgrade my Stalker Fighters to Blue Quality and I was impressed by their survivability, I did lose my entire wing once during Night of the Comet due to the usual "warp core critical chain reaction" (meaning something blows up near one then one of then get destroyed and all get destroyed by warp core breaches AoE) but this is a problem with pets in general.

I do think it depends on what you run with, if you use Stalkers then since they use Tetryon cannons you would want to mount Tetryon Beams/Turrents but if you use Pergrines that use Phaser cannons you want to mount Phaser Beams/Turrents, in fact looking at other Fed combat pets it seems if you are not using Stalkers you should use Phasers since all pets outside the Stalker use Phasers.

Multi-headed Cow

Jesus, I'm a goddamn idiot. After some more days of signing on and buzzing around checking on my security officer for turning in contraband missions I looked it up on the wiki. It's a security officer on ESD (In the center), not on the ship. And it's not randomized, you can do it every 2 hours. DURRRRRRRP. Now at least I can burn those 38 contraband I had stockpiled up. Ninja edit: Though now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't exchange them for dilithium. Would be almost 2 million credits if I sold them on the AH 50,000 each (Which IIRC is a few thousand under standard now), as opposed to roughly 24,000 dilithium which is 80 CP if I'm lucky. 2 million credits would put me closer to buying a borg engineer, or something.

Probably should start my engineering captain. Haven't really been playing because once I got pretty good at the normal space STFs I kinda felt like I had won. The elites seem too pro for me since I'd only ever PUG them, and I sorta don't feel like grinding the normals enough to get a bunch of purple borg doffs. Guess I could also play foundry missions just for fun but I haven't really done that ever since I first looked at them.
Though I've read engineers with cruisers isn't terribly viable. Supposedly escorts are best since DPS is so important in STO, and science is also acceptable due to buffs and debuffs. Cruisers apparently can't tank for shit in elite STFs and are vaguely useless in normals. Also kinda sucks that my free odyssey is stuck on my tac captain, but oh well.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Actually you don't need purple Borg stuff for Elite STFs, just having properly set up purple and blue stuff with a maxed out Kit. I did a PUG try on Elite Cure Ground yesterday, the only problems were that one asshole left within a few minutes, another left when going got rougher, and until I called people to regroup after that and think what we are going to do there was no communication or coordination in the team.

Also, what you read about cruisers not being able to tank is a load of bollocks.

Anyway, back to Atrox (which I have no plans of getting, I just like theorizing about ship-builds)... Personally I would say that having a rainbow set-up (different energy type than pets) is not necessarily a bad thing, the % effect from specialist/general energy damage consoles is marginal and wouldn't come to decisive advantage unless two ships that were exactly the same parked up and started blasting each other without doing anything else. Though I agree, Tetryon beams are definately decent beams.

I'd also argue that Quantum torpedo is the only choice for the Atrox, since it's even slower than cruisers and cruisers should also use the Quantum due to not having spammability that faster ships can have. Then there's the fact that having fore and aft torpedos gives the Atrox mobility control, and ability to make the most out of its limited mobility.

The real question IMO would be between Turrets and Banks, seeing as you can only get two Tactical abilities, and Torpedo Spread is a natural choice. So that depends on whether or not you want the active defenses of Fire At Will or the higher shield blasting rate of Rapid Fire.

The biggest weakness of the Atrox, IMO, is that it lacks access to Attack Pattern Omega, which would enable it to have a second means of sudden turns where it can fire a Torpedo Spread.


May 19, 2005
... Personally I would say that having a rainbow set-up (different energy type than pets) is not necessarily a bad thing, the % effect from specialist/general energy damage consoles is marginal and wouldn't come to decisive advantage unless two ships that were exactly the same parked up and started blasting each other without doing anything else. Though I agree, Tetryon beams are definately decent beams.

It is for 2 reasons.

First is you have limited number of tactical consoles and as Directed Energy Distribution Manifold boosts all Beam Weapons Damage its +18% (well it could go to +20% with Purple Mk XII) and that is it, Prefire Chamber only boost damage of Cannons/Turrets, since pretty much all non-tactical ships only get 2 Tactical Console slots you pretty much always carry one of then and specific energy type console that grants a higher bonus, a +26% (or +30% with Purple Mk XII) meaning 44-50% more damage.

Second is the Proc, since its a chance percentage then the more times you hit with that energy type the more chances the proc is triggered, if you are mixing types then the lower the chances one of then going to triggered since its you hit less times with the same energy and there are more energies to check for.

This is why "rainbow" is very badly viewed by the rest of the players, its cutting at least 18% damage you could be inflicting with a weapon.

And that brings me to the second issue ...

I'd also argue that Quantum torpedo is the only choice for the Atrox

Problem is the one above, 2 Tactical console slots.

There is no room to add a Warhead Yield Chamber or a Zero Point Quantum Chamber console and the Atrox have a turn rate of 5, sure it can launch torpedoes but not when you want to, just to targets of opportunity when they cross into the launcher firing arc, in a Tactical Odyssey you can put a Quantum console since you have 3 slots so you can actually think about keeping the launchers but the Atrox only have 6 weapons slots so keeping the launchers mean losing 1/3 of its firepower potential in exchange for opportunity spike damage.

Also BO skills factor into this, you lack access to higher skills due to the Tactical station being a Lt. one, everyone runs with Tactical Team so you only have one more Tactical skill ... its better used for Beam Overload that you can always use, unlike High Yield or Spread you have to wait until something gets into the arc.

Keeping the Launchers is a more difficult decision on the Atrox because unlike Science ships doing a Torpedo run is impossible, enemies can get out of the way and as in a Cruiser you can afford to lose the extra beam damage for opportunity spike damage as you have 6 beams, in the Atrox you get just 4 beams if you go down that route ... its something to consider.

Not to say, its a carrier ... your not supposed to do damage directly but rather support your fighter wings that are the primary means of attack and if you want Quantums them the Advanced Peregrine Fighters have them, the non-advanced ones have Proton Launchers.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I'd still point out that people make a major mistake when they assume the console % bonus is direct bonus to the damage that's factored in a straightforward manner as a direct +% to final damage. However, Cryptic math is very... Cryptic, you see, and it calculates damage bonus in a rather complex manner. The console's effect is lower than that of Power Level, for example, and it is not proportionally increased by Power Level as it's a bonus according to base damage as far as I can tell. The actual difference console specialization brings is far, far more marginal than people are willing to admit, the most solid argument is procs but even there it's more complex than that. I can run down shields somewhat faster by having Tetryon or Antiproton turrets instead of full-phaser, for example. Ultimately the most important aspect of energy weapons are not consoles and energy type min-maxing, but two simple things: Underlying weapons themselves (namely that they're at least Blue quality and correct tier, their type more than either of those two), and the BO abilities used. That's an aspect I like so much about STO combat: Tactics and skill matters more than min-maxing in a straight up fight (you can't create absurdly powerful builds like in Champions), moreso in PvE.

I'd say opportunity spike matters more than any other damage output from extensive cruiser use. The effect peppering a hull with beams and cannons has is miniscule next to what torpedos do in a tiny fraction of the time, even with Beam Overload which is far better at damaging shields than capping ass. It's all a matter of making use of your ways of working around enemy mobility and your own limitations and tools in relieving those limits. This brings me to a certain question I forgot that influences this whole thing a lot...

What are the fighter torpedos like, and what is fighter damage output style in general?

What I agree on though is that the Atrox must have only two types of weapons at most for one simple reason: Number of BO tactical abilities available.

PS: Just so people know, I still think no console should stack, which is why I still run only one type per console instead of having four Shield % consoles. A man's gotta have principles. Besides, those of you who've fought the ship of evil and treachery know it doesn't keep a bro down. ;)

Multi-headed Cow

Tactics and skill matters more than min-maxing in a straight up fight (you can't create absurdly powerful builds like in Champions), moreso in PvE.
Gotta say I agree with this, even though I'm enough of a newbie I'm not really able to theorycraft for ships yet. But I started my engineer captain last night and was playing on elite difficulty and having no issues at all and breezing along. I remember trying advanced difficulty on my tac captain when I first started playing the game and getting stomped. I'd have roughly the same level of equipment since I didn't twink my engineer yet, the only difference seems to be I know more about power management and rerouting shields and the feel of moving a ship around.

And unrelated to anything, but when you buy a "Foundry slot" for 10,000 dilithium, is that all that's required to access the foundry and make a mission? Does a mission take more than one slot? Do you have to buy things for dil or CP to have them available for use in the foundry? I sorta wanna check the foundry out, but I don't really wanna throw 10,000 dilithium at it turns out you have to pay more.

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