What Vaarna said about picking the ships.
However, SCI vessels (not carriers, which are technically SCI vessels but play completely different to actual SCI vessels) are nice ships to try weird stuff like Torpedo Boats, as you have to be always flying on full AUX to get the most of your abilities and have a lot of abilities that weaken or strip shields along a really good turn rate.
It's not that awesome in sheer power, but it is a pretty fun way to play all the same.
One of my favorite character was actually like that, a SCI torpedo boat captain with all extra Boff slot being more SCI officers with different skillsets to run away, switch my skillset around, and come back with a completely different game. That would also work really well with a Tactical Officer, I guess, as SCI vessels give you a bunch of innate stuff like aimed shots and, I believe, sensor scan along some other stuff.
And they have some really neat ships: The tier 3 SCI vessel looks awesome, and the D'Kyr is, or was at least, the second prettiest ship in the game IMO.
Now you make me miss my weird torpedo SCI.
Edit: And now there is a cool magical torpedo console! :'( Waaaaaa!